Chapter 415: The transaction is hot

Outside Penglai Xianshan Island, there are special dragon races fighting dragons and war dragons to maintain order.

Everyone, “come from afar, welcome from the Dragon Clan, and the branch of Wanjie Store in Penglai Xiandao is waiting for you!”

To the periphery of Penglai Immortal Island.

These liches not only exclaimed in amazement as they watched the long, winding line of dragons and aquariums.

Longshan fish sea, turned into Pangu god-tier shape.

The body of the Dao is the human body, but there is no human race yet.

Orderly, without a trace of clutter.

“This?!” A golden immortal monster couldn’t help but his eyes were dark.

How long does it take for such a long queue?

Thinking of this, the big demon looked up a little, and his hands couldn’t help but gather immortal power.

However, a big demon daoist friend lived behind him.

“Brother, stay awake and look around.

After this reminder, the big demon who was preparing to use his immortal power and forcibly cut into the queue glanced around.

Darling, East Blue Dragon Race Little God of War, Aolongtian is here.

Jinxian mid-term cultivation base…

No, it’s the late stage of Jinxian!

And the breath is calm, definitely not from taking drugs!

this this this…

The big demon took a deep breath.

Terrible so!

So terrifying!

The last time I saw this East Blue Dragon Race God of War was the middle stage of Jinxian!

Only a thousand years from now!

Now the cultivation base has risen to a small realm!

The big demon is the late Jinxian cultivation base!

It’s not far from the peak, however, the last time he fought with Aolongtian, he didn’t take advantage of it for a long time, but he still fell behind.

Now that the opponent’s strength has skyrocketed, he can definitely suppress himself.

Thinking of this, he shuddered.

If just now his brain is hot and he jumps in line, he will definitely be killed by Aolongtian maintaining order!

Moreover, he continued to observe and found that the other party was still the Master, a dragon army.

There are a thousand dragon race true dragon bloodline battle dragons!

Each is a golden fairy level!

Moreover, each battle dragon is connected by breath, and finally surrenders to the main general, Ao Longtian.

This is the battle formation!

By uniting each of the creatures in the battle formation, the power beyond the limit can be erupted!

With such a battle formation, it is absolutely possible to fight the Taiyi Jinxian!

If he dares to jump in the queue, the opponent will probably kill him with a single blow!



Heart shaking!

The big demon was instantly exposed, and he honestly lined up with a few demon daoist friends beside him.

The demon clan and the witch clan all came here.

They are not happy with each other, but this is different from the Great Desolate World Continent.

This is the branch of Wanjie Store, which is now open for business, and no creatures are allowed to make trouble.

The dragon clan was guarded by the huge dragon army, and few dared to make trouble.

Even Taiyi Jinxian would not dare to make trouble.

They may not be afraid of the Dragon Clan Fighting Dragon Group and feel that they can withstand it.

But when they faced Wanjie Store, they respected and feared from the bottom of their hearts.

Because the big bosses of their family, the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of the East, the Emperor of Righteousness, the Emperor of Milk, and the Twelve Ancestors, are all polite and respectful to the store manager of Wanjie Store.

Daozu Hongjun, and Daxian Zhenyuan, these Daluo Jinxian, all call the store manager of Wanjie a Daoist friend!

They have also met Lu Xiao, and know the strength of that one. Even though they are all Taiyi Jinxian, hitting them is like playing!

Years have passed, and the Wanjie Store is extremely hot in the wild.

Under the order of Lu Xiao, the Book of Earth Lord God Space screened ten reincarnators again and expanded the store clerk.

As for why there were only ten reincarnators, that was because Lu Xiao wanted to expand his staff, but he didn’t want everything.

There are certain screening criteria.

Ten new samsara store clerks were dispatched by Lu Xiao to continue to trade in the heavens and the worlds linked by the main god space.

Aizen, Orochimaru, except Ace Des and other eight clerks.

It was Lu Xiao who brought Honghuangtiandi to entertain the huge customer group of Honghuangtiandi together with Zijin Shenlong and Long Baobao.

When they came to the prehistoric world, these shop assistants felt the extremely rich aura of the world around them, and they all shed tears with excitement.

It really is that the aura of the prehistoric world is too rich, one year of practice here, and on top of that, several decades of practice in other worlds!

This is still limited by their qualifications!

“This is the benefit given by the store manager to see our 007 work and be generous!”

Aizen couldn’t help shedding the tears of a migrant worker.

Beside Orochimaru, feeling the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, although he is equally happy, he is not crazy, he loves science, especially biological science.

Looking at the immortal island of Penglai, the dragon clan, the water clan, the demon clan and the witch clan, and all the clans in the prehistoric world, couldn’t help but turn red.

“With so many biological materials, it would be great to be able to obtain some.”

Being watched by the little moth ant, Orochimaru, the prehistoric tribe couldn’t help trembling.

“what happened?

“It seems that you have encountered a natural enemy?”

“Scary scary…

·0 for flowers,

However, after seeing Orochimaru and his party of eight greeting the clerks of the Myriad Realms, Zijin Shenlong and Long Baobao, they understood.

It turned out to be the clerk of the Wanjie Store, so it would be fine.

Not only that, but also greeted with a smile.

On the cliff of Penglai Xiandao, a splendid palace is the branch of Wanjie Store.

Wanjie Store is located in Wanjie Mall, the branch of Honghuangtiandi.

Thanks to the arrival of eight shop assistants from Aizen, the original two trading areas of Wanjie Mall have become ten trading areas.

The queue was long, and it was divided into ten.

The transaction speed is greatly improved!

The daily turnover transaction point has increased rapidly, and it has reached 700,000 trillion transaction points per day!

The number of transactions has reached 50,000 times!

With the arrival of the creatures of all races in the prehistoric world and the three thousand world creatures, the transaction volume and the number of transactions are still increasing.

Such a hot scene lasted for more than six months!

After that, the popularity slowly decreased, but there were still creatures coming to trade.

After Lu Xiao woke up, he checked his personal information, and his eyes were dumbfounded.

“This… I’m not dreaming, am I?”

Owner: Lu Xiao

Permission: Level 5

[Unlocking the next level of permissions requires super-large-scale trading in 1,000 worlds, current progress: 100/1000; trading profits need to reach 1 million trillion trading points (completed)]

Functions: trading in all realms, strengthening the oven, recruiting clerks, time regulation, enlightenment and Bodhi

Cultivation: Twenty-fourth-level superior

Combat Strength: Twenty-sixth grade lower

Supernatural powers: mastering space, realizing fantasy

Bloodline: Eternal Body, Fairy Body, Immortal Body

Daoguo; Taiyi Daoguo LV.3 [6 million trillion/6 million trillion]

Abilities: Dapin Tianxian Jue LV.13[MAX], Tiangang Thirty-six Techniques LV.[MAX], Reverse Chaos Yin-Yang…

Trading Points: 311 trillion trading points

Included products: Hongmeng Ziqi, Hetu Luoshu, Dishu-Master God Space, Lidi Yanguang, Houyi Bow, Yuantu Abi, Dapin Tianxian Jue, Huangwu Sword Jue, Master God Space, Liuzhuan Jindan, Ascension Machine, Tiangang Thirty-Six Methods, Penglai Xianshan Island, Huangzhong Plum Tree…

Existing products: Book of the Earth-Master God Space, Off-the-Earth Flame Flag…  

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start the two shifts today, please book all!

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