Chapter 416: Daluo

Trade points are doubled!

This can’t help but amaze Lu Xiao, the prehistoric world is rich, although these creatures are not as strong as the big men like Tiandi Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

But there are so many of them that mass production produces qualitative changes!

Therefore, the transaction points they contributed to Lu Xiao far exceeded the transaction points contributed by those bigwigs to Lu Xiao.

Browse personal information.

Lu Hao calmed down and continued to comprehend.

Now his combat power has been increased, but his cultivation has not changed.

The prehistoric world, a year has passed.

Years have passed, and Lu Xiao is still sitting under the Bodhi tree of enlightenment.

Profound light lingered, and the avenue was buzzing.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years…

Who knows the big dream first, I know it all my life.

The inner world has expanded to the size of the universe where Lu Xiao Lan Xing is located.

Infinity, infinity!

If you have to give a parameter to measure, about “713” has a range of tens of billions of light years:

The five elements of heaven and earth are stable, and the inner heaven and earth have fully developed.

The sun is lunar, the sun and the moon are the same day!

Southeast, northwest, four buckets and seven stars, twenty-eight places are shining brightly,

In the morning of mid-day, black and white auras are intertwined, time and space seem to not exist, and there is only one creature on it.

Lu Xiao, in the main seat.

Here, control the inner world, the laws of time, and the laws of space operate at will.

“Not bad.”

The sound of Taoism is long, vast and simple.

Do whatever he wants, Lu Xiao controls the inner world.

Here, he is equivalent to Pangu, who opened up the world!


The power of his Master is even more terrifying than Pangu.

He can destroy the inner world with a single thought, or he can open up the inner world with a single thought.

Time, space, whatever you want.

The inner world has turned into a mulberry field, and it has developed rapidly. In just an instant, Ten Thousand Years have passed.

And it is still accelerating, developing immortal civilization, scientific and technological civilization, wizard civilization,

Then civilizations collapsed one by one, and civilizations were born on top of the ruins.

Developed to Ultimate!

But the time went backwards, and the newly born civilization seemed to think about the backward button and kept retreating.

Back to the era of ruins, back to the previous civilization, back to the original.

Daluo-level mighty power, Lu Xiao is already a Master, but only limited to the inner world.


He sighed, but Lu Xiao was not discouraged.

Continue to comprehend the insights under the Bodhi tree, the laws of heaven are constantly instilled, and they are mastered.

One thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years!

Four thousand years, five thousand years, six thousand years!

Seven thousand years, eight thousand years, nine thousand years…

In the wild world, the two big clans of the Lich had already rubbed off at this time.

The twelve ancestor witches also returned from the perfect world and began to lead the witch clan to expand their territory.

Faced with the massive expansion of the witch clan, the demon clan was not to be outdone.

Under the command of the Demon Race Heavenly Court, they also expanded their territory.

The two sides are in the same situation, and there will be a fight if no inch of land is allowed!

As for Penglai Immortal Island, in Luotian Hall, Sanxiao had waited for more than 9,000 years.

During this time, their sisters often entered the Wanjie store.

Through the message on the Lu number, San Gong knew that Lu Xiao was in retreat, so he didn’t bother.

It’s only been nine thousand years, and I miss my brother very much, and I can’t help but feel some waves in my heart.

Although the prehistoric years are not counted, they have never seen Lu Xiao shut up for such a long time.

So Sanxiao is very worried now.

“Brother, brother, I don’t know when you will be able to wake up?”

Little Loli Li Bixiao looked at Lu Xiao’s face: “Bi misses you so much…

Qiong Xiao and Yun Xiao, who were on the side, were also looking at Lu Xiao, eager for Lu Xiao to wake up soon.

However, Lu Xiao was still immersed in the realization of the Great Dao, and there was no movement at all.

A whole Ten Thousand Years passed.

In the inner world, Lu Xiao opened his eyes.

At this moment, he has attained the Great Luo Dao Fruit!

“Ha ha ha ha!

“Those who are in heaven and earth are the inverse journey of all things; those who are in time are the passers-by of a hundred generations.”

“And the red dust is like a dream, what is geometry?”

“Daluo Jinxian, immortal, immortal, immortal, and blissful without worry.”

Master has learned the law of time and years, and can be free from the erosion of time.

Heaven and earth will perish and I will not perish!

Heaven and earth are immortal and I am immortal!

Time is long, you can detach at will.

Chaos is so big that you can invite tours at will.

Lu Xiao, thoroughly demonstrated the Da Luoguo position!

Leaving the inner world, opening the portal of the Wanjie store, and appearing in the prehistoric world, Penglai Xianshan Island.

In just an instant, the heaven and the earth sensed, and countless spiritual energies came together.

Between heaven and earth, countless petals are scattered!

The bells and dings rang in unison, and the sound of the avenue moved.




A whole series of forty-nine bells and dings rang in unison, and the sound of the avenue trembled.

The whole prehistoric world rejoices and celebrates.

In the prehistoric world, another Great Luo Jinxian was added again.

The way of heaven manifests, and countless golden lights flicker together. 0

That is the virtue of heaven!

Continue to gather around Lu Xiao and merge into his body.

Lu Xiao absorbs transaction points and continuously converts them into transaction value.

Finally got a trillion transaction value!

Equivalent to one-fifth of Hongmeng Purple Qi!

Quite a congenital treasure!

Great harvest! And it’s a prostitution!

The corners of Lu Xiao’s mouth rose, and he couldn’t help laughing.

On Xianshan Island in Penglai, the three sisters could not help but smile when they saw Lu Xiao coming out.

Brother, after Ten Thousand Years, finally retreated and was born.

And looking at this movement, the elder brother should have made great progress in his cultivation. I wonder if he has achieved great success?

If it is said that it is someone else who is proving Dao, they may not believe it, but this is their brother.

For the Lu number, the three sides are full of confidence.

And Sanxiao guessed right, Lu Xiao did prove the Da Luoguo position.

And not only San Xiao and the others have this guess, the Four Seas Dragon Sovereign also has guesses.

Including Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi, Yi Huang Fuxi, Wa Huang Nuwa.

And the twelve ancestors of the witch tribe.

It is worth mentioning that now the Twelve Ancestral Witches have passed the Master Dutian Twelve Spiritual Demons Great Formation, crossed the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and reached the Golden Immortal of Great Luo, the half-step Great Luo!

Just like Emperor Jun and Emperor Dong.

Their Daluo Jinxian is only a Daluo who is half a step above Daluo, and a Daluo who has not really obtained the Dao to send the great freedom.

It is precisely because of this that seeing Lu Xiao’s birth and manifesting at this moment, the laws of the Heavenly Dao resonate and the Heavenly Dao changes.

They can’t help but have 4.8 some dementia!

aba aba aba aba

This, what’s going on here?

In the Demon Race Heavenly Court, the eyes of one emperor and three emperors were stunned.

In the Ancestral Witch Hall of the Witch Clan, the twelve Ancestral Witch felt that their brains were not enough, and could not come up with an answer.

Chaos outside the sky, Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu, who was preaching to Sanqing, smiled slightly.

That little friend is really extraordinary, it’s only been so long, but Ten Thousand Years, he has reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian!

Sanqing’s face was pale, and was frightened by Lu Xiao’s terrifying speed of cultivation.

His mind was swaying, and there were monstrous waves.

Is this… still human?

Twelve thousand years ago…

When Lu Xiao entered the Zixiao Palace for the first time, he only had the cultivation level of Jinxian!

First update, here we come!

Let’s go to the two shifts today, please order all!

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