Chapter 423: Affectionate since ancient times, spare hatred

Suddenly thinking of something, the woman’s eyes lit up.

He opened his mouth and said, “It just so happens that the five of you master and apprentice are destined to come here, why don’t you stay here and live a prosperous and rich life with us?”


Tang Seng couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, so Quan Dang didn’t hear it.

Don’t close your mouth, just do the cooking.

However, Tang Seng didn’t speak, but the woman continued to talk, smiling and continued: “I have 30,000 mu of paddy fields, 30,000 mu of dry fields, 30,000 mu of fruit forests, countless cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, and silk brocade clothes are casually worn.”

“The cellar is full of gold and silver, and the grain in the warehouse is enough to last a lifetime. If the masters stay, they can’t help marrying my daughters like flowers and jade, and they don’t have to work for a lifetime, just enjoy and live a relaxed and comfortable life.”

“Why do you need to study the scriptures in the west, this way, the wind and food are sleeping in the open air, and the monsters and ghosts are rampant, and you will eat your masters and students if you don’t know.

Just in the face of such temptation, Tang Seng was unmoved, and kept his mouth shut.

Hearing the woman’s words, Zhu Bajie couldn’t help but move. He didn’t want to study the scriptures in the west, but Guanyin Bodhisattva instructed him to go.

Otherwise, there would be no matter of Gao Laozhuang getting married.

Seeing the master sitting with his chest upright, gulps dry, he rolled his eyes: “Master, if you go back to other people!”

“Idiot, what’s the matter with you here, shut up!”

Sun Wukong scolded.

He was never close to women, and he completely ignored what women said.

“Masters, you master and apprentice should follow our mother and daughter!”

The woman smiled tenderly, and the two girls on the side also smiled softly, while the girl just watched.

“I am thirty-five years old this year. The eldest daughter is really twenty years old, the second daughter Ai Ai is sixteen years old, and the youngest daughter Lianlian is ten years old.”

“My three daughters are all beautiful and beautiful, they are all good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as female workers in red embroidery. The beauties that the masters have left behind and embraced them will be rich and rich all their lives. This is something that many people can’t ask for!

On the side, Zhu Bajie was quite moved.

Although he is an immortal, and he is also a golden immortal, he does not need to eat human smoke, but he is gluttonous.

There is such a family that accepts him as a son-in-law, with splendid clothes and jade food, and beautiful women, how could they disagree?

“Master, if you don’t want to stay, why not let my old pig stay here~”?”

On the side, Sun Wukong couldn’t help it at this time. Although he didn’t move, he wanted to tease the master: “Master, don’t, it’s good for you to stay, and let Bajie learn the scriptures for you.”

“And in this family, the woman is a young woman, and the flavor is still there. There are also two-year-old Chinese girls, 28-year-old Chinese girls, and ten-year-old Loli. There are all kinds of tastes, Master, you can choose whatever you want.

“Even mother and daughter together…

Listening to Sun Wu’s air-conditioning laughing, Tang Seng couldn’t help blushing and glanced at Wukong angrily:

“Goku, you’re naughty again!”

Saying that, he took off his shoes and threw them at Sun Wukong.

“Send, Master, don’t worry!”

Smiling, Sun Wukong hurriedly avoided.

Fortunately, he was a voice transmission from Divine Sense, and the mother and daughter did not hear it.

“As monks, how can we be greedy for money and get close to beauty!”

Tang Seng said righteously.


On the side, Zhen Zhen smiled and said:

“I heard that in your Buddhist school, there is Huanxi Zen, but female sex is not forbidden.”

Yes, there is a god of joy in Buddhism.

The opponent was opposed to an army.

Tang Monk didn’t know what to do, so he had to say, “We don’t practice this Zen method!”

No matter how the mother and daughter persuaded, Tang Seng refused.

The woman couldn’t help being angry, and said coldly with a frosty face:

“Why are you a monk so rude!”

“I kindly recruit your master and apprentice into the marriage, and I will betroth my daughter to you, and even promise brocade clothes and jade food, but you don’t enter the oil and salt, no matter what.

“You don’t want to marry, we don’t want to marry yet!”

After saying this, he turned around and left, Tang Seng knew that he had made the other party angry, and hurriedly apologized.

Only the woman has left.

Several daughters also followed, and before leaving, they pointed to the five master and apprentice.

Zhu Bajie complained: “Oh, Master, what you said is too good now, we just had dinner, and we haven’t asked for some dry food yet, and it is estimated that the other party will not entertain us tomorrow morning. Fireworks, it’s Master, you are probably going to starve tomorrow.

“Second Senior Brother, just stay here, I think you are very happy.” Sha Wujing smiled.

“Don’t hurt me, Master is mad at me.

Zhu Bajie shook his head.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong smiled and said, “I still can’t see your little thought, you are drooling.”

“And if you stay, maybe the mother and daughter will prepare breakfast and dry food for Master.

Zhu Bajie was speechless and had to give up.

Tang Seng returned to the arranged wing, ready to sleep.

The four apprentices of Sun Wukong stood by, either silently cultivating, or wandering too far.

At night, Zhu Bajie slipped out.

The night is hazy, the bright moon hangs high, and the silver flowers are vented on the ground like flowing water.

With the breeze blowing, Xia Chan chirped.

Walking along the steps, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the moon, unconsciously, stepping into the pavilion and waterside, the surrounding flowers are fragrant.

The breeze came slowly, and the water waves were unhappy, but it blew the young man’s heart.

Ah, pig!

The romantic old man criticized a pig Bajie and couldn’t help feeling it. The poet’s seeds sprouted and sighed: “The passion has been spared since ancient times, and this hatred will never end!”

“Have pity on me Isshin is in love with the world, but Master wants me to reboot and stop thinking.

“Really, really…

This poem recited with emotion, Zhu Bajie’s eyes contained hot tears.

“Really what?”

Suddenly, a cold voice came, making Zhu Bajie startled.

Turning his head and looking around, he found that the mother and daughter were sitting next to them, setting up a barbecue grill beside the pool and spring, roasting chicken, duck and fish, with a fragrant aroma.

Zhenzhen, Lianlian, and Aiai are soaking their feet there, crystal clear and white, with bright toes.

Watching Pig Ba quitting is very hot.

Seriously, “it’s a love that has been spared since ancient times!”

Zhu Bajie replied that he actually came here on purpose.

Thinking of him as an immortal, or a big brother of Jinxian (Zhao De), the coverage area of ​​his spiritual sense is unknown, so how could he not notice them.

“Kick, Kick, Kick…

The girl and the Loli giggled.

The woman was also amused and said, “You monk, although you are a monster, fierce and vicious, you are still quite funny.”

“May I tell you, my old pig was not a monster before, but a fairy!”

Walking closer, Zhu Bajie helped flip the meat sticks on the grill.

“Yeah?!” The mother and daughter were surprised.

“It’s a long story, listen to me slowly

“More than five hundred years ago, I was the Marshal of Tianting Tianpeng, in charge of a hundred thousand navy.”

“It’s just that I drank too much at the Pantao banquet. At that time, I saw a fairy Chang’e who had been in love for a long time, so I confessed, but the fairy Chang’e did not agree.


Second update, here we go!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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