Chapter 424: The Big Brother and the Male Bodhisattva

“My dignified Marshal Tianpeng, how can I endure this kind of humiliation. When I get up and stalk me, my words and actions are a bit out of line.”

“But it was because of a drunken mistake that Fairy Chang’e ran away.”

“Afterwards, I got drunk and accidentally knocked down the bullfighting palace. In addition, the woman complained, which made the Jade Emperor furious. He condemned me to suffer from reincarnation.

“Looking back at the time, my old pig was also romantic and happy, Yushu was in the wind, and a beautiful young man!”

Zhu Bajie was triumphant.

Hearing the mother and daughter couldn’t help but startled, but still said: “Don’t lie, you are just a monster, you are a monk.”

They didn’t believe it.

The three sisters of Zhen Zhen Ai Lian Lian also got up.

Put on shoes and socks, sat beside, picked up the barbecue and ate.

The aroma of meat was overflowing, and Zhu Bajie could not help but open his index finger, but he couldn’t eat it. After all, he still had to abide by the precepts.

“Alas, I can still deceive you, if you don’t believe me, I will show my hand.

With both hands clasped together, a burst of fairy light descended.

Dao pattern circulates, divine sense summons.

The gods of the land and mountains, the gods of night tours, and the gods of patrolling came one after another.

We “Meet Marshal Tianpeng!” All the immortals and gods knelt down one after another.

The mother and daughter on the side were stunned.

“How about it?”

With a proud smile, the corner of Zhu Bajie’s mouth crooked.

Xie Mei smiled and sat on the chair next to him, with the demeanor of a domineering president.

Taking a sip of the refreshment, 713 said, “Do you believe it now?”

“I believe it, I believe it!”

The mother and daughter nodded quickly.

He waved his hand, “Let’s go!”

Zhu Bajie let the gods leave.

“It seems that little master, you are indeed an immortal, Marshal Tianpeng!”

The woman exclaimed.

“That is!”

Zhu Bajie said with a smile, not caring at all about the admiration of the three sisters who really loved and pity.

But in the bottom of my heart, it blooms with joy, look at it, look at it, Fairy Chang’e doesn’t know the good or the bad, but there are always those who know the goods!

Thinking like this, it seems that the pig’s head looks unsightly and unsightly.

So he became a handsome man.

This surprised the mother and daughter on the side.

Little stars popped out of the eyes of the three sisters of True Love and Pity.

The woman smiled and said: “Your master is really ignorant of goods and refuses to stay as a son-in-law, I don’t know if you are willing, little master.

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie’s heart blossomed with joy.

However, he still sighed and pretended to say: “Donor, you don’t know anything, my master was chosen by Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to the Western Heaven to collect scriptures, and he also said to the Emperor of Eastern Earth that he would not return the scriptures if he did not take the scriptures.

“He Isshin to Buddha and will not stay.”

“But I am quite willing, but I am now a black wild boar. I wonder if the mother and daughter of the donors mind this?”

After speaking, Zhu Bajie shook his head and sighed again, secretly looking at the mother and daughter.

This young woman, maiden, Loli has everything.

It suits him very well!

Maybe, you can even marry three in one breath!

The three sisters of true love were shy and did not speak. The woman smiled and said, “As long as my daughter is willing to marry you, I will not dislike it.”

“In this way, I will discuss with my daughters first and ask them.”

“Master, go back first.”

Then he left with the three sisters with true love and pity.

Zhu Bajie looked at the slender back, and couldn’t help but be overjoyed, there was a show!

Then back to the room.

“Hey, you idiot, how come you smell like rouge gouache?”

Sun Wukong took a photo of Zhu Bajie and said with a smile: “Isn’t it supposed to be a matchmaker for myself?

Sha Wujing also laughed, “Second senior brother is very happy, I am afraid that the little ladies are looking for him.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Zhu Bajie hesitated and did not speak.

Monk Tang was lying on the bed beside him, silent.

The next morning, the woman came with her three daughters.

Let the three sisters, Zhenzhen, Aiai, and Lianlian, have worshipped Tang Seng and stood aside.

Zhu Bajie couldn’t help but be moved when he saw the beauty.

The woman asked, “I heard that you have already chosen someone to marry my daughter?”

“The choice is made, it’s him!”

Sun Wukong pointed at the pig and said.

Sha Wujing also smiled and said, “Not bad!”

After straightening his clothes, Tang Seng said with a serious face, “If he wants to, let him stay.”

Zhu Bajie also refused: “You let me think about it, don’t talk nonsense (baei).

“Who said nonsense?”

Sun Wukong said that he wanted to play Zhu Bajie, and this idiot was not conscious at all.

“Today is an auspicious day, you can call this female benefactor, stay and marry.”

Then he grabbed Zhu Bajie with one hand, walked to the mother and daughter and said, “My mother, that’s all set, hurry up and get ready for the wedding, we just have a wedding wine.”

“Well said, well said.

The woman smiled and left the three sisters with true love and pity.

Invite Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, and Xiaobailong to enter the living room for fast food.

Take Zhu Bajie to change into the red robe and dress up.

I instructed the people to start preparing red happy characters, red ribbons, and dressing up.

Son-in-law, “Since your senior brother said that today is an auspicious day, why don’t you get married today.

Without hesitation, Zhu Bajie changed his tune, “Mother said yes!”

But then he thought about it and asked:

“Mother, you have three daughters. I don’t know which daughter was betrothed to me?”

Although Zhu Bajie really wanted to clench his fist and say a word, I want it all.

But if you think about it, you know it’s impossible, so I ask.

The woman is also worried: “Marry one of you, and the other two disagree. It’s a dilemma.”

After thinking for a moment, the woman said:

“If not, I’ll cover your eyes, and I’ll call my three daughters in front of you to have a marriage, and I’ll give you whichever one I meet?”

Zhu Bajie clapped his hands and said hello.

However, the woman warned: “You are not allowed to use immortal techniques, you are not allowed to open your eyes to cheat, and you are not allowed to take chances.”

“That’s natural!

Zhu Bajie assured.

Afterwards, the three sisters of True Love and Pity arrived, and the woman blindfolded Zhu Bajie.

Hearing the laughter of the pretty ladies and smelling the smell of rouge gouache, Zhu Bajie couldn’t close his mouth with a smile and rushed forward to grab it, although he didn’t use immortality, and he didn’t open his eyes to see.

But he also has hearing, smell, and perception.

Listen to the voice to defend the position, smell the fragrance to know the person, and perceive.

Pig Bajie is fully grasped.

Above the heavenly court, Lu Xiao and the other gods looked at the three bodhisattvas who turned into four mothers and daughters, one god, teasing Zhu Bajie.

Can’t help but mourning for Zhu Bajie, look, you didn’t discuss it.

And in addition to Li Shan’s mother, Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The remaining Manjusri Bodhisattva and Guangxian Bodhisattva are men!

Women’s clothing!

Zhen Zhen Ai Lian Lian is played by three Bodhisattvas, and the widowed woman is Li Shan’s old mother.

This is really bad fun…

Love and pity two sisters, namely Manjushri Bodhisattva and Guangxian Bodhisattva.

Been fluttering for a while…

Zhu Bajie didn’t hit a single one, which was very strange, but he didn’t think much about it.

First update, here we come!

Let’s start the two shifts today, please book all!,

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