Chapter 434: Unparalleled Talent

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, sits on the throne.

Zhen Yuanzi sat at the top, and after the Jade Emperor, there was also Lu Xiao.

Daluo Jinxian is different.

Although the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother also had some Da Luo Dao Fruit, they were not comprehensive.

Facing Zhen Yuanzi and Lu Xiao, the two real heroes came and did not dare to neglect.

before that.

Seeing Lu Xiao, the Jade Emperor was saying hello, and then followed, but his eyes instantly stared.

He actually sensed the aura of the Golden Immortal Daluo from Lu Xiao’s body!

Accurate realm, even he can’t see through.

Even if he couldn’t believe it, he had to believe it!

Because Daluo’s breath cannot be faked.

Hundreds of years ago..

A little real fairy that he looked down on, has now become an existence that he has to look up to.

“Zhen Yuanzi Daxian, Manager Lu Xiao, please take your seat.”

Immediately, the Jade Emperor respectfully invited the two to the highest seat.

Under the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are the Four Royal Emperors, the Great Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole, the Great Emperor of the Antarctic Longevity, the Great Emperor of Gouchen Shanggong, and the Emperor Chengtian who followed the example of Hou Tu Huang Di Zhi!

Under the Four Imperials, there are the Five Elders: the Eastern Qing Emperor Qingling Shi Lao Jiu Qi Tian-kun, the South..

There were immortals and gods with names and surnames in Heaven, and all of them were present.

713 But those who are able to take seats are at the lowest level of the Golden Immortal.

“It is truly a great honor for the two great Luo Jinxian to be sent to Heaven!”

The Jade Emperor raised his glass to Lu Xiao and Zhen Yuanzi with a humble smile on his face.

Two great Luo Jinxian!

It’s just a peach banquet, and two big Luo Jinxian are invited!

You know that usually you don’t get one!

I have to say, with the presence of the two giants Lu Xiao and Zhen Yuanzi, this Pan Tao Banquet will definitely go down in history.

The other immortals also raised their glasses one after another and gave their respects from a distance.

Looking at Lu Xiao and Zhen Yuanzi, full of admiration.

“Ha ha ha ha!

Lu Xiao let out a long laugh, which was very helpful.

With a wave of his sleeves: “You don’t need to be so polite, all the immortals, you can do whatever you want.”

Qiongjingyuye, fairy melon fruit.

The aroma of the wine is overflowing, and the chips are staggered.

The immortals and gods present were chatting and laughing happily, and they waited on the immortal boy beside him, giving gifts from the immortals and gods.

Presented to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Most of them are poems and paintings!

After all, ordinary treasures, unless they are innate spiritual treasures, cannot enter the eyes of the Queen Mother.

When I read the poems presented by Lu Xiao, I couldn’t help but read it carefully. I felt the same way, and my eyes flashed with aura, and said, “The poems by the store manager Lu Xiao are truly amazing!”


The Jade Emperor couldn’t help but feel a little curious and took a closer look.

This poem is not formal, but it is quite casual and unrestrained.

Quite a natural feeling!

The poems describe the things of cultivation and immortals.

If the dream of floating life is reincarnated, all things in the world want to live forever to pursue the highest peak of cultivation..

Really wrote about the taste of cultivation, becoming an immortal and doing the things of God!

“Manager Lu Xiao, you are extraordinary!”

The Queen Mother’s face was filled with admiration and emotion, and she sincerely praised.

After recovering from the poetic mood, the Jade Emperor couldn’t stop sighing, “Mr. Lu Xiao, your talent is unparalleled!”

When Yu listened to it, he couldn’t help but be curious.

“Queen Mother, I wonder if the store manager Lu Xiao can lend me a look?” Curious in his heart, the Great Arctic Ziwei wanted to see the poems written by Lu Xiao.

“I am also a little interested in poetry.” Emperor Gouchen Shanggong said with a smile.

He was very curious that what Lu Xiao had done could arouse the admiration of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor.

You must know that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are both innate souls, although they are not as sacred as innate.

It is also before the birth of the Heavenly Dao, before the battle between the dragon, the phoenix and the unicorn, and it already existed in the world.

I don’t know how many millions of years I have lived!

I have seen an unknown number of visions of heaven and earth, strange anecdotes, not to mention how many poems and songs.

Now that you are full of praise for the poems written by the store manager Lu Xiao, is this a flattery to his identity, or is he really admiring his talent?

But in any case, he will be amazed when he sees it later!

After all, Lu Xiao is now a baei!

Even if he has a Heavenly Dao position!

Become the Heavenly Court Siyu, for countless years, broke through the level of Taiyi Jinxian, and obtained some great Luowei energy, but after all, it is not Daluo Jinxian!


He smiled lightly, but the Jade Emperor didn’t give it first.

Instead, he turned his head towards Lu Xiao and asked for instructions, and said, “Manager Lu Xiao, I wonder if I can circulate this poem so that all the immortals can admire it?”

Although this poem was given to the Queen Mother now, but now Lu Xiao is here, if you don’t say hello and directly pass it on to the immortals, it will inevitably offend the other party and make the store manager Lu Xiao unhappy.

After being the Lord of the Heavenly Court for countless years, he still understands the principle of being an immortal.

“It’s okay.”

With a wave of his sleeve, Lu Xiao agreed.

He wrote this poem out of pure emotion.

The immortals were so curious, why did he hide it.

With permission, the Jade Emperor passed the poem to the Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

Holding the poems in both hands and opening the scroll, I saw dragons and phoenixes dancing, majestic, yet delicate.

Iron hooks and silver strokes, the font reveals a sharp edge, extremely sharp.

Seeing this font technique, the Great Arctic Ziwei couldn’t help but admire:

“Good word, good word!

Full of praise!

The Emperor Gou Chen Shanggong around him also leaned closer and looked at them together.

How many fairy tales have passed through the ages?

Cultivation, becoming an immortal as a god, transcending reincarnation, step by step, difficult and dangerous..

It tells about the suffering of all living beings in the heaven and earth to practice and climb, but for the sake of the eternal dream of immortality, immortality and immortality, they keep moving forward.

Involuntarily, it reminded him of all kinds of hardships when he stepped into practice.

Feeling emotional, he couldn’t help but sighed: “The manager is really talented!”

Seeing two of the four royals one after another, they were full of admiration, and the other four emperors, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor and Chengtian imitating the example, just couldn’t sit still, and couldn’t help but approach.

Not surprisingly, they couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion.

The five elders were also curious and couldn’t help urging:

“The Four Royal Emperors have finished watching, I don’t know if they can pass it on to me and wait!”

With the urging of the five elders, Si Yu couldn’t help but smile and continued to circulate the poems.

Then he toasted a glass of wine and sang the previous poem.

The five elders took over the poems, read them carefully, and sighed with emotion when they finished.




As expected of the store manager Lu Xiao, Da Luo Jinxian!

Unparalleled talent!

He couldn’t help but fill up the wine glass and bowed towards Lu Xiao, “Boss Lu Xiao, please let me wait for a while!”

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Heavenly Court Chang’e fairies, began to perform on stage.

Thanks to the fact that Tianting also started trading with Wanjie Xiaodian, various cultures have also spread.

Like house dance…

Such as various other world technology props.

First update, here we come!

Let’s start today, and ask for full order!

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