Chapter 435: Taijinxing

For example, the live broadcast of the technology society.

Tianting is learning!

Also made an APP!

Now Heavenly Court Immortals will broadcast live every time they go out to catch demons and bring down demons.

But leave this aside.

At this moment, all the fairies Chang’e were all white, beautiful, long-legged, beautiful in appearance, and dancing the house dance.

Cheerful tunes, paired with cheerful dances, are different from the past soft and slow, and have a different taste.

“Send lovesickness to the bright moon, I hope you can detect it, write you poems, and send you a thousand miles without evil. Only when your dreams are whitened by the new moon, will you have joys and sorrows, and only when the wind has dyed the maple leaves red. Let my thoughts run wild

Sometimes gentle and slow, sometimes cheerful and high.

The strong colors in the lyrics combine emotions.

Fairy Chang’e stretched out her waist and hands, her long white legs and her singing voice.

The immortals present couldn’t help but clapped their hands in admiration.

Taibaijinxing, the number one civil servant in Heaven, and the number one henchman of the Jade Emperor.

At this time, he couldn’t help supporting his white beard with one hand and flicking the lid of the jade wine glass with five fingers.

Makes a crisp, loud sound.

With the melody, Taijinxing commented at the same time: “Place the -kun’s thoughts on the bright moon, I hope you can notice it.

“People in the world say that if you can’t get it, you need to stop, but I won’t turn back if I don’t hit the south wall.”

“Meng Po, Meng Po, are you missing me on the night of separation?”

As he spoke, two lines of tears flowed down unexpectedly.

Unable to restrain the cry, Taibaijinxian looked at the moon and moon, and then looked at the world below the heaven.

His lips were trembling, and he was gasping for tears.

“The bright moon is a thousand miles to entrust your thoughts”

Lu Xiao, who was sitting high on the head, couldn’t help but be a little curious, so what?

So emotional?

It seemed that Lu Xiao was confused, and the Jade Emperor explained: “Taibaijinxing is actually a person with a story, can’t you hear it, a fairy with a story!”


Lu Xiao couldn’t help being a little curious.

I haven’t waited for the Jade Emperor to continue to explain.

When all the immortals present saw Taibaijinxing like this, they couldn’t help but sigh.

“It seems that Brother Taibaijinxing remembered that woman again!”

The Great Northern Emperor Ziwei couldn’t help but sigh: “The woman who ruined his immortal life, Po Meng!”

“Taibaijinxing, he used to be the most beautiful man in the heaven, and now this appearance is all caused by Meng Po.” Dongfang Qing Emperor Qingling Shi Lao Jiutian-kun was saddened by Taibaijinxing’s appearance, and said his past past.

It turned out that Taibaijinxing and Meng Po were childhood sweethearts and brothers and sisters.

Taibaijinxing is full of literary talent, even Wenquxing -kun can’t compare!

Only at this time, Yue Lao appeared.

Fall from the sky!

As we all know, childhood sweethearts and Tianjiang are mortal enemies.

Either the childhood sweethearts overwhelm the heavens, or the heavens overwhelm the childhood sweethearts.

Compared with Taibaijinxing, Yuelao’s literary talent is slightly inferior, but he is more romantic and pleasant, with a jade tree facing the wind, and a non-feeling personality, which is deeply attracted to Meng Po.

Therefore, Po Meng, who was familiar with her senior brother, met Yue Lao, and was attracted by the unknown about him, and became curious.

So it got out of hand, and then empathized and fell in love!

Abandoned senior brother Taibaijinxing and stayed with Yuelao.

However, things are not that simple!

Yue Lao didn’t like Meng Po, but was on good terms with Tai Jin Xing from the very beginning.

Because he admires Taibaijinxing’s literary talent, the two immortals have already established a deep friendship before Meng Po’s love and love, and they are called brothers and sisters!

For his junior sister, the fact that he fell in love with his brother, Tai Jinxing can be said to wear a mask of pain.

Originally, he wanted to question Yue Lao, and then beat the other party violently, but Yue Lao directly said that he had no idea about Madam Meng, and even refused many times.

This made Tai Jinxing embarrassed.

It’s not the good brother who greened him, but the junior sister Meng Po who greened him!

His own brother, he also knew that the questioning of Yue Lao was only a temporary one, and he knew that Yue Lao was not such an immortal!

Sad and want to cry!

This is the complex inner feelings of Taibaijinxing at that time.

One of the junior sisters is still loved in the heart.

The other is a brother, who has a good relationship, and he is not ashamed of him for this matter, and even rejected Po Meng many times, bluntly saying that brothers and wives should not be deceived.

what should I do now?

He doesn’t know what to do!

Finally had to decide, fulfill them.

Taibaijinxing found Yuelao.

The opening sentence was, “From now on, Junior Sister will be handed over to you.”

“I will fulfill you all!”

“Don’t have any burdens in your heart, I know you don’t like Madam Meng, you have never thought of this, I won’t blame you!”

“But Junior Sister likes you and can’t force it, I am willing to give up what I love for her happiness.

Taibaijinxing decided to fulfill Meng Po and Yuelao. He decided to become a tauren, and he still took the initiative to fulfill each other.

-0 for flowers,

It’s just… Yue Lao doesn’t want to.

“Brother what are you talking about!”

The old man said angrily.

At the same time, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, and he said, “You know I don’t like Madam Meng, but do you know who I like?”


Taibaijinxing asked subconsciously.

At the same time, he was a little confused, he really couldn’t tell who this brother liked.

And the other party has never been close to the female fairy?

Besides, it doesn’t matter who you always like.

“Brother, until now, I will not hide it!”

With a loud roar, Yue Lao seemed to be emboldened for himself.

Taibaijinxing was taken aback.

Even more puzzled, he asked: “Who do you like, what’s there to hide?”

“I like you!”

The old man said softly.

Looking at Taibaijinxing, she is full of affection, and she almost wraps Taibaijinxing with her love.

After saying this sentence, Yue Lao no longer concealed anything, and all the words in his heart were spoken.

Then he took a step forward and put one hand on Taibaijinxing’s shoulder and held Taibaijinxing’s hand with the other.

“For so long, what I like in my heart is you!”

How is this possible?!

Taibaijinxing panicked, with a look of disbelief.

Seeing what Taibaijinxing was thinking, Yue Lao laughed at himself, and then said, “It’s hard to believe, in fact, I couldn’t believe it at first.”

“But what can be done about it?

Saying that, Yue Lao covered his face, couldn’t help crying, and asked himself back to the sky.

“Like, just like!”

He sighed softly.

As for Taibaijinxing, he directly petrified it.

“I treat you as a brother, you are actually fooling my body? This is the portrayal of his heart.

But he didn’t say this because it was really difficult to open his mouth.

So after thinking about it, Taibaijinxing could only sigh helplessly.

And this thing?

Lu Xiao was fascinated and couldn’t help being a little confused.

This is the first time I’ve heard of this.

It’s not that Lu Xiao has never seen rainbows. When he traveled to Sichuan at Lanxing, he had seen many pairs of rainbows.

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start the two shifts today, please book all!

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