Chapter 464: Killing Shinsō

He buried Zhen’s head in Lu Xiao’s arms, hiding his blushing cheeks.

Lu Xiao held the fairy beauty in his arms, ate watermelon barbecue, and the breeze was blowing, lying on the sofa watching anime

Cozy, very comfortable.

It’s just that good times are always short-lived.

The Lich battle officially started.


This is not the main point, the main point is that Lu Xiao is going to the Great Western World.

He had previously asked Kasuga Dog Emperor, his own mount, that big dog like Erha, to find Shinsō.

Now there is news!

Slaughter Shinsō is the weapon of the Demon Zu Rahou.

It is the innate treasure!

Chaos gave birth to Pangu’s fortune-telling green lotus. After the opening of the sky, because heaven and earth could not bear such a treasure, the fortune-telling green lotus disintegrated.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian, the Innate Five Elements Banner, and various twelve-grade lotus are all transformed by the fortune-telling green lotus.

Murdering Shinsō is no exception, it is made by the rhizomes of the fortune-telling green lotus.

Murder Shinsō was born in response to the fate of killing, and its quality is a congenital treasure.

In the midst of chaos, he absorbed the ferocious aura produced by Pangu killing three thousand chaotic demon gods, and became a treasure of killing!

Later, the heavens and the earth opened up, Pangu fell, three thousand primordial primordial demons were killed, and the fortune-telling Qinglian disintegrated.

He was occupied by a chaotic demon who had a trace of soul remaining, and then in the opening of heaven and earth, that chaotic demon was conceived as a congenital divine by 730 days and earth, and Shinsō also became his companion spiritual treasure.

That Chaos Demon God, innately holy, is the Demon Zu Luohu!

Relying on the origin of the Chaos Demon God.

Innate sacred heritage, the love of heaven and earth, coupled with the companion spirit treasure slaying Shinsō.

Luohu can be said to be standing at the top at birth.

Even other beings who are also innate and sacred are not as good as him.

Because of the excessive killing, carrying the monstrous hatred of being killed by Pangu, Luo Lian hated all the creatures in the prehistoric world, and wanted to kill all the creatures, destroy the prehistoric world, and turn the world into chaos again.

He kills all the way, for the devil!

Became a Demon Zuramaw!

Even the dragon and the phoenix, the three clan giants.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin were also unable to match them, and finally Hongjun Daozu appeared, standing on the opposite side of Demon Zu Luo Nuan.

When Mozu Luohou wanted to become the first Daluo by killing and proving Dao, Daozu Hongjun successfully stopped the other party.

Take the first step, prove the Tao and become sanctified, achieve the status of Daluojin Xianguo, and slay the demon ancestor Luohu.

As for the reason, Lu Xiao also had some guesses as to why, as the Chaos Demon God, the Demon Zu Luohou, who had a strong background, could not be sanctified earlier than Dao Zu Hongjun, who was able to prove Da Luo.

First, although Hongjun is not a chaotic devil, he is also a chaotic creature, but there is a huge gap between the two.

However, Luohu was opened up by Pangu and killed with an axe, but the Daozu Hongjun escaped because Pangu did not look down on him.

Although countless chaotic creatures died, it was not Pangu’s intention to kill them. He was killed with just a casual blow, but Hongjun Daozu escaped with an exception.

So Pangu also left him alive.

Later, Hongjun Daozu also borrowed the heaven and earth to open up, was conceived again, and turned into a congenital sacred.

The background has been greatly strengthened, and he has been loved by heaven and earth just like Mozu Luohou.

Therefore, the gap between the two sides has been smoothed out.

And later, Hongjun Daozu, as the first born innate sacred, scoured the prehistoric world, obtained the jade of good fortune, and even Hongmeng purple qi, all kinds of treasures.

In this aspect, it is better than Mozu Luohou.

The second is because of the prehistoric world, the primordial chaos was opened up into the world.

The Great Dao goes through fifty to one, and evolves into the Forty-Nine Heavenly Dao.

At the beginning, the Dao of Heaven was only conceived (baei), but not yet manifested. Later, the Dao of Heaven appeared, so the prehistoric world began to have order.

The creatures born before the emergence of the Tao of Heaven are the congenital creatures, and the creatures born after the Tao of Heaven are the acquired creatures.

The Tao of Heaven upholds the will of Pangu, and is based on maintaining the good development of heaven and earth and the prosperity of all living beings.

It’s just the middle process, such as the killing of the dragon, phoenix, and unicorns, in order to unify the floods and bring order. Although there are killings in the process, it will bring a more stable and harmonious future.

Therefore, the Tao of Heaven will not blame or punish, but will instead reward them.

But Mozu Luohou is different. He wants to destroy the Great Desolation, which is contrary to the basic operation of the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, he is disgusted by the Dao of Heaven and deprives the luck of Luohu of Mozu. Instead, it greatly increases the luck of the ancestors of Hongjun Dao.

This made Hongjun Daozu take the lead in achieving the position of Daluo Jinxian and saint.

Then Dao Dao handed over the authority to Hongjun Daozu, so that the other party can greatly use the power of heaven and earth to control the authority of heaven and earth, and finally kill the magic ancestor Luolian.

And although Mozu Luohou fell, the entire western world was beaten and devastated.

It even broke off from the Great Desolate Heaven and Earth.

Later, it was Hongjun Daozu who used the authority of the Dao of Heaven to stitch together the prehistoric western world and the prehistoric world as a whole.

And with Da Luo Weili, refining the earth, water, wind and fire, and restoring all damage.

But even so, the Great Western World has not returned to its original state.

Countless spiritual roots and veins were destroyed, nine out of ten treasures from heaven and earth were destroyed, and life and souls suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, the west of the prehistoric world is extremely barren, and the spiritual energy is not as good as one-tenth of the eastern part of the prehistoric world. This makes the Daoists and Zhunti who were born in the west of the prehistoric world miserable. Therefore, they will be shameless for the sake of resources.

When I came to the east of the prehistoric world and searched wildly, I saw the innate spiritual treasures, the treasures of heaven and earth, and it was a sentence that had a relationship with me in the west.

And then snatch it, there is no shame and morality at all.

Even for the futon in the Zixiao Palace, crying and crying in front of many innate sacred and many creatures, just to occupy a position.

Later, I even saw a cultivator with extraordinary celestial appearance and great luck, even if the other party was a disciple of Sanqingmen, other disciples of the innate holy seat, and innate souls, he would not care about everything, and said shamelessly:

“I see that you have a relationship with me in the West…

Then force the other party into degrees and introduce them under the door.

It can be said that in order to develop the West, one should not be extremely skinny.

So that, in order to become a saint, he thought of making a big wish, prostituting the merits of the heavenly way, and condensing the status of a saint.

This operation, but also no one.

The reason why I have talked so much is actually because the killing of Shinsō is now related to the West!

The third update, here we come!

Let’s start today at the third shift, please book all!

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