Chapter 465: All the way to the west

Murder Shinsō, now in the West of the Great Wasteland!

Suppressed under the western land, together with the corpse of Mozu Luohou.

Lu Xiao is very interested in killing Shinsō.


That is a congenital treasure, and it is not an ordinary congenital treasure, but the first innate treasure to kill!

Twenty-seven star quality things!

Second only to Chaos Arcana!

Penglai Xianshan Island, the three sisters reluctantly said goodbye to Lu Xiao-.


Yun Xiao said in a low voice, rather embarrassed.


Lu Xiao stopped flirting with Yunxiao, but turned to flirt with Qiongxi and Bi Xiao.

“Damn it!”

Qiong Xi and Bi Xiao had serious faces and slightly late mouths, pretending to be fierce.

But Lu Xiao didn’t panic at all, he waved his hand and said, “Wait for me to come back!


“Big pig’s hoof!”

“It’s dead!”

The girl and the little Loli looked puffed up.

Of course, not really angry.

Like Yunlei, they like Lu Xiao, the elder brother who loves them, pampers them, and has always taken care of them.

At first, they just treated Lu Xiao as a real brother, but gradually it became a brother control.

However, Lu Xiao attacked the eldest sister, but he did not attack them for a long time.

In the sky, the blue sky and white clouds are long, and the breeze is blowing, bringing coolness and sunshine.

From time to time there are birds chirping.

Lu Xiao sat on the back of the Sun-Swallowing Dog Emperor and went all the way to the west.

The Sun-Swallowing Dog Emperor has now broken through the shackles of the Golden Immortal and achieved the fruit of Taiyi Dao.

Name: Swallow Dog King

Cultivation: Twenty-two intermediate

Combat Strength: Twenty-two advanced

Because he became Lu Xiao’s mount, Kasuga Dog Emperor gained a lot of benefits. At the same time, through the resources purchased from Wanjie Store, and following Lu Xiao’s side, the Bodhi tree of enlightenment realized the halo, and his practice progressed rapidly.

However, in just Ten Thousand Years, not only did he go from the peak of the Golden Immortal to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he also reached the 22nd rank intermediate level!

The combat power is also greatly improved!

Now Lu Xiao’s mount, the realm is enough to compare with the innate sacredness of the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world is in the west, where Lingshan is located.

Yeyin and Zhunti, who were practicing silently, felt uneasy.

It was as if something extremely powerful and incomprehensible had descended on the Western world.

It was even more terrifying than the aura of Hongjun Daozu when he heard the Dao in Zixiao Palace.

When the Zixiao Palace preached, Hongjun Daozu had not yet merged with Hongjun Daozu in the Great Western Journey, and he had not reached the twenty-seventh rank, let alone the realm of Daozu.

And the current Lu Xiao, who is a senior at the 27th rank, has a complete Da Luo Dao Fruit!

Even though Lu Xiao had not arrived yet, he did not have any cover, so he was terrified by the reception of Rang and Zhunti.

Moving forward at an unknown speed that surpassed the speed of light, countless creatures knelt down and bowed toward Lu Xiao’s position wherever they passed along the way.

That momentum, earth-shattering!

No cover up!

There is no arrogance to stimulate, just a natural distribution!

But it makes the world tremble, and all living beings involuntarily fear the level of life that has evolved and cultivated to the ultimate.

“What a powerful breath, I don’t know what realm it is?!

The one who sighed was a big Jinxian, saying: “Is it Taiyi Jinxian?”

“No, no!”

The boss of Taiyi Jinxian, he had seen and had contact with him.

Although, in the face of Taiyi Jinxian, Jinxian is still one in the sky and one on the ground, but it is immortal and immortal, and has the same characteristics.

Therefore, he can clearly determine that the one who just passed by is not Taiyi Jinxian, but a more terrifying existence!

It’s just that it’s not Taiyi Jinxian, could it be Da Luo?! Jinxian secretly said.

There are many others in the same way, a big monster of the monster clan, Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base.

-0 for flowers…………

The battle with a great witch of the witch clan has ended.

I was resting with my Taoist companion, but I might as well sense the powerful momentum, and I was suddenly surprised.


In response, she couldn’t help crying without tears.

Holding the Taoist companion, the big demon said suspiciously:

“The momentum just now was too terrifying. Even if you and I are both Taiyi Jinxian, we don’t have that kind of power, and we have never even seen that kind of power, not even the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor…

“Could it be that this is a Great Luo Jinxian, and is it beyond the existence of the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor?

Hearing what the big demon said, the banshee was also puzzled: “It should be Da Luo Jinxian, but the other party is too powerful, surpassing the Heavenly Emperor and the Eastern Emperor. Who is he?”


“Hongjun Daozu?”

The big demon guessed.

The banshee shook her head and said, “It is also possible that it is the extremely mysterious store manager.”

I don’t know how many creatures were startled by Lu Xiao’s powerful aura.

Even the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the First Emperor and the Three Sovereigns in the Heavenly Court sensed Lu Hao’s aura and were startled.

“Horrible, terrifying!”

“This kind of momentum, apart from Daozu Hongjun, only two existences can have it, the store manager Lu Xiao and Zhenyuan Daxian!”

They guessed the answer.

But, why does that one exist, keep going west all the way?

Is it to look for a guide and a quasi-shoe?

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

If you want to say that who is the most annoying in the wild world, then there is no more than the two goods of Zhun mention and reception!

No way, it’s really a problem with the style of their brothers and sisters.

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Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

Dads, the writers of Pujie are going all out this month, I beg you dads to give Pujie a few monthly passes!

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