Chapter 504: Overcome

“Baby, are you surprised?”

The four monsters including the spider demon laughed and laughed.


be surprised?!

“I’m surprised, all of you are crazy, and you’re crazy!”

Gourd Little King Kong couldn’t help complaining.

“Hmph, sharp teeth and sharp mouths, I don’t know whether to live or die, I will capture and kill the so-called store manager, your helper, and rescue my king!”

The monsters looked cold and said in unison.


Gourd Little King Kong is fearless, “I think you are crazy!”

Absolutely crazy!

Otherwise, how dare they attack Manager Lu Xiao’s idea?

kill kill kill!

battle battle!

The demon race, the human race, and the cultivators battle.

Demonic soaring!

Immortal power surges!

The devil is surrounded!

The entire Tiangong is colorful, illuminated by various powers and magical techniques.

Although the monsters and humans, the earth immortals add up to several thousand, there are hundreds of heavenly immortals, and dozens of true immortals.

As for the cultivators, there are only dozens of heavenly immortals and a dozen of true immortals, and the number is limited.

But they are extremely powerful, so at this moment, the human race and the demon race joined forces to fight the demon cultivator.

But still can not show the trend of rolling.

The cultivator is extremely fast, and has no weaknesses in his body, his body can grow continuously, and his spirit is also strange, making it difficult to attack and capture.

Therefore, it is really hard to fight again and again!

These “cultivators are really disgusting!”

The sword immortal of the 743 family slashed a demon cultivator with one sword, and the demonic spirit of the opponent continued to erode the long sword in his hand, and even kept surrounding him.

This is just a celestial cultivator!

He was a realm higher than the opponent, and he couldn’t kill him directly.

But fortunately, the sword qi of the long sword was turbulent, and the sword qi surged in an instant, dispelling the evil spirit tainted by the long sword.

And the power of the long sword increased greatly, and the sword smashed the body of the demon cultivator, and the opponent’s blood surged, rushing towards the human sword fairy, trying to pollute the human sword fairy.

However it was of no use.

The Human Race Sword Immortal had long been alert to the abnormality, reached out and pointed it out, turning it into a forty-nine-zhang great sword, spinning, extremely fierce, and constantly slaughtering the cultivators.

“Damn it!”

Facing the Human Race Sword Immortal, the opponent’s sharp, slaughtering swordsmanship really made this demon cultivator feel a death threat.

At this moment, I deeply feel that death is constantly approaching.

Terrible, terrifying.

The cultivator wanted to escape, but was terrified to find that at this moment, he could not escape at all.

All around, a boundless sword qi formation was cast by the Human Race Sword Immortal, constantly churning and stirring, if they rushed in, they would surely die.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The cultivator roared for a while, and the killing intent exploded in his heart.

Even if he falls, he must be buried with the other party.

Life force, soul burning, and all the flesh and blood that had been swallowed before, the parts that were not digested, were burned one after another.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie…

The gloomy laughter sounded, and the cultivator turned into a cloud of blood, galloping over in an instant, killing the sword fairy of the human race.

“Not good!

Faced with the intention of mortal death, at this moment, the cultivators who are madly slaughtered.

The Human Race Sword Immortal shouted that it was not good, turned her body into a sword, and the long sword turned into a barrier, intertwined, turned into a sword ball, and drove the sword energy to leave the original place, hurriedly dodging.

Seeing the Human Race Sword Immortal fleeing, the Demon Cultivator reluctantly chased after him.

Soon, after all, it was the Demon Cultivator who burned his vitality and all his nutrients. With unlimited support, his speed surpassed that of the Human Race Sword Immortal.

The blood cloud tightly wrapped the human sword fairy, continuously compressed, and eroded towards the sword ball.

quack quack…

The sound of the long sword reverberated continuously.

The blood cloud continues to erode and compress, and the overall denseness seems to condense into blood water.

Seeing that the human race sword fairy was surrounded by blood clouds, other human race true immortals wanted to come to break up the blood cloud for rescue.

However, it was blocked by the cultivator!

As for the demon clan, although they were going to rescue them regardless of their past suspicions, they were also disturbed by the demon cultivators.

As for the Earth Immortals, firstly, they were afraid that they would be eroded by the blood cloud and turned into demons, and secondly, they had already faced the invasion of the cultivators from four elements, and only by uniting could they resist the cultivators.

Otherwise, it will be contaminated by exhaust gas, and it will immediately become unstable, resulting in flaws, which will be swallowed by the cultivators and turned into nutrients.

Faced with the joint pursuit of the human race and the demon race, the demon cultivator can do it with ease.

Continue to devour the flesh and soul, and perform (baei) digestion.

The cultivators continued to devour, and the human race and the demon race continued to snatch it up, but they still couldn’t finish it.

Some cultivators, even with the help of this kind of big supplement, successfully advanced, broke through the small realm, and broke from the fairy to the real fairy!

As for those who go from true immortals to golden immortals, there is no such thing.

Jinxian is immortal and immortal, and it will live with heaven and earth, which cannot be achieved by simply improving the cultivation base.

And in such a short time, even if there is so much blood food, it cannot be fully digested and used to improve cultivation.

battle battle!

kill kill kill!

The two sides were stuck together.

The Human Race Sword Immortal faced the erosion of the blood cloud, the kind of power that surpassed the level of Heavenly Immortal.

Want to break through, but can’t completely break through.

He tried many times before to break the blood cloud, but the blood cloud gathered again, and even almost eroded him and made him demonized.

The long sword is constantly shuttled, and the sword qi barrier protects the sword fairy of the human race.

However, he could clearly see that there was a trace of blood on the flawless white sword, and it continued to grow over time!

That is caused by the continuous erosion of the blood cloud!

Helpless, the Human Race Sword Immortal can only take out another magic weapon, hold on, the long sword and the sword together resist the erosion of the blood evil.

To avoid problems with the long sword, resulting in insufficient defense, and being eroded by the blood evil.

On the other side, the beautiful demon and the king of reaching out, came to Lu Xiao.

“Humble human being, let go of my king soon, or I want you to look good!”

The king stretched out his hand and shouted coldly.

The beautiful demon smiled and said: “This son, you and my king have no grudges in the past, but recently there is no hatred, why do you have to help the little king of the gourd, it is better to let my king go, our country of ten thousand demons is grateful.”

But one sings white face, the other sings red face.

“Hmph, boy, do you hear me?”

“Hurry up and let my king go!”

Reaching out the hand, the king sneered, if the other party insisted, he could eat the other party.

But Lu Xiao couldn’t help but be amused. This guy didn’t see that he made a move just now to suppress the Green Snake Demon King, and he actually dared to yell and roar in front of him.


Lu Xiao smiled.

He didn’t say anything, but his eyes were contemptuous and mocking.

Full of contempt.

“Good guy, you actually look down on me!”

The king stretched out his hands in anger, stretched out his hands, and blasted towards Lu Xiao.

Seeing Lu Xiao’s sneer, the beauties knew that this man didn’t seem to let his king go, so he had to go along with him.

His sleeves fluttered and swept towards Lu Xiao, trying to trap Lu Hao.

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