Chapter 505: What a dog

But to no avail!

Lu Xiao didn’t even make a move, just snorted coldly.

Between the nostrils, two white air rushed out.

That is a sign of strong Qi and blood, A Qi condensed.

However, Lu Xiao’s Qi condensed, obviously more advanced.

Two white qi turned into two red-white-long dragons.

Rolling and dancing, it devoured it towards the beautiful demon and the king reaching out.

So fast, so powerful!

The two monsters kept attacking and slammed on Chibai Changlong, but they had no effect at all!

In a blink of an eye, it was swallowed by the red and white long dragon, and the beautiful demon and the king of reaching out his hand fell on the spot!

No fighting back, no resistance!

Horrible, so scary!


The surrounding monsters and humans couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Even the demon cultivator couldn’t help turning his head at this moment and looked at Lu Xiao.

I was truly shocked.

As for the four monsters who were fighting Hulu Little King Kong, at this time, their mentality collapsed.

They thought that Lu Xiao could only make one shot, and could not make another shot.

Otherwise, why didn’t the other party show his strength, and before that, he helped the human race and suppressed the demon race?

Otherwise, why didn’t the other party kill the demon cultivator?

However, they didn’t think that…

Never imagined that… the other party was actually more powerful than their imaginations!

Not only can you not be limited to only one shot.

The second shot is still so powerful.

With just a cold snort, the two white qi turned into a red and white long dragon, and immediately swallowed the beautiful demon and the king of reaching out.


Looking at Lu Xiao, he couldn’t help but have black lines all over his face, and at the same time, he heard that they were each mouth-kun, and Lu Xiao’s black lines grew even more.

Everyone, “I’m really not your husband -kun!”

Lu Xiao shouted helplessly.

“No, you are!” retorted a group of women.



Lu Xiao couldn’t help sighing, but still two big hands, one in each hand, pushed the girls away:

“Cultivator, let me deal with it!

The voice is full of confidence and has an invincible momentum.

Hearing Lu Xiao’s voice, every woman couldn’t help but believe that Hu-kun could definitely do it.

Although they still wanted to protect Lu Hao, Lu Xiao had already pushed them aside, came to the front, and faced the demon cultivator.

Cold words resounded:

“Ah, the ant!

Disdainful words.

“Damn it, how dare you humiliate us like that!”

“Why, don’t you agree?”

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