Chapter 104: The Dog’s Dream Transforms the Home!!!

At the end of the history class, Wang Xiaonian noticed that Qin Zhizhi, who was at the same table, seemed to be stunned when he looked at himself.

“Branches, is there anything dirty on my face?”

Wang Xiaonian asked with a smile.


Qin Zhizhi blushed and whispered.

In the classroom, the scene of Wang Xiaonian’s tongue fighting the group of Confucians was deeply engraved into Qin Zhizhi’s mind.

At that moment, he was like a lupine scarf, a Confucian general who was in ashes between laughter and laughter, constantly knocking on Qin Zhizhi’s heart, making it difficult for her to calm down at this moment.

“Little year gives…”

At this time, Da Fat came to Wang Xiaonian’s side and threw a pink note to his desk, “Huh? ”

Wang Xiaonian looked at the big fat with a strange look in his eyes, as if he was saying, you big old men want to say anything, and write me a note, what is more fucking is that you also tm using pink paper to write big fat at this time and said to Wang Xiaonian in a low voice: “It is not me who wrote it for you, it is Xiao Juan.” ”

“Xiao Juan?”

Wang Xiaonian was very surprised, Xiao Juan was a big fat tablemate, a very tall, slightly strong girl, “Yes, Xiao Juan recently did not know what dirty things she ate, but she actually looked at you.” ”

Big fat said in a dark tone.

Although Da Fat did not like Xiao Juan, but seeing that in the past, like himself, he did not get the favor of the girl at all, and he actually received two love letters in a row in just one week.

Cough. In fact, to be precise, Wang Xiaonian received two and a half love letters, and half of them were written by Qin Zhizhi to himself.

For the sour and slippery good friend, Wang Xiaonian could not bear to hit him.


He only said two words for ‘Zhu Tianqi’ in history class, and then received a love letter from a female classmate in the class, which made Wang Xiaonian laugh a little.

No wonder the literati of the ancients never lacked female companions.

Wang Xiaonian, who received the love letter, was still very happy in his heart, after all, this can confirm that he is gradually becoming excellent; But he was not interested in Xiao Juan, nor did he want to hang others, so when he was ready to say something to Da Fat, he found that Qin Zhizhi’s gaze had been looking at him nervously.

After Qin Zhizhi noticed his gaze, he quickly moved away, lowered his head, and continued to read the book.

“You help me tell Xiao Juan that I have a heart to belong to, I’m very sorry!”

Wang Xiaonian said in a low voice.


At the same time, Qin Zhizhi, who had been paying attention to what Wang Xiaonian said, couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

After school in the afternoon, Wang Xiaonian went straight home to give the bully dog ‘bold’ and spliced his house.

After opening the door, Wang Xiaonian saw the same neat home as when he left.

Wang Xiaonian looked at the boldness with satisfaction.

The rather humane bully dog shook its tail, as if expecting Wang Xiaonian’s praise.

Wang Xiaonian picked it up and stroked it on his head.

In his heart, he already regarded Wang Xiaonian as his master’s bully dog’, but at this time, he squinted his eyes in enjoyment.

“Be bold, do well, I’ll assemble the house for you now.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

After picking up the dog for a while, Wang Xiao began to continue the work that had not been completed at noon and began to assemble the dog house.

Wang Xiaonian, who has the “Apocalypse Inheritance”, in the process of stitching together the dog house, there is no rework, and every step seems to be carefully calculated.

The bully dog looked at his future home in front of him, constantly wagging his short tail.

Time passes by minute by minute.

An hour passed, and the bully dog’s dog house came to an end.




At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

Wang Xiaonian was stunned, looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room, ah, it was already 6:50.

This point should be Su Mengmeng came.

However, after opening the door, it was not the tutor Su Mengmeng who came in, but Zhao Tietie, who was holding an insulated lunch box in both hands.

“Iron Brother.”

Wang Xiaonian said somewhat unexpectedly.

“Xiao Nian, listen to my mother, you have a dog at home.”

Zhao Tietie grinned widely, and before waiting for Wang Xiaonian to answer, Zhao Tietie walked over to the bully dog and said with some surprise: “Like Aunt Zhang said, it is really fat and ugly.” ”

The bully dog was very afraid of humans, and after seeing the strange Zhao Tietie, he was full of muscles, so frightened that he did not dare to move, and trembled again.


“You’re too timid!”

“Ugly cute little guy!”

Zhao Tietie couldn’t help but touch the bully dog with his hand and said while laughing.

“By the way, Xiao Nian, my mother saw that you hadn’t eaten in the store so late today, so she asked me to bring you food.”

Zhao Tietie suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Xiaonian and said.

“Well, thank you Aunt Zhao, thank you Brother Tie.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

But instead of going to dinner right away, he continued to the balcony to finish the last two boards of the dog house.

Zhao Tietie followed Wang Xiaonian’s gaze and found that there was a small wooden house on the balcony.

So pretty!

So exquisite!

The first feeling given to Zhao Tietie was like a wooden work of art.

But it doesn’t seem to be for people to live, it’s hard not to be.

“Xiao Nian, is this a dog house for the little one?”

Zhao Tietie said in surprise.


Wang Xiaonian, who was loading the last piece of wood, nodded, “This dog house is okay, these are all made by your own hands?” ”

Zhao Tietie looked at the sawdust on the ground and asked in surprise.

“Yeah, is that hard?”

After the assembly was completed, Wang Xiaonian stood up and looked at Zhao Tietie and smiled.

Seeing Wang Xiaonian install in front of him, Zhao Tietie rolled his eyes, and while putting the bully dog into the dog house, he smiled: “Xiao Nian, I can’t see that you still have this hand.” ”

“Of course.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Hee-hee, you’re a dog’s dream remodeler.”

Zhao Tietie said with a smile.


Wang Xiaonian was suddenly speechless, what do you mean by this, is it difficult that I can only do dog houses? What a joke, I can repair the Forbidden City, okay.

“Brother Iron, I’m hungry.”

Wang Xiaonian said suddenly.

“Hungry, are you eating, and don’t you put things on your table?” Do you want me to feed you? ”

Zhao Tietie was teasing the bully dog in the dog house, his head was too lazy to lift, and he said to Wang Xiaonian in a rather disgusted tone.

“Iron brother, but my balcony is a mess now…”

Wang Xiaonian said in a humorous tone.

The balcony was processed by raw materials at noon, and wood chips and small logs were all over the floor.

At this time, Zhao Tietie looked up at Wang Xiaonian, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said, “You mean you want me to clean you up?” ”

“Brother Iron, understand me!”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and shoved the broom into Zhao Tietie’s hand, which made Zhao Tietie laugh angrily, good fellow, I will bring you food to eat, and you have also intensified my efforts to let me clean you up.

But Zhao Tietie finally spat on Wang Xiaonian while cleaning up the sanitary pregnancy on the balcony.

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