Chapter 105 Brother, thank you!!!


The knock at Wang Xiaonian’s house sounded again.

This time it was Su Mengmeng, a tutor, who, as usual, came to Wang Xiaonian’s house to give him a make-up lesson’

After entering the door, Su Mengmeng noticed that Zhao Tietie was cleaning Wang Xiaonian on the balcony.

“What a beautiful girl!”

“Is this boy the hourly worker?” It doesn’t look like it either! ”

Su Mengmeng had a secret passage in his heart.

Zhao Tietie also noticed Su Mengmeng, she did not feel strange, fell generously and Su Mengmeng smiled and said hello, before listening to Wang Xiaonian said, his parents forced him to hire a tutor.

Su Mengmeng also smiled and nodded.

Not long after, Zhao Tietie cleaned Wang Xiaonian’s balcony, cleaned up the insulated lunch box that Wang Xiaonian had eaten, and said, “Xiao Nian, I will go back first.” ”

“Hmm. Iron brother, hard work. ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.


Zhao Tietie glanced at Wang Xiaonian and instructed, “By the way, I told you that the weather forecast said that it would be cold tonight, and you should not be cold and ‘bold’.” ”

“Howler, understood.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded Zhao Tietie left with the thermal rice bowl, at the same time, he did not forget to politely say hello to Su Mengmeng.

“Xiao Nian, you can, who is this little beauty?”

After Zhao Tietie left, Su Mengmeng gossiped with interest, “My little brother! ”

Wang Xiaonian said, “Go.” ”

Su Mengmeng glanced at her whitely, and asked more and more curiously, “Classmates in your class?” How can this come to deliver food and help you clean up? How did you boy do it! ”

From the conversation between Wang Xiaonian and Zhao Tietie just now, Su Mengmeng could roughly guess that Zhao Tietie was definitely not an hourly worker he had invited.

Looking at Su Mengmeng, who was gossiping to the extreme, Wang Xiaonian was also quite speechless.

“Well, she’s my brother.”

Wang Xiaonian said.

“Brother? Oh, shouldn’t it be your girlfriend? ”

Su Mengmeng said with a look that you don’t want to deceive me.

“Not really!”

Wang Xiaonian said.


Su Mengmeng thought that Wang Xiaonian did not want to tell the truth, so he stammered and did not continue this topic soon, Wang Xiaonian told Su Mengmeng about tonight’s homework, and he challenged the advanced copy.

Do puzzles, fitness.

After returning, Su Mengmeng had left.

But unlike in the past, he was originally the only one in the family, but now he has an ugly and cute bully dog.

When the bully dog saw Wang Xiaonian return, he was very happy to wag his tail.

Seeing that it actually greeted him at the door, this made Wang Xiaonian’s heart warm, and he couldn’t help but take out the sauce elbow he liked to eat.

Although the bully dog is muscular, his teeth are very small, and this sauce elbow is quite difficult to eat.

Looking at the bully dog that was nibbling on the sauce elbow, a thought suddenly arose in Wang Xiaonian’s mind.

I don’t dare to watch horror movies by myself.

What if you add a dog.

Hey, dogs can be bold.

Although the horror film affects the quality of Wang Xiaonian’s sleep, the [pain value] brush is also very cool.

In the next draw, [640] points [pain points] are consumed.

Wang Xiaonian gritted his teeth and made a bold decision again.

Keep watching horror movies!

Turn off the lights!

Pull the curtains!

Turn on the TV!

Wang Xiaonian watched the disc “Chainsaw Horror”, which is also a very famous horror film.

The film lasts more than two hours.

Wang Xiaonian read it in horror, compared with the previous two days, Wang Xiaonian felt that he had adapted a lot, at least not halfway.

During this period, if the heart really can’t stand it, just stroke the bully dog.

What surprised Wang Xiaonian was that although this bully dog was afraid of people, it seemed to ignore horror movies, very calm, as ‘bold’ as the name he gave it.

“Good value for money”

“Labor and capital have not raised you in vain!”

Accompanied by the bully dog, Wang Xiaonian watched “Chainsaw Horror”, and at the same time, he also brushed to 60 [pain points].

After watching the film, Wang Xiaonian washed and slept.

To worry about nightmares.

Wang Xiaonian put Uncle Jiu’s town demon charm, that is, the English textbook, under the pillow.

In addition, for the sake of insurance, Wang Xiaonian also put the bully dog and his dog house into his room.

12:30 pm.

Wang Xiaonian fell asleep.

“Mountain Village Old Corpse”, “Pen Fairy” and “Chainsaw Horror”, etc., the bosses of the cloth films that Wang Xiaonian has seen in recent days have appeared in Wang Xiaonian’s dreams and chased after Wang Xiaonian.

At this moment, Wang Xiaonian ran away, and a Daoist robe and a peach wood sword came out of nowhere, blocking the way of the demon.

“Uncle Nine!”

Wang Xiaonian said in surprise.

Uncle Jiu, who was holding the peach wood sword, smiled and nodded to Wang Xiaonian.

I don’t know why, after seeing Uncle Jiu, Wang Xiaonian felt a lot of “vampires” in his heart. ”

“Not good!”

Native zombies, powerful ghosts, Western vampires, and perverted murderers with chainsaws in their hands have surrounded Uncle Nine.

Uncle Nine is gradually defeated!

At this moment, a black dog came from the void, and its appearance was nine points similar to the bullying dog adopted by Wang Xiaonian.

“Black Emperor!”

“Kill the enemy with the fall!”

Behind the black dog, a tall and mighty figure appeared, and he shouted, “Wang Wang! ”

The black dog roared angrily, and suddenly turned into a golden body, and the figure of the great shore behind the black dog gradually became clear, and the young man wearing the purple and gold crown on his head was sent out with one slap, as if turning the heavenly seal, the void forehead moved, shocking the earth, killing the demons of China and the West one by one.

Wei An’s figure looked at Wang Xiaonian at this time.

“Thank you.”

Wang Xiaonian thanked him, “No, brother, I should thank you for justifying my name!” ”

The Weian youth chuckled.


Wang Xiaonian’s face was surprised and his heart was shocked, it was difficult to believe that he was Zhu Tianqi.

At this moment, the illusion in the dream disappeared completely.

Instead, Wang Xiaonian slept very sweetly.


After Wang Xiao got up, he looked at the bully dog under the bed with a puzzled look on his face and muttered to himself, “Are you the Black Emperor?” ”

Where can the bully dog understand Wang Xiaonian’s words, wagging its tail, flowing with a harp, it seems to be hungry.

“Rub, the sequelae of reading too many yy novels in the past life.”


Soon, Wang Xiaonian laughed self-deprecatingly, but after this dream, Wang Xiaonian seemed to overcome the fear in his heart, and he would no longer be afraid to watch horror movies in the future, but at the same time, he could not brush up on the “pain value” because of it.



Is it really a blessing that Sai Weng lost his horse!!!

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