Chapter 109 Lao Tzu read ten thousand books, and Lao Tzu wrote like a divine helper!!!

For combat games, Wang Xiaonian is an absolute advanced player, the existence of dimensionality reduction strikes.

But for the cultivation of games, or trams, Wang Xiaonian really does not understand much.

But fortunately, Wang Xiaonian had the secret taught by Su Mengmeng.

Three long and one short selection The shortest three short and one long selection are the longest.

With this [Enemy Resistance Technique]

Wang Xiaonian galloped into a game of cultivation.

Wang Xiaonian was full of energy for a while and wrote it.

At the same time, inside the examination room, the sound of the radio sounded.

“The English Listening Test for the second monthly exam for the third year of high school in 2003 is now open.”

Suddenly, everyone turned the test paper to the first side.

Well, even the big fat and small fat who are equally bad in English are also doing a dying struggle at this time and start to review the questions.

On the contrary, Wang Xiaonian is still immersed in hard writing, completely ignoring what is happening in the outside world.

It’s like Wang Xiaonian came to an English-speaking anime two-dimensional world, facing the half-orc cat woman, rabbit ear girl, etc., Wang Xiaonian couldn’t understand their language at all, and didn’t bother to communicate, and directly knocked out and took home.

As for whether it is such a customs clearance?

Who does Wang Xiaonian have the kung fu to manage this?

Hearing begins.

The students in the examination room all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

The invigilator, Fan Qin, was inspecting the examination room at this time.

In this monthly examination, the difficulty of each subject is very high.

For the results of the exam, Fan Qin will inevitably feel worried.

Seeing the next choice of answers, hesitant students, Fan Qin couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, these little guys, at home, there is no use of Walkman’s to strengthen listening training.

Fan Qin noticed that the next stroke was like the god Wang Xiaonian, and when he wrote the answer, it would be a crisp and refreshing one without any hesitation.

“Is this boy really working hard at home to learn English?”

“That kind of secret without any scientific basis, maybe it’s just a joke on his part?”

Fan Qin noticed that Wang Xiaonian, who was calm and relaxed, did not panic at all, and was full of ambition and full of confidence, and his heart could not help but wonder again, but soon…

Fan Qin noticed that something was wrong.

The speed at which this kid wrote the answer was simply out of the ordinary.

Before he could read the question on the radio, he seemed to have written the answer.

Fan Qin, who was confused, came to Wang Xiaonian’s desk.

At this time, the English listening in the radio was only half finished, however, Fan Qin saw that Wang Xiaonian had actually achieved the second part of the entire test paper [reading comprehension].


This made Fan Qin subconsciously clench his teeth.

You’re doing it fast enough…

English listening is not finished!

Your entire English test paper is almost finished???

However, what made Fan Qin feel even more speechless was that Wang Xiaonian seemed to be immersed in his own world, and even Fan Qin stood next to him without noticing.

After writing the “Reading Comprehension”, Wang Xiaonian nodded with satisfaction.

It’s as if you’re saying to the air, “Yes, I wrote it so well!” ”

This moment…

Fan Qin almost laughed angrily.

You scribble a pass, and the prayer flag is still self-intoxicated?

If it were not for the monthly examination, the principal and the director of grade teaching would have told them to treat students in accordance with the requirements of the college entrance examination, even if the students forgot to write their names on the examination paper, they must hold back and not be reminded.

Students, do not hit the south wall and do not turn back, eat a trench to grow a wisdom.

After writing the “Reading Comprehension”, Wang Xiaonian wrote an English composition with a flying pen.

Fan Qin watched silently.

Wang Xiaonian, who is addicted to tram cultivation games, although he does not read the game prompts and does not understand the game instructions, but he plays very high himself.

Soon, Fan Qin noticed Wang Xiaonian’s fluent English phrase “Ah…” written on the answer card.

“It’s not just standard, the sentences are pretty advanced.”

“Only this word is a little ugly.”

Fan Qin secretly said.

This made Fan Qin more and more confused, this Wang Xiaonian how he learned English in the end and why it was different from everyone’s.

But then.

Fan Qin saw the second English sentence written by Wang Xiaonian, and after the third sentence, her face completely darkened.

This kid writes sentences, grammatically correct, vocabulary is also very advanced, but…

However, the previous article does not match the latter language, and the bull’s head is not right for the horse’s mouth.

Fan Qin was roughly clear that it was Wang Xiaonian who temporarily hugged the Buddha’s feet before the exam and memorized some beautiful English sentences in order to gain points.

Couldn’t it be that this was taught by his tutor again!


What the hell is going on with his tutoring?

It’s a mistake!!!

Does this teacher have a conscience?

How can you hurt a child so badly!

For a moment, Fan Qin couldn’t help but grit his teeth at Wang Xiaonian’s tutor.


At this time, Su Mengmeng, who was working in a foreign trade company, suddenly sneezed Su Mengmeng rubbed his nose inexplicably, and secretly said in his heart: I didn’t have a cold last night, is it difficult to believe that which handsome guy is secretly in love with me?

It took Wang Xiaonian less than a minute: before his English listening was over, he filled up the entire English test paper.

However, he did not turn in the papers, and the school has a rule that the earliest and the earliest must be handed in 15 minutes before the end of the exam.

Wang Xiaonian didn’t bother to touch the moldy head, and after writing the paper, he planned to sleep beautifully, of course, during this period, Wang Xiaonian did not forget to check his class, whether the name and student number were written.

Seeing the familiar scene of lying on the table and sleeping soundly, Fan Qin’s eyes were on fire.

But thinking that this is the monthly exam required by the college entrance examination, Fan Qin took a deep breath, the world is so beautiful, why should I be so grumpy!

As the exam draws to a close, the three invigilators once again emphasize the discipline of the exam room, and if they are violated, they will be dealt with directly with a score of 0.

After waking up, Wang Xiaonian was refreshed.

Although I have a certain “adaptive evolution” ability of “Suzaku Tattoo”, but a beautiful sleep, it is really comfortable.

Jingle Bells!

The bell rings at the end of the exam.

The students turned in their papers, packed up their things and left the exam room.

After the exam papers are collected!

Fan Qin saw a determined, confident Wang Xiaonian and was angry, good fellow, you are really big-hearted, you write nonsense, and you are still full of ambition.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian.”

At the end of the exam, Fan Qin finally couldn’t help but say.

“Ah, what’s wrong? Teacher Fei! ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Classmate Yu Xiaonian, you can write this English volume really fast.”

“Reading a book breaks ten thousand volumes, and the next pen is like a god.”

Fan Qin suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile.

These words immediately made Wang Xiaonian a little embarrassed, and said, “Teacher, I am embarrassed by your exaggeration, I have read thousands of books, and I have divine help in my next pen.” ”


Fan Qin is a good guy!

Say you’re fat, you’re still on it.

Also, do I mean that?

“Ah, Teacher Fei, the source of this [Reading Breaks Ten Thousand Volumes, the Next Stroke Is Like a God] is “Twenty-two Rhymes for Wei Zuo Chengzhang”, written by Wang Wei. This means that I have read ten thousand books, and my next pen is like divine help! ”

“It’s not causality, it’s juxtaposition.”


Fan Qin was once again stunned by this sentence is this meaning? Since elementary school, teachers have often praised those essays for writing well, because they read a lot of books and wrote them very smoothly.

It’s causality.

What Wang Xiaonian said was ‘juxtaposition’.

I read ten thousand books, and I wrote like a god.

“Well, this classmate is right.”

At this time, the other invigilator smiled and nodded, which was an affirmation of Wang Xiaonian’s words, “Oh. ”

Fan Qin couldn’t help but subconsciously nod his head to the original meaning of this sentence.


Wait a minute!

Am I talking about this Yang?

By the time Fan Qin came back to his senses, Wang Xiaonian and his two good friends had already left the classroom at this time.

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