Chapter 110 I don’t share the sky with gambling drugs!!!

After the monthly exams, the first thing students do is to go back to their classes.

The teachers had to assign assignments for the next two days and tell us about the exam.

Back to the classroom.

Students are lamenting the difficulty of this exam, and many people are still answering the questions.

Not only those who participate in these are good grades, but even the big fat and the small fat are also eager to seek temporary comfort in their hearts.


“The last math multiple-choice problem, really choose C!”

The representative of the math class is a small boy with black-rimmed glasses, his math score is at the top of the grade, and in mathematics alone, he can be compared with the existence of Qin Zhizhi.

“Well, yeah, I can’t be 100% sure, but I chose.”

“That, big fat, can you please stop shaking me?”

Math class representative’ Xu Ning said with some helplessness.

“Oh. I’m sorry, Xiaoning. ”

Big Fat scratched his head with some embarrassment, “Hey hey, Xiao Ning, since you chose C, the correct answer must be C.” If you can choose the same one, it will be no problem. ”

The last multiple choice question was also selected by Xiao Chu, who said happily at this time.

At this moment, they are as happy as if they see the national football team winning the World Cup.

At this time, there were also 2 people in the classroom who did not participate in the question, or complained about how difficult the exam was.

One person is Wang Xiaonian.

The other person is the old 1.5 Liu Pinjie.

However, the two appear in a completely different state.

Wang Xiaonian was indifferent after the exam, as if he hadn’t taken the exam.

Liu Pinjie is full of ambition and full of confidence.

In this examination, in order to compete with Wang Xiaonian, Liu Pinjie began to prepare carefully for the exam very early.

Liu Pinjie’s talent is good, coupled with the obsession with Wang Xiaonian in his heart, this difficult exam is really not difficult for him.

Liu Pinjie looked at each other in the air, and once again there was a strong sense of war, as if to tell Wang Xiaonian that the person sitting next to Qin Zhizhi in next week’s class meeting class was me!

For Liu Pinjie, who committed the crime of secondary two, Wang Xiaonian directly ignored it.

Before long, the noisy classroom was suddenly quiet.

That’s right!

The class teacher, Lao Liu, had already walked to the door of the classroom at this time.

Seeing the old Liu with a bad face, the students obediently did a good job.

The class teacher on the podium, Lao Liu, simply explained the difficulty of this exam, and what was different from the past was that he did not blame the students for not working hard.

“This time the topic is difficult, and many students feel that they are not ideal.”

“It’s not necessarily a bad thing for you.”

“I hope you will think about your shortcomings, there is still time before the college entrance examination, all of you are in time!”

Old Liu said.

This made the students feel a little relieved.

Immediately afterward, Lao Liu assigned homework and explained the problems that the students were most concerned about.


It was the next two days of vacation.

During this time, the outside world is rumored that it seems that the weekend is going to make up classes, and from November onwards, [Bashu Middle School] will also have to conduct evening self-study.

“Huh. I don’t usually see you so serious in class. ”

When Lao Liu talked about the holiday, he noticed that the students looked at themselves intently, afraid of missing a word, which made Lao Liu cry and laugh, “This weekend is still a double holiday, but this is also the only weekend before your college entrance examination.” ”

Old Liu said.



The students were both helpless and happy to respond, and overall, everyone still felt more fortunate, after all, the single break that should come must come after all.

“During the holidays, don’t play by the river, don’t go to kv, and don’t touch pornography.”

Old Liu had a serious face and instructed, “Okay, Teacher Liu!” ”

“I don’t share the same day as gambling drugs!”

The naughty boys in the class immediately shouted in unison after hearing that they were not allowed to touch pornography, gambling and drugs.



Suddenly, many of the boys in the class couldn’t help but laugh out loud, good fellow, don’t touch gambling drugs’, which means that you have to touch the remaining one.

The girls in the class, simply some of them can’t feel their heads, and they ask their male tables.

The same is true of Qin Zhizhi.

“Xiao Nian, what do you mean by that?” What are they laughing at? ”

Qin Zhizhi asked softly.


Wang Xiaonian was not good at saying too clearly, so he smiled: “You are savor the word that is missing.” ”


Qin Zhizhi’s face suddenly turned crimson, and he lowered his head in embarrassment, “Go to yours!” ”

“A bunch of stinky boys!”

Old Liu couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

Although the monthly exam has ended, the teacher has left a lot of homework, which is not to embarrass the students, but not to let them relax too much, after all, the real battle has just begun.

However, no matter how much homework there is, for the students, tonight is bound to be a good relaxation.

After leaving school, I went to the Internet about to go online.

Skewer to pick up the skewer.

Big Fat, Little Fat looked for Wang Xiaonian to go online, but was rejected.

Wang Xiaonian had to go back to give “It Looks Delicious” a whole indoor mountain spring bonsai.

The decoration of “It Looks Delicious” is too monotonous, which is obviously not in line with Wang Xiaonian’s style.

Wang Xiaonian wanted to buy a bonsai very early to embellish “It Looks Delicious”, so that guests can eat as if they are next to a small waterfall.

But bonsai is not cheap, cheap one or two thousand, expensive, then there is no upper limit.

Wang Xiaonian, who has the “Apocalypse Inheritance”, the Wooden Emperor’s craft, naturally does not need to buy it, just make it yourself.

For ease of handling, Wang Xiaonian made it directly outside the back door of “It Looks Delicious”.

The required materials, planks, cement and, of course, some waterproofing materials.

The rulers were useless, and he took the saw and directly went down, which made Zhao Tietie, who took the initiative to take the handle, stunned.

“Xiao Nian, you don’t have any quantity, and you don’t have drawings, so you’re not fooling around.”

Zhao Tietie said with some disbelief.


“My eyes are rulers!”

Wang Xiaonian said without looking up.

Zhao Tietie was dumbfounded, your tone is really big, but think about it, Wang Xiaonian’s dog house is what he made.

But Zhao Tietie still did not believe that Wang Xiaonian was so anti-scientific.

On the other hand.

The monthly exam ends.

Students want to relax!

Teachers of flesh and blood are no exception!

Inside a Bardak coffee shop.


Fan Qin, who came out for coffee with his good girlfriend, couldn’t help but sigh, “What’s wrong?” Violin! ”

Su Mengmeng asked with a smile.

“There’s one thing that me off today.”

Fan Qin poured bitter water on Su Mengmeng and said that her students were not obedient and wasted her painstaking heart.

At first, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but be comforted.

But then it didn’t sound quite right.

“Three short and one long, choose the longest.”

“It’s really not that I said that some students’ tutors are really irresponsible, and they don’t teach, but they teach students these side doors.”

Fan Qin said without anger.


“There are also some unspeakable secrets about tutoring.”

Su Mengmeng’s eyes were a little evasive, and he said with insufficient confidence.

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