Chapter 113: Engaging in Mentality Tricks!!!


Wang Xiaonian is not.

He did it on purpose, he wanted to attract the attention of many media in Sichuan and Chongqing, and it was best to take two photos of himself.

Sure enough, soon a media outlet took a picture of Wang Xiaonian.

After Wang Xiaonian saw it, he immediately turned sideways to the media and lit up his biceps, which instantly made the camera brother laugh.

A good middle two comic than a teenager.

After the pose last night, Wang Xiaonian, who accelerated again, secretly said in his heart: “Just now he should have photographed the logo on my clothes.” ”

At the same time, the onlookers also talked about how long this teenager who likes to be in the limelight can persist.

“I watch for 10 minutes!”

“10 minutes? Can you run for 10 minutes in this way? ”

“Yeah, I’ll be watching for 5 minutes at most.”

“Probably not, I think this young man is quite strong.”

“What’s the use of Zhuang?” It’s not weightlifting! ”


“It is estimated that it will not work out soon.”

Today’s Wang Xiaonian, has been 24 and ‘fat’, gradually lost the first impression of ‘strong’.

Although there is not much flesh on the face, the figure is very thick, and the shoulders and backs are much wider than ordinary people.

Wang Xiaonian, who was in the lead, continued to run at the front of the line at his speed to talk about the passers-by, and Wang Xiaonian just smiled in his heart.

That’s my rhythm!

I don’t care what you think!

10 minutes later!

Of the more than a hundred marathon runners, there were fewer than 50 left, and those who played tickets were basically abandoned.

Wang Xiaonian was still in the only gear, and there was no one twenty or thirty meters behind him.

Those in the second echelon are some players with high legs and long legs.

Among them were two blacks and one white.

These three people were invited by three large companies in Sichuan and Chongqing.

Judging from their body size and body shape, their body fat is maintained very well; Although they are temporarily in the second echelon, they are very different from other players in the second echelon, their breathing is very stable, and their faces are quite relaxed.

It can be seen that they are very experienced in the marathon and should not participate less.



It took about 15 minutes to run.

Wang Xiaonian’s breathing began to worsen, and the sweat on his forehead also flowed down.

The pace also seems to have slowed down.

The foreign aid in the second echelon of the birth position, after seeing the situation, could not help but show a disdainful expression on his face.

They have been participating in marathons in the Summer Country for many years, and it is not uncommon for runners like Wang Xiaonian to do so.

The three foreign aides noticed that Yu Xiaonian was wearing the words “Company’s logo”, and there were many of the same models in the participating teams, and they must be from the same company.

This Wang Xiaonian this company sent out to engage in other people’s mentality, by putting pressure on others, to disrupt the rhythm of others’ running, so that some strong competitors can mess up their own positions, so as to create opportunities for his companions.

Such a person, to say that the ugly point is cannon fodder’.

The three foreign aides of the second echelon came to the summer country to earn a living by running marathon races, and naturally did not succeed.

Another 2 minutes passed.

Although Wang Xiaonian is still in the first echelon, the gap between him and the 13 players in the second echelon is gradually narrowing.

“Hmm, carving insect tricks!”

The three foreign aides saw Wang Xiaonian, who was gradually losing his physical strength, and the secret passage in his heart was disdainful.

Yu Guang glanced at the three players in the second echelon wearing “It Looks Delicious” and secretly said, “Your plan cannot succeed.” ”

These 3 contestants wearing “Look Good” clothes are folk fitness enthusiasts.


Wang Xiaonian’s pace slowed down, but there was no panic or anxiety on his face, on the contrary, he became excited.

The reason why he ran at this speed was to make himself tired and produce a ‘feeling of pain’.

At the same time, Wang Xiaonian’s mind resounded with a series of mechanically cold electronic sounds.

“Ding, pain points are being acquired.”

The pain is not very full, and I don’t get the pain value immediately, but it is faster.

This sound was like a super invincible enhanced version of Red Bull, which was drunk by Wang Xiaonian.

Just when the second echelon and Wang Xiaonian were less than 2 meters, and they were about to go hand in hand with Wang Xiaonian, Wang Xiaonian, who drank ‘Super Red Bull’, accelerated.

This scene surprised the players of the second echelon.

What rhythm is this?

Could it be that this kid just lowered his speed on purpose?

The three foreign aides were also a little surprised.

But soon they calmed down, couldn’t be in a hurry, couldn’t be in a hurry, and now that it was just beginning, hold on, and couldn’t be confused by him.

It ran for another 5 minutes.

The gap between Wang Xiaonian and them once again widened to more than 30 meters.

And this past 5 minutes made Wang Xiaonian brush to 17 points [pain value]

Compared with the gym, when a person is practicing on the treadmill, the [pain value] of the brush is much more.

“Hey hey.”

“It seems that I am a real combat player!”

Wang Xiaonian secretly said in his heart.

But at this moment, Wang Xiaonian’s speed of obtaining Pain Points slowed down, and a warm current appeared on his back.


“[Suzaku tattoo] appeared on the right.”

This is a sign of the appearance of a Suzaku tattoo.

The Suzaku Tattoo, which has a certain ability of “adaptive evolution”, is quietly restoring Wang Xiaonian’s physical strength in Mimi.

In the usual fitness, the “Suzaku Tattoo” will also appear, but there is a big gap between the effect and the actual competition.

Think about it, running alone on the treadmill, without the excitement of the race, correspondingly, the speed of recovery is not as good as in the race.

In the marathon, the recovery of physical strength accelerated, which made Wang Xiaonian’s eyebrows tighten.

In this competition, I want not only the champion, but also a wave of [pain points].


Thinking of this, Wang Xiaonian accelerated again.

After the three foreign aides in the second echelon saw the situation, their hearts were originally as calm as a lake, and their mentality was a little tense.

“What to do?”

“Do you want to increase the speed?”

“If you continue like this, the first place may not be your own.”

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