Chapter 114 I haven’t used any strength, how did you fall!!!

The three foreign aides of the second echelon, seeing that Wang Xiaonian was running faster and faster, and their mentality could not be stopped, also began to accelerate.

Many foreign athletes who come to the summer country to seek gold, their talent and ability are actually quite good, but there is a big gap from the top, there is no achievement in their own country, they can only go abroad to make a living, similar to the foreign aid in the CBA.

The trio ran a 42-kilometer full marathon that took 2 hours and 2 minutes.

By the way, the record for the full marathon is 1 hour and 59 minutes.

The 2-kilometer half marathon, for the three people, the distance is shortened by half, and the difficulty can be shortened by more than half.

In order to get a good place, to get the prize money of the competition, and the prize money promised to them by the company, they did not allow themselves to fail.


The three rs of the second echelon are 190cm tall, and they are speeding up with big legs.

Soon it opened up the gap with the original second echelon.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian did not pay so much attention, he was completely immersed in his own rhythm of brushing money.

“Ding, pain value +3!”

“Ding, pain +4!”

Wang Xiaonian felt that this was the most beautiful sound in the world, and it was one hundred and eight times stronger than the ‘foreign language’ that Xiao Fat liked to listen to.

So many days of exercise, watching movies at night, brushing advanced copies.

Wang Xiaonian’s “pain value” once again accumulated to [569] point.

The [640] points required for the draw are not out of reach.

Wang Xiaonian wants to pass this marathon, challenge his limits, brush to the [640] point in one breath, hey hey, complete a lottery again.

Thinking of these…

Wang Xiaonian was once again like a Red Bull who drank a Super Enhanced version x5.

Wang Xiaonian, who was full of bullish energy, still maintained a fast run.

In the face of the three foreign aides who were trying to catch up with him behind him, Wang Xiaonian did not take it seriously at all.

The sweat flowed faster and faster, but the smile on Wang Xiaonian’s face was getting more and more.

The three foreign aides who chased after Wang Xiaonian behind them were not slow, and as professional athletes, their real strength was only stronger than Wang Xiaonian.

After all, it didn’t take long for Wang Xiao to start working out, plus the load of weight was greater than all of them.

40 minutes passed.

Two-thirds of the fixtures have also passed.

Although Wang Xiaonian is still leading, he is no longer the only one at this time.

He and three foreign aides are in the first echelon.

In the second echelon, there were 5 people who were 30 or 40 meters away from Wang Xiaonian, and only 38 of the contestants at this time were left.

The reporter on the motorcycle and carrying the cameraman was also filming.

Wang Xiaonian in the first echelon was breathless, but his smile was full of smiles.

The other three foreign aides, two black and one white, although their breathing was a little chaotic, but compared to Wang Xiaonian, it was much better, but their expressions were quite ugly.

Another 5 minutes passed.

Wang Xiaonian, who is 175.5cm tall and weighs 180 kilograms, has a complete disorder in his breathing and looks like he is going to fall to the ground at any time, but he is still one position ahead of the three foreign aides, and he is stuck in the first place.

The three foreign aides were disturbed by Wang Xiaonian’s mentality, their running rhythm was disrupted, and they also gasped for breath.

“Ding, pain value +5!”

“Ding, pain value +6!”

Pain values increase faster and faster, and so do the values.

It can be seen that Wang Xiaonian’s physical strength has almost reached its limit.

611 points!

The draw is still 29 points away from the [pain value].

Wang Xiaonian, who was accustomed to enduring pain and challenging the limit every day, saw that he immediately had the opportunity to rush to 640 points.


His footsteps were heavy and he accelerated again!



The three foreign aides behind him broke down in their hearts.

There are still 3 kilometers to the end, and we have been running for so long.

Can this guy still speed up?

How can it be?

One of the black foreign aides showed a very painful expression, and tears flowed out.

This emoji is very much like the classic black man’s crying GIF in a past life.

Wang Xiaonian on the run, what came to mind was not the finish line, but the silver of the white flowers.

At this time, does he hurt?

Of course it hurts!

The pain of tearing the heart and lungs is not excessive.

But he was used to it!

What’s more, you can also brush money!


The three foreign aides looked at Wang Xiaonian, who was constantly pulling apart from himself, and his mentality completely collapsed as professional athletes at this moment, and at this moment, he forgot about physical management.

Forget that this may be Wang Xiaonian’s ruse!

Forget what coaches told them when they were young!

Completely led by the rhythm of Wang Xiaonian!


Three foreign aides also rushed up!

They have good talent and solid basic skills.

The last 4 kilometers. Constantly approaching Wang Xiaonian.



They even gracefully spat out the national essence of their country.

They want to create pressure on Wang Xiaonian and also engage in his mentality.

But they made a very serious mistake.

Wang Xiaonian, who is immersed in the joy of brushing money, that is called a real ear that does not hear things outside the window’.

Don’t care about that at all!

Until 2 minutes later, less than 2 kilometers away from the end.


One of the three foreign aides, a black foreign aid, let out a cry of pain.

The rhythm is completely out of order!

The mentality exploded for him!

At the end of the road, the calf cramped.


With a sound, the whole person fell behind Wang Xiaonian.

Wang Xiaonian glanced back, and in his mind he involuntarily came up with a sentence that the monkey brother who was not very good in his cervical vertebrae in the “Journey to the West” often said: “I haven’t used any force, how did you fall.” ”

Wang Xiaonian didn’t bother to take care of so much at this time and continued to run.

The black foreign aid cramped his calf and could not continue the game.

The other two foreign aides, also because of the mentality, rhythm problems, resulting in physical strength flowing too fast, less than 1 kilometer from the end, their heels were filled with lead, and they could only watch Wang Xiaonian pull away from them.

“Forget it!”

“We can only fight for second place.”

A black and a white looked at each other, and the dark passage in their hearts was helpless and lonely.

But that’s when…

The two foreign aides heard cheers in their ears.

It is not that Wang Xiaonian has rushed to the end.

Instead, several local players from the original third echelon have rushed over.


“No, it won’t!”

One black and one white stunned.

But at this time, their fuel tanks are empty, and before they get close to the point, they can only grit their teeth and watch the other players continue to overtake themselves from behind.

What makes them the most devastating.

Two of them also wore the dress!!!

“Congratulations to this runner for becoming the first place in this Sichuan-Chongqing Marathon.”

When Wang Xiaonian crossed the finish line, the host’s excited voice sounded Wang Xiaonian began to really slow down at this time.

The whole person gasped violently, but his face was full of smiles.


Not only did it get the first place.

Own [pain value]. I also brushed to [646] points, which is 6 points more than expected.




Wang Xiaonian saw that the third person who crossed the line was actually a contestant with the logo of “It Looks Delicious”.

Happy escalating drag again!

Three kills!

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