Chapter 118 is a big embarrassment!!!

Su Mengmeng, who took the self-service snack, noticed that Wang Xiaonian called Fan Qin a teacher, which meant that his good girlfriend was likely to be his English teacher.

This Wang Xiaonian’s homework was written by himself, and if the good girlfriend knew about this matter, she would have to laugh at herself to death, and it would be a shame to throw it to her grandmother’s house.

“Xiaoqin, do you know Xiaonian too?”

Su Mengmeng pretended to be surprised.

“Well, Xiao Nian was a student in my class.”

Fan Qin said with a smile.

At the same time, I couldn’t help but think about how this Wang Xiaonian came out to eat steak with his good girlfriend.

Is it difficult?

Fan Qin suddenly thought of something.

Wang Xiaonian hired a tutor.

His good girlfriend is in charge of tutoring.

The true similarity of all things seems to be on the surface.

No wonder I say that Wang Xiaonian’s homework notes are so familiar.

It turned out that you guys helped him write it.

There are also the three long and one short to choose the short ‘exam secret, which you also give it.

Su Mengmeng saw that his girlfriend’s expression had changed, and it seemed that he had thought of something, so he quickly explained, “Oh, ah, that’s too coincidental, Xiao Nian is my neighbor downstairs.” ”

“I changed the light bulb at home the other day and as a thank you I asked him to come out for a steak!”

When he said this, Su Mengmeng did not forget to give Wang Xiaonian a look and let him cooperate.

What a clever man Wang Xiaonian was, he quickly understood the relationship between them.

In this regard, Wang Xiaonian also had to sigh in his heart, things are really coincidental, his tutor and the school’s English teacher, turned out to be girlfriends.

The reason why Su Mengmeng was so embarrassed was that she didn’t want her girlfriend to know that she was helping her with her homework.

“Well, Sister Sue, it’s too polite.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded to see the two acting in front of him, Fan Qin’s mouth couldn’t help but feel funny, and secretly said: “Good guys, two drama spirits.” ”

“Yeah, that’s a coincidence.”

At this time, Fan Qin did not expose the lies of his good girlfriend, but deliberately pretended not to know.

“Yeah, what a coincidence.”

Su Mengmeng was panicked at this time, and his palms involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat, “Okay, I won’t bother you, you eat slowly.” ”

Fan Qin smiled, at the same time, when leaving, if there was a deep sense of glance at Wang Xiaonian, as if to tell Wang Xiaonian, boy, I already know all the truth of the matter.

After Fan Qin left.

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but sigh.

A relieved expression of ‘It’s okay, things are not wearing help’.

“Sister Su, I didn’t expect you and Teacher Fei to be classmates.”

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but smile and asked.


Su Mengmeng first smiled and nodded, and then thought that he had just acted so tired, all because of the pit goods in front of him, and suddenly lost Wang Xiaonian’s white eyes, “Sister Su, did Teacher Fei have any nicknames when he was a student?” ”

Wang Xiaonian asked.

“What do you want to do?”

Su Mengmeng suddenly became alert and said, “You should not want to threaten your teacher with this to stop doing homework.” ”

Wang Xiaonian was speechless.

Am I that kind of person?

I just want to just gossip.

“By the way, Xiao Nian, you are not allowed to tell her about the relationship between us, do you know?”

Su Mengmeng, who thought she was hiding from the sky and the sea, couldn’t help but raise her little pink fist and threaten viciously.

This made Wang Xiaonian laugh, Fan Qin already knew.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I ask you if you heard?”

Su Mengmeng, who was worried about the exposure of the matter, couldn’t help but say with a straight face.

“Well, I see.”

Wang Xiaonian pretended to be serious and nodded, “You know what? ”

Su Mengmeng saw Wang Xiaonian pretending to be a person, and couldn’t help but emphasize it again, letting him understand that he was very, very concerned about this little secret: “The relationship between us will never tell her.” ”

Wang Xiaonian helplessly restated “Hmm. ”

Su Mengmeng showed a satisfied smile, but Su Mengmeng heard the guests at the table next to him seem to be laughing, and they were still looking at themselves and laughing.


Su Mengmeng was stunned and turned to understand what they were laughing at.

These people are probably misunderstanding that they and Wang Xiaonian are in a sister-brother relationship, and as a sister, they are not allowed to reveal this relationship.

Thinking of this, Su Mengmeng’s face turned red as soon as he thought of it.

Oh, my—god lost the dead!

Su Mengmeng subconsciously covered her face with her hands and lowered her head, and what made her grit her teeth even more at this time was that Wang Xiaonian ate it like a person who had nothing to do.


Su Mengmeng glared at Wang Xiaonian angrily, “Ah, Sister Su, it turns out that you like to eat chicken butts, rest assured, I don’t eat this, leave it to you!” ”

Wang Xiaonian seriously put half a roast chicken to eat the rest of the chicken buttocks and put it into the bowl of Su Mengmeng opposite, “You”

Su Mengmeng was completely speechless, this guy was definitely deliberate.

“Sister Su, are you okay with your new job?”

Wang Xiaonian saw that Su Mengmeng was not lightly angry, and at this time he couldn’t help but change the topic, “Well, it’s not bad.” ”

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but smile, new job, Su Mengmeng is working as a manager assistant in a foreign company, whether it is a manager or a colleague, she is still quite friendly to this new person in the workplace.

The two talked about Su Mengmeng’s work, and did not know why, Su Mengmeng still liked to talk to Wang Xiaonian, who was a high school student, about these, and what surprised Su Mengmeng was that Wang Xiaonian seemed to know more about some rules in the workplace than himself.

In front of Wang Xiaonian, it seems that he is a high school student, and he is an old bird in the workplace.

When the steak buffet was halfway through, Su Mengmeng’s mobile phone suddenly rang, which made Su Mengmeng, who was still very relaxed a second ago, suddenly become very serious, and also signaled Wang Xiaonian not to speak.

Wang Xiaonian did not ask, but he guessed it, and it was estimated that it was a call from her company leader.

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