Chapter 119 You are a fake bully dog!!!

“Sister Su, are you so happy?”

Yu Xiaonian saw Su Mengmeng after answering the phone, and his face was excited, “Hee-hee! ”

Su Mengmeng’s mouth is getting higher and higher, and he can’t help but sell Guan Zi as a small pit commodity in Su Mengmeng’s eyes, but he will not rush to ask, and once again he took care of himself and ate the steak, during which he did not forget to feed the bully dog to be happy in his heart, and Su Mengmeng, who wanted to share this joyful mood, smiled and said to Wang Xiaonian: “The manager wants to take you Su sister to do the project.” ”


Wang Xiaonian was a little crying, well, the big weekend will let you work overtime, you are so happy.

“What is your expression?” Sister, I have only been employed for a week, and I can handle the project, which is not something that ordinary new employees can do, which is why your sister Su has outstanding ability. ”

Su Mengmeng smiled triumphantly.

“Oh well. Sister Sue,… Is your manager a man? How old is it? ”

Wang Xiaonian suddenly asked.

“It’s a man, more than four years old, eh, you, it’s really a little devil, our manager is not that kind of person.”

“Really, what’s going on in your head?”

Su Mengmeng rolled his eyes in disgust.

“Well, I just casually asked, but, Sister Sue, if you have any questions, feel free to call me.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.


Su Mengmeng responded with some dissatisfaction, obviously he was relying on his strength to win the appreciation of his superiors, but this guy was a little devil, he had to suspect that his manager was LSP, is this not a disguised explanation, I am not capable?

At this time, Su Mengmeng’s ears sounded a soft laugh again.

Looking sideways, I found that the customers at the table next to him seemed to be discussing themselves and Wang Xiaonian.

“Harm, you see no, sister-brother love is not OK.”

“Yeah, the man is too humble.”

“Mm-hmm, so you can’t find a boyfriend who is smaller than yourself.”

The two single girls discussed.

After Su Mengmeng heard it, he couldn’t help but face the black line.

Good fellow, they actually think that they are in a sister-brother love, where is the domineering sister?

If there is no mistake, the victim is obviously good or bad for me.

Oh, my God!

In addition to helping Wang Xiaonian write homework!

You have to carry this big black cauldron!

I, Su Mengmeng, swore that I would never go out to dinner with this ‘big pit goods’ again.


Early in the morning.

Although it was a weekend, Wang Xiaonian, who was accustomed to self-discipline, got up and went downstairs for a morning run.

Now because of self-discipline, the [pain value] obtained by morning running is very small, but the fly is still meat, no matter how small.

After returning from a morning run, Wang Xiaonian brought a breakfast, and at the same time, planned to take a sauce elbow from under the TV cabinet in the living room to eat with a grass meal.

However, after opening the drawer, Wang Xiaonian was somewhat surprised to find that there were only 2 sauce elbows.


I remember there were 7 more yesterday.

Why are there only 2 left today?

Is it hard for me to remember wrong?

Wang Xiaonian, who did not want to understand, did not bother to think much and ate breakfast.

And at this time, he did not notice that the bully dog sleeping in the dog house on the balcony’

Bold’ breathed a sigh of relief.

After breakfast, Wang Xiaonian thought that he still had a bully dog to feed, so he took out a bag of dog food and poured it into the dog basin.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian noticed that the bully dog sleeping in the kennel seemed to have grown up.

Yesterday it was the size of a normal watermelon.

Now it’s the size of a half-watermelon.

The dog house dew he made for him, which used to be able to roll in it, is now just right.

“I rub!”

“Does this bully dog grow so fast?”

“Could it be that this is the effect of [Master Dog Picking]?”

Wang Xiaonian secretly said in his heart.

At this time, the bully dog who was pretending to sleep suddenly woke up and ate the ‘dog food’ in the dog basin with a thick and honest heart.

9 a.m.

The big fat and little fat who plan to go fishing in the river come to find Wang Xiaonian.

Professional tackle is not cheap.

The three of them also used simple homemade fishing rods.

Three bikes!

Three teenagers!

Three fishing rods!

Let’s go to the river in the suburbs.

Oh yes, and a bully dog.

Wang Xiaonian, who soaks in the gym every day, even if he carries a 30-pound bully dog behind him, does not have the slightest effort, on the contrary, his two good friends are tired.

“Xiao Nian, you guys, you’ve been so fierce lately!”

“It’s a 7-mile road, and you don’t even catch your breath.”

“Hey hey, are you on drugs?”

The two fat men gasped and spat out, “Hamapie! ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed and scolded: “Don’t talk nonsense, find a place to fish.” ”

There are many people in Chuanyu who like to fish, and no one cares about this place, allowing wild fishing to wait for Wang Xiaonian to come, and some good places have people.

Wang Xiaonian could only lead the bully dog and walk around with the two fat men to see if there was any position.




At this time, Wang Xiaonian heard the sound of dogs barking in his ears.

This is not a bold dog issued by the bully dog, but a dog brought by the same angler as Wang Xiaonian.

But the difference is that Wang Xiaonian led the dog leash, while he did not lead the dog leash.

It’s a wolfhound!

Standing is half a person tall!

If you stand upright, it is estimated to be 1.4 meters.

Slim body!

They barked at Wang Xiaonian all the time, and when they saw this fierce dog, the big fat and the little fat couldn’t help but subconsciously retreat.

After the owner of the dog saw the situation, he did not stop drinking, but lazily asked: “Young man, this is a bully dog you raised.” ”


Wang Xiaonian nodded at this time the wolfhound was provoking the bully dog.

“Army, come back quickly, don’t scare others.”

The angler grinned.

The tone is very contemptuous, in addition, seeing their own dogs provoking other people’s dogs, that is, the mouth moves, the person still sits in place.

Wang Xiaonian’s brow furrowed.

Sure enough, there are no most hated dogs, only nasty dog owners.

What kind of man, what kind of dog he raised!

At this time, the bully dog boldly looked back at Wang Xiaonian, as if to signal: Master, boldly request a battle!!!

Wang Xiaonian was slightly embarrassed, and then he released the dog leash!!!

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