Chapter 120: Catching Turtles in the River!!!

After the leash is released!

The bully dog looked angrily at the big wolfhound in front of him, as if to say, “Give me one last chance, get out of here.” ”


“Boy, you bully dog looks pretty fierce.”

“You quickly put on the dog leash, I don’t have to pay if you are bitten!”

The owner of the Great Wolfhound, the fisherman with a somewhat Mediterranean haircut, said with no fear.

For the combat effectiveness of the bully dog, he is clear that this bully dog full of muscles is a kind of goods that cannot be done.

“Uncle, you can quickly take your puppy away, I can’t afford it.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Big… Uncle? ”

The angler’s expression froze slightly.

I’m only 25 years old, but I’m a little bald, you’re a seventeen or eighteen-year-old kid, call me uncle?

Hmm, dare to laugh at me!

“Dajun, you have fun with the little guy in front of you.”

The Mediterranean angler said in a deep voice.

When the big wolfhound heard his master’s permission, he became more and more unscrupulous, stretching out his forelimbs to scratch the bully dog.

A bully dog with a noticeably small physique quickly avoids it.

The speed and fast reaction made Wang Xiaonian a little surprised.

Is this still his own bully dog that meets a living person, and his forehead is shocked and trembling?

After dodging the probing attack of the Great Wolfhound’s forelimbs!

The bully dog pounced on the neck of the big wolfhound!

One bite down!

“Enjoyable and enjoyable”

“Enjoyable and enjoyable”

“Enjoyable and enjoyable”

The big wolf-dog, who was still full of anger a second ago, suddenly let out a cry of a ghost crying wolf.

The big wolfhound kept shaking his head, trying to shake the bully dog away.

However, the bite force of the bully dog once again exceeded Wang Xiaonian’s accident, not only was it not thrown out, but on the contrary, it also bit the big wolf dog straight to blood.

The angler who was fishing by the river saw that his dog was injured, hurriedly put down the fishing rod in his hand, ran over angrily, and shouted: “Dead dog, don’t let go of your mouth!” ”

Saying, while also trying to use his feet to go to the bully dog.

Hitting the dog also depends on the owner!

Wang Xiaonian took a step and stopped directly in front of the Mediterranean angler.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaonian’s momentum changed dramatically, and he said in a cold voice, “What do you want to do?” ”

Wang Xiaonian, who is 175.5cm tall and 180 pounds tall and has a broad shoulder, once he sinks his face, it is like an iron tower, giving people a strong sense of deterrence, the angry angler wanted to scold Wang Xiaonian, but when he saw Wang Xiaonian’s muscular figure, he could not help but compare himself in his heart, and he inexplicably felt scared.

“Little brother, can you let your dog loose?”

The angler calmed down, and did not forget to lose the smiley face Wang Xiaonian glanced at the bully dog that bit the neck of the big wolf dog deadly, just like the beast in the hunting moment.

The great wolfhound lay down in submission, making a whimpering and whimpering sound, as if begging for forgiveness.

“Be bold, let go!”

Wang Xiaonian ordered at this time.

After the bully dog boldly heard the words, he immediately let go and proudly retreated to the side.

After the Mediterranean angler saw his dog fleeing from the bad mouth, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and turned around, and rushed to the side of the big wolf dog, and after seeing his injury, he said with heartache: “Army, you are all right.” ”

“Discipline your dog well, next time it’s not as simple as shedding some blood.”

“Let’s go!”

“Be bold!”

After Wang Xiaonian dropped this sentence, he left the Mediterranean angler without looking back, and at this time, he was not in the mood to continue fishing, and after helping his dog, he planned to leave.

As for finding compensation from Wang Xiaonian, he was embarrassed, and at the same time, he did not dare.

The scene of dogs biting dogs has attracted the attention of many river anglers.

“I’m going…”

“Is that really a bully dog?”

“Probably not.”

“The bully dog is just fierce, who has such a fighting power.”

“Definitely a fake bully dog, just looks like it.”

The anglers talked about Wang Xiaonian, who heard them discuss, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

It seems that his own “dog master” is very good, and this bully dog will no longer seem to be a vain name in the future.

Bully dogs, who already have a certain degree of human wisdom, when they hear the praise of others, they walk with their heads up and chests, and they are full of vigor.

“Xiao Nian, you are so powerful!”

“That big man didn’t even let you lose money.”

For a long time, Xiao Fat said with a look of admiration.

“Yes, little year. Although it was the big wolfhound who looked for the stubble first, but boldly bit it like that, the Mediterranean stunned did not ask you for a penny. ”

Big Fat also said with considerable admiration.


Wang Xiaonian suddenly felt a little funny, his gym coach, when fooling new people to do cards, will always say that reading is to let you reason with others, but fitness is to let others reason with you at that time Wang Xiaonian felt very ridiculous, but now it seems that there is still some reason.

If you are just simple fat and give people the feeling of looking soft, the Mediterranean angler just now is not so good at talking.

But now, although the muscle outline is not particularly obvious, I also have muscle blocks.

Once angry, it gives people a strong sense of deterrence.

Of course, this is still the case that you have not taken off your clothes, if you take off your clothes, you will look stronger.

After this vignetting.

Wang Xiaonian and the three of them sat by the river and fished for fish.

However, all three are laymen among laymen.

Even the nest is not very clear, simply made a pair of earthworm bait into the river, trying to attract the fish to the bait.

But the fish seemed to be very disgusted with Wang Xiaonian and their bait did not bite the hook at all.

1 hour!

2 hours!

After exactly 2 hours have passed! The fishing rod didn’t even move a few times.

Big fat, little fat has completely given up at this time, take off his shoes, change into swimming trunks, and jump directly into the water to play.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but be a little irritable.

But he’s still on the Diaoyutai platform!

“Ding, pain value +!”

“Ding, pain +2!”

The irritable mood made Wang Xiaonian very unhappy, but the pain value continued to rise.

Another hour passed.

The three-hour air force’ made Wang Xiaonian’s pain value brush to 50 points, but at this time, Wang Xiaonian really couldn’t help it, threw away the fishing rod in his hand and planned to go to the river to play in the water.

The angler not far away, after seeing this scene, couldn’t help but smile, the teenager is a teenager, can’t hold his breath.

At the same time, he did not forget to show off the fish he caught and said: “Young man, don’t be in a hurry, take your time, you can do it.” ”

After changing into swimming trunks, Wang Xiaonian plunged into the water.

Wang Xiaonian’s water-based nature is general.

But with [Xuanwu Tattoo], he is spiritual when he enters the water.

Wang Xiaonian galloped in the water.


Since you can’t catch a fish!

Lao Tzu can’t go home empty-handed!

Then catch the fish with your bare hands.


With a sound, Wang Xiaonian dived into the bottom of the water, swam to a big fish at a very fast speed, and reached out to grab it.

After grabbing it, he threw it to the shore.

“Be bold!”

“Help me get into the bucket!”

Wang Xiaonian did not forget to command.

The bully dog farted and took the fish into the bucket.

This scene looked at the angler next to him, stunned.


This teenager’s water is good.

Just as the angler was amazed, another fish was thrown out of the water.

“Here I go!”


The angler was stunned

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