Chapter 132 Sending the Pennant to the Little Hero to!!!

This monthly exam is quite difficult, and after returning to school after two days of happy vacation, it means facing a harsh reality.

During the morning reading, the class teacher Lao Liu came to the classroom, and the students could see from his expression that the test results should not be ideal.

The first class is a language class.

Before the class, Lao Liu walked in with a stack of answer cards and asked the Chinese class representative to distribute the test papers.

Looking at the answer cards, the students were all worried.

“It’s over!”

“Barbie Q!”

“I’m only 62 points!”

When Xiao Fat Zhou Lieyin saw his score, his face suddenly stepped down.

The total score for Chinese is 150 points, and the passing score line is 90 points.

But after seeing the score of the good friend Li Dachun, he couldn’t help but show a smile of relief on his face, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Big Fat’s score in Chinese this time is worse than Xiao Fat’s, only poor Baba’s 59 points.



Big Fat glanced at Xiao Fat angrily, and turned to reveal a sad expression.


I guess I am the first to last in all this time.


I still have a glimmer of life.

Big Fat couldn’t help but look at Wang Xiaonian at this time.

At this time, most of the students in the class got the answer sheet.

“Wow, Zhizhi, you’re so good, such a difficult exam paper has scored 132 points.”

Yu Fanfan said in surprise.

When the students heard that Qin Zhizhi had received a high score of 132, they all looked at it with envy.

This time the language test paper was particularly difficult, especially one of the texts to read.

Don’t say that with a score of 130+, even if it is a 100+, I am afraid that there is not even a quarter in the class.

It’s amazing!

Worthy of being a beauty bully.

“Fan Fan, didn’t you also score 130 points?”

In the face of Yu Fanfan’s exaggerated and shocked tone, Qin Zhizhi said somewhat unkindly.


“Here I go!”

“Yu Fanfan also scored 130 points.”

Everyone was stunned.


Yu Fanfan smiled triumphantly and Yu Fanfan was still very satisfied with this score.

“Senior, what about your exam papers?”

Yu Fanfan saw that almost all the students in the class had obtained the examination papers, but Wang Xiaonian was still empty-handed, and asked incomprehensibly.

Qin Zhizhi also looked at Wang Xiaonian doubtfully.

“You shouldn’t have turned in your papers.”

Yu Fanfan said suspiciously.


Wang Xiaonian glanced at Yu Fanfan, and at this time he also looked at the class teacher Lao Liu on the podium in doubt.

“Oh, Wang Xiaonian, your exam paper is still in our teacher’s office.”

The class teacher, Lao Liu, said.



Lao Liu’s words surprised the students in the class.

What is this rhythm?

Everyone’s examination papers were sent down, but Wang Xiaonian did not.

Everyone first looked at Lao Liu in surprise, and then at Wang Xiaonian.

Lao Liu still wanted to explain two more sentences, but the class bell rang at this time.

“Okay, let’s all be quiet.”

“The Chinese score in this monthly test is not ideal, the average score of the grade is only 88 points, less than 89 points. Not even the passing line arrived. It is also the worst test in the history of our [Prachuap Khiri Secondary School]. ”

Old Liu said with a straight face.

“This exam is very difficult, but it is not that there are no students in the class who get high scores.”

Qin Zhizhi and Yu Fanfan, both students scored 130 points, and only 13 students in the whole grade exceeded 130 points. ”

“In addition, Li Xiaoyu (Chinese class representative) also scored 128 points.”

“It is worth mentioning that our deputy class leader, Liu Pinjie, has made great progress this time and has also scored 122 points.”

Lao Liu continued to analyze, “Wow! ”


For a moment, everyone couldn’t help but look at Liu Pinjie.

Liu Pinjie was a bit partial before, language is his weakness, can go to 1 point has been thankfully, this time the topic is so difficult, even even scored 122 points.

“Everyone applauds and encourages!”

Old Liu smiled and took the lead in clapping.




At this time, the old 1.5 Liu Pinjie, the body sat straight, the eyes looked ahead, it seemed that the ancient well was not wavering, calm and incomparable. But in fact, at this time, Liu Pinjie’s heart was turbulent, extremely proud, and did not forget to glance at Wang Xiaonian.

After speaking, Lao Liu also reported several students who were more than 120+ in this exam.

The class of 120+ points including 130+, a total of 8 people.

“This time, there may be 8 students with 120 points in our senior (1) class.”

Old Liu said.


For a moment, everyone was a little puzzled.

Is it still possible to say this?

Old Liu smiled and couldn’t help but look at Wang Xiaonian, who was sitting in the third row.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian, this Chinese test score, in addition to composition, also got 71 points.”

Old Liu explained with a smile.

71 points!

Wang Xiaonian?

Everyone was shocked…

The full score of Chinese composition is 60 points, and most students are between 40-45 points, as long as they do not stray from the topic, this score is almost the same.

A little bit of running away from the question, the handwriting is a little ugly, such as, big fat, small fat, also took a 35 points.

If the composition is ’40 points, Wang Xiaonian also has 117 points.

The Chinese language grades in the class are also quasi-first-class’.

At this time, I still think that a good friend can be at the bottom of the big fat, and the dream has been shattered.

Good fellow, even if he scores zero points in his composition, he is higher than himself.

“Wang Xiaonian’s composition score has not yet been determined, and the teachers of our senior high school language group are still discussing.”

Old Liu said again.

The crowd was stunned again.

They all looked at Wang Xiaonian.

Even Qin Zhizhi had a puzzled face.

What exactly did he write.

“This is the first time this has happened in our [Prachuap Khiri Secondary School].”

When Lao Liu said this, he couldn’t help but laugh at his own students’ playfulness.

At present, the Chinese teacher of the third grade group of the high school has written Wang Xiaonian’s essay “Dispel Sorrows”

Divided into two factions.

One faction is to think that the composition does not conform to the norms, and can only give 20 points.

High school essay, as long as it is not a white paper, at least there is a 20 points.

The other school believes that Wang Xiaonian’s composition is very innovative and full of charm, and should give a high score of 55+, or even a full score.

Regarding this matter, Lao Liu did not say much in front of the students, and after roughly reporting the results, he began to explain the examination papers.

On the other hand.

Happiness police station.

“Director Zhao, the theft case in the Happy Community has been clearly investigated, and most of the stolen goods have been returned to the residents.”

The young policewoman said.

“Hmm. Well done. ”

Director Zhao smiled, “By the way, the teenager named Wang Xiaonian yesterday helped a lot in this case, and I have to give a good credit to that young man.” ”

The policewoman smiled and nodded, but at this moment she was a little eager to stop talking.

Until now, the two thieves who were arrested yesterday have been saying that there are aliens in Wang Xiaonian’s family.

Just when the policewoman hesitated to say it,… A young policeman came and said, “Director Zhao, a reporter wants to come and interview.” ”

“Oh, the reporter is here too?”

“Okay, Xiao Tian, or you will go to [Bashu Middle School] with the reporter later and send the pennant to Wang Xiaonian, the little hero.”

Director Zhao laughed.

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