Chapter 133: The Little Hero Is at the Penalty Station!!!

“Zhizhi, why are you so happy today?”

After class, Yu Fanfan came to look for Qin Zhizhi, saw Qin Zhizhi with a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and looked in the direction of Wang Xiaonian and said.


Qin Zhizhi’s face immediately turned red, and when he learned that Wang Xiaonian could get 71 points in addition to his composition, this was happier than Qin Zhizhi himself who had taken the first place in the class.

But at this time, he was picked out by Yu Fanfan, which made Qin Zhizhi, who had an introverted personality, very embarrassed.

“Isn’t it fun to get 132 points?”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and asked Qin Zhizhi when he heard it, his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but look up at Yu Fanfan.

In the face of the “sandwich attack” of the two people, Yu Fanfan could not be completely destroyed for a while.

“Branches, you are heavy and light friends, and your elbows are turned outward.”

Yu Fanfan stammered and said.

“Van, you’re talking nonsense again.”

Qin Zhizhi said that the second lesson was a math class.

There were still 5 minutes left before the class, and the math teacher came to the classroom early.

The difficulty of this monthly exam is quite high, and many students think that they have not done well.

However, after entering the classroom, the math teacher seemed to be in a good mood.

Is it difficult for us to do well in the test???

“In this monthly examination, everyone’s results are not very ideal, compared with the last monthly examination, most of the students have slipped down.”

The math teacher said.



At this time, there was a sigh in the classroom.

“But a few of my classmates have made a lot of progress.”

“Here’s the highlight.”

“Classmate Liu Pinjie, 130 points.”

As soon as the words stopped, an exclamation sounded in the classroom.

Liu Pinjie is handsome and can play (basketball) in the class, and his academic performance has always been good, but none of them can be at the top of the class.

This math test paper is so difficult, Liu Pinjie scored 130 points.

“Applause encouragement!”

The math teacher laughed.

In the burst of applause, Liu Pinjie, wearing a white belt, once again raised his nostrils to the sky.

After the applause fell, the math teacher looked in the direction of Wang Xiaonian with a smile on his face.

“Another classmate who has made great progress, Wang Xiaonian.”

“This monthly math exam has achieved the only full score in the whole school!!!”

At this time, when informing Wang Xiaonian’s score, the math teacher could not suppress the joy in his heart.

There are 2 people in the Sichuan-Chongqing Joint Examination, with full marks in mathematics.

They are in Sichuan-Chongqing No.1 Middle School and Bashu Middle School, two old famous schools.

Unlike the 130th minute time when Liu Pinjie was just informed, at this moment, the classroom was suddenly silent.

Everyone stared at Wang Xiaonian with wide eyes.

This is not a dream.

Wang Xiaonian did not pass the big exam in mathematics.

Good fellow, this time I actually got a perfect score.

Everyone looked at Wang Xiaonian in disbelief.

“Everyone applauds and encourages!”

The math teacher said.

For a moment, the senior third (1) class sounded a deafening applause.

And a second ago, there was still some pride, proud old 1.5 Liu Pinjie, at this time also widened his eyes, looking blankly at Wang Xiaonian.

“Classmate Qin Zhizhi, this exam score is also very good, 143 points.”

Immediately after, the math teacher smiled and looked at Qin Zhizhi and said.

143 points!

Single subject mathematics is in the top 10 of the whole year.

In this regard, the students in the class were not too surprised, and Qin Zhizhi’s academic performance has always been very stable.

After saying the results of these three people, the math teacher asked the class representative to hand out the answer sheet.


Yu Fanfan saw that his math had only scored 90 points this time, and he couldn’t help but hold his head with both hands.

“Yu Fanfan, you have to come on.”

The math teacher laughed.


Yu Fanfan nodded with a bitter smile, mathematics is Yu Fanfan’s weakness, but this is for Yu Fanfan, who is in the top 10 of the class, and he can also take the test of about 110 in the past.

Big fat, little fat after seeing their own test papers, at this time it is a long sigh of relief a 76!

A 75!

For this score, both of them are very pleased.

Good luck.

Multiple choice questions, it was all right!

“Hmm, are you still complacent? Look at how many questions you got right except for multiple choice? See if you’re lucky every time? ”

The math teacher looked at the two happy people and said without anger.

The two men immediately lowered their heads.

This math lesson is naturally also an explanation of the exam paper.

However, after the test paper was explained, the math teacher asked Wang Xiaonian to go to the podium to share his learning experience.

After all, Wang Xiaonian’s test results should not be too exaggerated.

Wang Xiaonian, who stepped onto the podium, was calm and calm on the surface, but in his heart he really did not know what to say.

I can make such great progress.

First, doing puzzles can brush money.

Second, I am a genius in terms of “understanding”.

But I can’t say these two reasons myself.

Especially the fact that he is a genius, saying it is too discouraging to other students, “Effort! There is only the word “effort.”

Wang Xiaonian has seriously shaped himself into a diligent child who picks up the lamp and reads at night, even on holidays, without a hint of relaxation, living in the ocean of knowledge.

This remark made many students in the class still quite touched, well, that is, believe it.

Especially the old 1.5 Liu Pinjie, who regards Wang Xiaonian as the enemy of life, has studied very hard during this time in order to surpass him. Although he has also improved in this examination, compared with Wang Xiaonian’s progress, it seems to be a little worthless.

Knowing that he had won hundreds of battles, Liu Pinjie listened carefully and even picked up a small book to take notes.

But the two good friends in the audience are big fat and small fat, but the corners of their mouths are twitching, good guys, you forgot that yesterday we also went fishing by the river?

Wang Xiaonian, who taught the learning experience on the podium, very much hoped that someone could record this scene at this moment.

After two lessons, it’s time to broadcast gymnastics between classes.

Unlike in the past, the class teacher, Lao Liu, did not lead the team in the playground, and the other Chinese teachers who were the class teachers did not come.

Inside the teacher’s office for the third year of high school.

Old Liu They are still arguing endlessly about Wang Xiaonian’s article.

It wasn’t until the third class that the Chinese teachers in the senior third grade group agreed on a consensus.

In the end, Wang Xiaonian’s language composition was fixed at 59 points!

One point less than a perfect score!

The score of the monthly Chinese test is also a staggering 130 points.

In this regard, the class teacher Lao Liu couldn’t help but have a smile on his face.

However, just at this moment, the director of the teaching was brought in, Shi Tai, two policemen, and several media reporters from Sichuan and Chongqing.

Among them is Xiao Yun, a reporter who has previously interviewed the program group of the senior third (1) class “Into the Senior Three”.

“What class is Wang Xiaonian in?”

The policeman asked.


Old Liu couldn’t help but be frightened, seeing the police coming, he couldn’t help but think in his heart, is it difficult for the boy to commit the crime?

Old Liu stiffened his scalp at this time and raised his hand: “Hello, it is our class.” ”

The policeman with the pennant of “Seeing the Righteous Courage for the Sake of the Youth” smiled and walked up to Lao Liu 183 and told Lao Liu about Wang Xiaonian’s deeds.

Old Liu couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

“Oh, this is Wang Xiaonian’s composition?”

Xiao Yun, a reporter from Sichuan-Chongqing Satellite TV, found Wang Xiaonian’s language test paper on his desk, “Hmm. ”

Old Liu smiled and nodded, “Teacher, can we take a picture?” ”

Reporter Xiaoyun saw that Wang Xiaonian’s language homework scored 59 points. Close to full marks, I couldn’t help asking.

“Of course not!”

Old Liu laughed.

“By the way, which class is Wang Xiaonian in?” We want to deliver the pennant to him personally. ”

The policeman laughed.

“Senior 3 (1) class.”

Old Liu said hurriedly.

After saying that, the old Liu who was full of spring breeze and pride still took the police and the reporter to the third (1) class of high school.

At this time, Senior Three (1) is in English class.

In this English test, Wang Xiaonian magically scored 78 points with his secret skills, although he did not pass, but the average score in the class this time was only 83 points, but Fan Qin, the English teacher who knew Wang Xiaonian’s secret, was not happy in his heart.

This is not Wang Xiaonian’s progress.

It was Wang Xiaonian’s good luck.

What made Fan Qin feel even more angry was how long Wang Xiaonian had been asleep in class.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian, you stand at the front of the classroom and listen to the lecture.”

Fan Qin said with a flat face.

No ruts!

Wang Xiaonian could only do so.

But not long after standing, Wang Xiaonian found that there was a wave of people outside the classroom.

Teach the Director Extermination Master too!

Class teacher Lao Liu!

Two cops!

And a lot of reporters!

This surprised Wang Xiaonian.

However, the scene in front of him at this time surprised the police and reporters even more.


Our little hero of Chuanyu seems to be sleeping in class, and at this time he is being punished by the teacher to stand!!!

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