Chapter 139 Whose waiter is this? So brave?!!

Zhao Tietie heard Wang Xiaonian, who was still closing his mouth and closing his mouth a second ago, and at the moment when he heard that someone had made 10,000 yuan, there was light in his eyes.

“Brother Iron, did you leave the phone?”

Wang Xiaonian’s eyes glowed green and he asked with a look of hope.


Zhao Tietie rolled his eyes and said without anger.

Wang Xiaonian took a small note handed to him by Zhao Tietie.

Miss Yang, contact number: The words on 151xxx are written by Zhao Huilan.

This couldn’t help but make Wang Xiaonian frown slightly.

The person who can buy 100,000 of his own mighty heaven does not have a business card?

My business card will arrive tomorrow!

Wouldn’t it be a liar!

But on second thought, the woman did not leave a business card for herself, probably because she was worried that after she knew her true identity, she would sit on the ground and start the price.

As for whether it is a liar or not?

Wang Xiaonian also didn’t bother to think about it.

I’ll just call and ask later.

“Xiao Nian, there is one more thing my mother asked you to tell me.”

Zhao Tietie said again.

“Well, you say.”

Wang Xiaonian continued to cook.

“‘Looks delicious’ is not very hot now, which has attracted a lot of thieves.”

Zhao Tietie said.

“Oh? Is it! ”

Wang Xiaonian’s brow furrowed, there are really many pickpockets this year, mainly because everyone has to bring cash when they go out.

“It’s okay inside our shop, Aunt Li they look more strict,… There has not been a single theft. But the bikes parked outside are available… Harm… Counting the noon today, 5 vehicles have been stolen. ”

Zhao Tietie said in a deep voice for 3 years, the main reason why electric vehicles have not been fully popularized is expensive.

An electric car is more than two thousand, which is worth the salary of ordinary front-line employees, two or three months.

The main means of transportation for ordinary people is bicycles.

Bicycles are also one of the thieves’ favorite items to steal.

“If we often have bicycles outside the door and electric vehicle batteries are stolen, guests will have to be scrupulous when they come to eat with us.”

“It’s also not a good thing for our reputation.”

Zhao Tietie analyzed with some concern.


Wang Xiaonian nodded.

The bicycles that customers park outside are not obligated to take care of their own small restaurants.

But if you want to make the business of the store better and better, for the sake of long-term development, this matter really has to be managed.

“Brother Tie, when you go inside the shop, talk to the five sisters, and send someone to watch over the bicycles outside.”

Wang Xiaonian said.

Yesterday Wang Xiaonian took in the Overlord Flower Security Regiment, and he didn’t expect it to come in handy today.

“Oh, okay.”

Zhao Tietie nodded, “In an hour, I will go over.” ”

Wang Xiaonian said in a deep voice that Zhao Tietie waited until Wang Xiaonian finished eating, first cleaned the insulated lunch box at his home, and then dragged a floor for his home, and then left with the lunch box.

Wang Xiaonian, who had enough to eat and drink, did not rush to “It Looks Delicious”, but made a phone call to the buyer named ‘Yang Chuxue’.

After dialing the phone.

“Hello, are you?”

The voice on the other end of the phone, somewhat high and cold, “Hello, I am the maker of Wei Zhentian.” ”

“Listen to my employees, Miss Yang intends to threaten the sky.”

Wang Xiaonian was too lazy to be vain and asked directly.

This woman, named ‘Yang Chuxue, acted in a style and acted vigorously.

“Tomorrow I will take 10,000 cash to go, and when the time comes, we will deliver the goods by hand and pay with one hand.”

Yang Chuxue said.

“Okay, no problem.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

After you hang up the phone.

Wang Xiaonian smiled, this Miss Yang is really rich, a price of 100,000, so he agreed.


Suddenly, Wang Xiaonian felt a pang of heartache.

Eh, I was careless, I was negligent.

I should have raised the price.

This Miss Yang is so rich, it is estimated that she will not care, she will mention one or two thousand more.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaonian’s heart became more and more painful.

Suddenly, at this moment, a series of mechanically cold electronic sounds resounded in my mind.

“Ding, pain value +10!”

Although Wei Zhentian is Wang Xiaonian’s painstaking effort, he can exchange it for 10,000 yuan, and Wang Xiaonian only has one feeling.

That’s making hemp!

Anyway, Wei Zhentian was created by himself, and he will do it again in these two days.

Wang Xiaonian took out his mobile phone again and made a call.

“Oh, little king, I heard that right.”

On the other end of the phone came the incredible voice of old Fan Yongjilang, “Master Fan, I have some urgent matters to deal with here, and I don’t think I can practice today.” ”

Wang Xiaonian said with a cry and a smile.

“What’s the matter?” Want a brother to help? ”

Old Fan Yongjiro was enthusiastic.

“No, it’s just a little thing.”

Wang Xiaonian said.


Old Fan nodded, “Master Fan, I’m really sorry for my appointment today.” ”

“Wait until tomorrow my brother invites you to dinner.”

Wang Xiaonian sincerely apologized.

At this time, the old Fan Yongjiro on the other end of the phone, with a bitter smile, said that it was okay, it didn’t matter, but in his heart he was tearful and thought: “Good fellow, I can finally rest for a day in the right light. ”

After dealing with these things, Wang Xiaonian took the bully dog boldly, rode his bicycle, and went to “It Looks Good”.

Wang Xiaonian planned to catch two thieves today to deter the thieves who wanted to make a decision when they arrived at the door of “It Looks Delicious”, Wang Xiaonian’s brow frowned again.

Didn’t I let the Overlord flower out to see the bike?

How no one came out.

At this time, the third of the Overlord Flowers quickly ran out.

“Boss, I’ve been watching the movement outside behind the glass and a few of them are sneaky, but they haven’t moved.”

Sanhua said solemnly.

Wang Xiaonian then remembered that Sanhua’s specialty was reconnaissance, and there was no need to stand outside, but also to observe every move outside.

“It’s all right.”

“I’ll lead them out.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

With that, he put the unlocked bicycle outside.

He led the bully dog inside.

Sanhua followed behind.

After entering, Sanhua, wearing the “Looks Good” overalls, was in a very hidden corner, staring at every move outside.

I rub!


It’s really worth being a scout.

This anti-reconnaissance capability.

After Wang Xiaonian saw Sanhua’s business ability, he was very satisfied.

5 minutes later!

“The owner!”

“There is movement!”

Sanhua reported.

“Okay, rush out with me.”

Wang Xiaonian gave an order, “No! ”

The five Overlord Flowers said loudly.


Five Overlord flowers wearing “Looks Delicious” overalls rushed out at a faster speed than Wang Xiaonian.

“Thief, don’t run!”

The big flower burst out with this thunderous sound, which startled the bicycle thief.

The thief is speeding up!

5 Overlord flowers are chasing after each other behind them.

Not only is the speed amazing, but the momentum is even more frightening.

This caused passers-by to marvel.

“I go, whose waiter is this?” So brave? ”

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