Chapter 140 has its own strengths! 5 Overlord Flowers!!!

Wang Xiaonian led the Overlord Flower bodyguard group to chase the thief through the streets.

The speed of the five Overlord Flowers was faster than Wang Xiaonian’s.

But the fastest of the five is the ‘Four Flowers’.

Big flowers, the strongest power, the best Chinese.

Sanhua, good at reconnaissance.

Five flowers, good at ligating animals.

Four flowers, the fastest.

“Here I go!”

“Is this still human?”

The thief who was riding with his life felt that the people behind him were getting closer and closer, and he looked back in disbelief and found a dark-skinned girl who was about to catch up.


“Don’t get in the way!”

The thief gritted his teeth and increased his strength again, at the same time, roaring angrily at a passerby who wanted to stop him.

Out of the heart of justice, passers-by who wanted to intercept the thief were frightened back by this voice.


A thief rode too hard and disconnected the chain of the bicycle.

Due to inertia, the thief almost flew out of the bicycle.


The thief scolded the four flowers behind him, and could only give up the bicycle at this time.

“Keep chasing!”

Wang Xiaonian, who ran at the back, said again.

This makes the thief stunned, why did he return the bicycle to you, what else do you want?

After hearing Wang Xiaonian’s words, the 5 Overlord Flowers did not care about the bicycle thrown down and continued to pursue the thief.

The thief’s face was miserable, and he could not run at this time.

“Don’t come here.”

The thief took a knife out of his pocket and threatened viciously.

Not only that, but among the crowd of onlookers, two young people who were flowing in the stream also stepped out, and stood with the thief, who seemed to be their companions.

Bicycle thieves, they are generally gangs, some people steal, some people let the wind blow.

“The car has been returned to you, don’t look for anything, otherwise, don’t blame Lao Tzu for ruining you.”

“Let’s go.”

At this moment, one of the tallest thieves said with a somber face.

After saying this, the 3 people turned and left.

These 3 thieves are very experienced, it seems that they have been chased by people before, show their muscles, leave this sentence, and they can leave calmly.

The 5 overlord flowers looked at Wang Xiaonian again, waiting for Wang Xiaonian’s opinion At this time, Wang Xiaonian, who was still sprinting, shook his head and signaled the 5 people not to move.

But the next second, Wang Xiaonian crashed straight into the tallest thief.

This thief, who is more than 180 centimeters tall and weighs more than 160 pounds, is definitely a tall category among ordinary people.

But Wang Xiaonian’s physique is even bigger.

The last time the amount was 175.5cm, weighing 180 pounds, the muscles of the body, like the body of the tower, knocked the bluff thief directly out.



Passers-by let out exclamations.

This scene also startled the other two thieves.

His own boss, like a kite off the line, flew straight out.

The reaction force generated by the impact made Wang Xiaonian feel some pain.

But that’s only a little.

“Ding, pain value +1!”

This bit of physical pain is not as much as brushing when working out.

Not only did it not have any impact on Wang Xiaonian, but it also made Wang Xiaonian excited.

Wang Xiaonian glanced at the thief holding the knife.

Wang Xiaonian, who had a large physique and explosive combat strength, made the thief feel a momentum like a beast, oppressed.

Directly frightened him into a daze.

Although Wang Xiaonian did not know much about fighting, he was strong enough to face the thief holding the knife, directly punched down, and hit his right eye.


The thief directly dropped the knife in his hand in pain and covered his injured right eye.

The remaining thief, seeing the two companions so miserable, at this moment, there was only one thought in his mind – to escape.

“Don’t let him run.”

Wang Xiaonian said to the 5 Tyrannosaurus Flowers while swinging his fist at the thief.

The 5 nodded.

Directly surrounded the front.

“Stinky ladies, get out!”

The thief said viciously, but there was a little panic in his tone.

At this time, Erhua rushed forward.

In less than three moves, the thief’s arm was dislocated.

The skillful and exquisite martial arts made the passers-by around them look shocked, almost like shooting an action movie.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaonian’s side, looking at Meng, punched the thief’s eyes, causing others to scream in pain, but the thief did not lose the ability to move, and even wrestled with Wang Xiaonian.

The thieves’ screams kept coming.

But Wang Xiaonian did not take down the others for a while and a half.

Compared with the waiter who wore “It Looks Good”, Wang Xiaonian’s fighting skills were too immature.

After dozens of rounds, Wang Xiaonian finally beat the knife-wielding thief to the ground and could not get up.

Enthusiastic passers-by, after reacting, also called the police.

Wang Xiaonian asked Dahua to go back first, and he was waiting for the police here.

“Boy, good job.”

“Boy, the body is awesome!”

“Boy, great.”

Passers-by have raised their thumbs up to Wang Xiaonian, and some kind passers-by have seen Wang Xiaonian, who has been gasping for breath, and can’t help but give Wang Xiaonian the milk that has not been opened in his hand…

“Thank you.”

At this time, some thirsty Wang Xiaonian was not polite and took it over, although at this time he most wanted to drink Coke.

When the thief escaped, there were actually many passers-by who wanted to rush out to help, but the thief rode too fiercely, too fast, plus, he still had a knife in his hand, so he retreated.

It didn’t take long.

The police are coming.

“Oh, it’s you again?”

“Little Hero of Eryu!”

Yesterday, the policewoman who went to Bashu Middle School and gave Wang Xiaonian a pennant recognized Wang Xiaonian at a glance.

“Sister Policeman, these three people stole bicycles and were caught by me and my staff.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

“Well, good job, classmate Wang Xiaonian.”

The police officer looked at the three thieves lying on the ground and turned to laugh.

But soon, the police officer looked at Wang Xiaonian doubtfully and said, “Your staff.” ”

“Yeah, this guy is good, and the waiter at “Looks Good” has subdued the thief.”

The well-meaning citizens said on the sidelines.

The police officers next to them were all scared.

Is this little guy the owner of “Looks Good”?

Good guys, what a hero out of a teenager.

After Wang Xiaonian roughly explained the matter, the police left with the three thieves

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