Chapter 143 My Sick Leave!!!

Seeing that Su Mengmeng liked the female frequency novel “Sophie’s Revenge” that he was talking about, Wang Xiaonian said in his heart: “You don’t like literature and art, elegant, the plot of this novel is not good for dog blood.” ”

“The heroine does not have the appearance of falling into the country and the city, and the wayward behavior is praised as having a character.”

“The trick you showed was that you made her cute.”

“Obviously so ordinary, but still so confident.”

“The problem is, in the face of such a heroine, the man licks the dog and walks all over the ground.”

“It’s the same as our male yy.”

Of course, Wang Xiaonian did not dare to say these words.

What if Su Mengmeng is unhappy and has a bad time?

But then again, reading novels is an entertainment activity, pay attention to a elegant sharing, happy is good, there are so many literary and artistic things, it is difficult to find an interesting entertainment activity this year, let go of the novel.

“Xiao Nian, your story is good.”

“Literary and elegant!”

Su Mengmeng smiled.


Wang Xiaonian said solemnly.

“However, Xiao Nian, I don’t see that you still understand girls very well.”

“Hee-hee, I didn’t expect that under your burly physique, there was still a little princess hidden.”

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but laugh and tease.

“Cough cough.”

Wang Xiaoqing coughed twice to hide the embarrassment and shyness in his heart.

In order to make money, Wang Xiaonian endured humiliation and burden.

“Ding, pain value +5!”

The cold electronic sound of the system mechanically sounded in Wang Xiaonian’s mind again.

This made Wang Xiaonian can’t help but be bright-eyed, no wonder, the story of lying down and tasting guts has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is worth learning to kill Wu, how painful it was at that time.

“Sister Su, give me the manuscript tomorrow.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

Although I don’t know how much money “Yilin” will finally finalize for itself, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat, not to mention, I can also brush up on the pain caused by the shame of the female frequency novel.

This belongs to the pleasure of double—kill.

“This… That… I’m afraid…”

Su Mengmeng, who had just promised to write it, was embarrassed at this time.

“What’s wrong? Sister Su, is there something wrong? ”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and asked Su Mengmeng for half a day before he said the reason, “I don’t have a computer.” ”


Wang Xiaonian was dumbfounded, well, in 2003, the computer is a big piece, a better computer has to spend 8000+, even if it is a second-hand computer, there is no more than three thousand can not be done.

Although Su Mengmeng is dressed quite fashionably, one-third of her salary income buys clothes, one-third buys cosmetics, and the remaining one-third pays rent.

If you have money to buy a computer, you don’t have to teach yourself.

“But I can go to an Internet café and write.”

Su Mengmeng added with some lack of confidence, “No! ”

“I’ll give you the whole one.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Give me the whole one?” Don’t you have one at home? ”

Su Mengmeng said doubtfully.

Wang Xiaonian’s family Su Mengmeng still understands, where there is a computer.

“I don’t have any.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled disapprovingly.

“Then where are you going to give me one?”

Su Mengmeng rolled her eyes, “I can buy one.” ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.



Su Mengmeng was speechless.

Although Wang Xiaonian is a senior in high school, this boy opened a restaurant.

Harm, I graduated from college for three or four years, and my pockets are cleaner than his, which is too humiliating.

Thinking of this, Su Mengmeng involuntarily lowered his head.

“Sister Su, shall we go to [Oriental Computer City] tomorrow afternoon to choose a computer?”

Wang Xiaonian suggested.

“Tomorrow afternoon?”

After Su Mengmeng groaned for a few seconds, he smiled: “I have no problem here, but is it good for you to take a leave of absence from your school?” ”

“Rest assured, no problem.”

Wang Xiaonian said confidently.



After Wang Xiaonian finished lunch, he went to a small clinic, [Hu Doctor’s Clinic].

“Boy, what’s uncomfortable?” Take your temperature first. ”

Doctor Hu said.

“Doctor Hu, I’m not uncomfortable.”

Wang Xiaonian said.

“Uncomfortable? You’re not uncomfortable coming to me for what’s going on? ”

Doctor Hu said with a look of displeasure.

“Doctor Hu, I want you to help me open a sick note.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and said as he took out a bag of Huazi and handed it to Doctor Hu, Doctor Hu.

Another student who wants to pretend to be sick and skip class to play games on the Internet.


Doctor Hu shook his head firmly, and at the same time, pushed back the Huazi that Wang Xiaonian had handed to him.

“Doctor Hu, I don’t really want to hide it, I have important things to do,… Please help. ”

Wang Xiaonian pushed Huazi back and added a new bag.

“Is there really something wrong?”

Doctor Hu asked again.

“Of course.”

Wang Xiaonian nodded, “Harm.” ”

Doctor Hu sighed, picked up his pen at this time, and wrote a sick note for Wang Xiaonian.

[Severe diarrhea, it is recommended to drink more water and rest more.] 】

“Thank you, Doctor Hu.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and put the sick note into his pocket and turned away.

“Eh, lad, your cigarette.”

Doctor Hu said.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian had already gone far.

Wang Xiaonian took the sick leave note and returned to the mutual community, and then handed it over to two good friends.

“Brother, I’ll go, you can.”

“This sick leave note is just like the real thing, this doctor’s handwriting, ordinary people really can’t recognize it.”

Big Fat said with some surprise.

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but roll his eyes, Nima, is this really good?

“Yes, brother, you will help me get one in a few days.”

Xiao Chu said enviously.


Wang Xiaonian said without anger, “Help me hand it over to Old Liu in the afternoon.” ”

“Brother, this. It’s not good to cheat on teachers. ”

Big Fat said with a look of embarrassment.

“I’ll have a barbecue in a few days.”

Wang Xiaonian said lightly.

“For the sake of the brothers, the two ribs are inserted into the knife, and this little thing is wrapped up in us.”

“Big fat, little fat two people said in unison.”


After Wang Xiaonian drew the sick note with the corner of his mouth coldly, the two left.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian saw that Su Mengmeng also arrived as promised.

Su Mengmeng looked at himself with a strange expression.

“Sister Sue.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and greeted, “Xiao Nian.” ”

Su Mengmeng answered, and in his heart was a secret passage: This little traitor’s means are really quite a lot.

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