Chapter 144 I was taken care of?!!

“Xiao Nian, your method of taking leave is quite special.”

Su Mengmeng said with a smile.

Su Mengmeng, who was not far away just now, heard Wang Xiaonian pretending to be ill and asking for leave.

No wonder he was so determined yesterday, it turned out to be this.

“Hey, Sister Sue, don’t care about these little details.”

Wang Xiaonian said disapprovingly: “Sister Su, the time is not early, let’s go to [Oriental Computer City].” ”


Su Mengmeng answered helplessly.

If Fan Qin knew about this, would she think that I had taught her students badly, but before leaving, Wang Xiaonian had returned home.

Su Mengmeng thought that Wang Xiaonian had gone with the money, but soon, Su Mengmeng saw Wang Xiaonian wearing a blue suit and coming out.

Wang Xiaonian, who was tall and muscular, fully propped up this suit, and the whole person looked even more tall and straight.

Su Mengmeng looked stunned for a few seconds, and then smiled: “Xiao Nian, the people who know know that you are going to buy a computer, and the people who don’t know think that you are going on a blind date.” ”

“Hey hey.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled, “Sister Su, you don’t know.” If I wear a school uniform and buy a computer, the boss must not kill me. ”


Su Mengmeng thought about it carefully, and there was really nothing wrong with this.

Many vendors watch people order food.

This Wang Xiaonian can open a restaurant.

It really verifies an old saying of the Xia Kingdom: No business is not adulterous.

Oriental Computer City.

In addition to selling computers, all kinds of electronic products are available.

Cell phones, mp3s, and Walkmans and more.

Soon the two men came to a computer store.

“Two people come in and have a look.”

The boss warmly greeted Wang Xiaonian and Su Mengmeng and nodded and walked in.

“Are you two planning to buy a laptop or a desktop computer?”

The boss asked with a smile.

Wang Xiaonian did not directly answer the boss’s words, but looked at Su Mengmeng with a furrowed brow and said: “Sister Su, the company let us purchase a batch of computers, how do you see this?” ”



As soon as these words came out, not only the owner of the computer store was surprised, but even Su Mengmeng was the same.

When will my company let me purchase a batch of computers?

All right!

The little profiteer is fooling people again.

Su Mengmeng, who was not used to this, his face was slightly red, but at this time, it was difficult to ride the tiger, and he could only cooperate and said: “Look at it and talk about it.” ”


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded At this time, the boss became more and more enthusiastic, and personally slapped a Huazi Wang Xiaonian for Wang Xiaonian and shook his hand, indicating that he did not smoke.

Su Mengmeng, who was disgusted by the smell of smoke, also subconsciously covered his nose with his hand, which made the computer boss immediately pinch the cigarette.

“The two of you can look at this laptop, which is new on the market, the configuration is very good, and it is very suitable for your senior white-collar workers.”

The computer boss learned that Wang Xiaonian, Su Mengmeng did not buy computers for individuals, but for the company, the attitude was not warm, and the rainbow farts were also one after another.

Such treatment made Su Mengmeng feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, this kind of thing completely touched Su Mengmeng’s skill blind spot.

But on the other hand, Wang Xiaonian is swimming in the water.

He pretended to be the purchasing department of the company and blew up with the boss, saying that the company was going to purchase more than thirty laptops.

“Let’s do it two.”

“The market price of this laptop is 8,000 yuan, but if you want it, it is 7,200 yuan.”

The boss said.

Wang Xiaonian cut 800 yuan before he could officially produce a knife, which made Su Mengmeng feel shocked.

I can usually bargain when I buy things, but compared with this boy, it can really only be regarded as a small fight.

“The price is too high, boss.”

Wang Xiaonian shook his head and said softly.

“Mr. Wang, 7000!”

“It can’t be any lower!”

The boss said with a look of pain.

7000 yuan a new laptop, which makes Su Mengmeng can’t help but swallow the saliva, his colleagues yesterday entrusted someone to find a relationship, buy a computer exactly the same as this, also spent 7100 yuan ah.

“Boss, our department can’t get through this price.”

Wang Xiaonian Yun said lightly, not forgetting to glance at Su Mengmeng, who had no expression on his face: “Right, Sister Su.” ”

“It really can’t be lower.”

“No matter how low, I’m going to lose money.”

The owner smiled bitterly.


Wang Xiaonian sighed and didn’t say much, but pulled Su Mengmeng away.

The boss gritted his teeth at this time, his heart was fierce, and said: “Two wait, 700 yuan, how do you see?” ”

Wang Xiaonian and Su Mengmeng’s footsteps stopped.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian deliberately leaned into Su Mengmeng’s ear and whispered something.

In the eyes of the boss, it seems that he is discussing this matter.

But in fact, Wang Xiaonian said, “Sister Su, this old boy really doesn’t see rabbits and doesn’t spread eagles.” ”


Su Mengmeng was dumbfounded.

Good fellow, this Wang Xiaonian a high school student actually taught me to be a man.

And also…

Isn’t counter-offers a woman’s specialty?

This Wang Xiaonian is also too powerful.

No wonder, can say female frequency novels.

Su, Wang Xiaonian smiled and said to the boss: “Okay, my sister Su said, this price is very reasonable, let’s buy two and try it out.” ”



The owner did not have the slightest doubt.

After receiving the money, the invoice was issued, and the package was carefully packaged for Wang Xiaonian.

But at this time, Su Mengmeng was afraid again.

Buy two?

“Little year, one is enough.” I use it when I use the code word, and I usually use it for you. ”

Su Mengmeng whispered in Wang Xiaonian’s ear.

“It’s okay, I’m not short of money.”

Wang Xiaoqing took a downplayed tone and said words so arrogant that Su Mengmeng could not refute it.

That’s it!

One man took a laptop and left.

After walking out of the computer store.

“Xiao Nian, if this matter is known to others, how bad it is.”

Su Mengmeng said with some concern.

“It’s okay, he has to thank me.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled disapprovingly.

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but shake his head.

At this time, the owner of the computer shop did not forget to say to Wang Xiaonian: “Mr. Wang, thank you Ha.” ”

“Hmm. Bagatelle. ”

Wang Xiaonian waved his hand at the boss, and turned to Su Mengmeng and smiled: “Just now I said something, Sister Su.” ”

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but smile: “Okay. ”

Wang Xiaonian pretended to be the company’s purchasing department, so that the boss made a lot of profits, but in fact, this price was sold to Wang Xiaonian, and the profit was still quite large.

The two quickly bought the computer, but the two took a leave of absence from the company one afternoon, and one took a leave of absence from the school, and they had nothing to do.

So the two of them walked around the computer city.

Wang Xiaonian also bought an MP3 to listen to songs.

“Boy, this is Xiangjiang’s ‘First Snow Brand MP3’, which is currently selling very hot on the market.”

The owner of the MP3 said.

MP3 is not cheap in 2003, Omi Island countries import more than one, or even more expensive, Xiangjiang is slightly cheaper.

But it also takes more than 500.

Wang Xiaonian didn’t even think about it, and directly bought 2 and gave Su Mengmeng one.

Su Mengmeng kept refusing, and Wang Xiaonian didn’t bother to explain, and directly paid handsome.

This made Su Mengmeng a little helpless.

With Wang Xiaonian.

It’s a computer again, and it’s MP3 again!

How can I have a feeling of being nurtured.

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