Chapter 145 No one in the world knows everything better than I do!!!


At this moment, a rather familiar voice sounded behind Su Mengmeng.

Su Mengmeng looked back and was surprised to find that it was his old classmate Chen Rongrong.

Chen Rongrong and her boyfriend came to buy a mobile phone.

“Rong Rong!”

Su Mengmeng said with a smile.

“Dream, this is.”

Chen Rongrong smiled and pointed to Wang Xiaonian and said.


Su Mengmeng blushed and hurriedly explained, “This is my neighbor’s brother.” ”


Chen Rongrong smiled meaningfully and greeted Wang Xiaonian and said, “Hey, brother! ”

Wang Xiaonian was a little crying and laughing, and at this time, he also smiled and greeted Chen Rongrong and her boyfriend.

“Dream yes, you actually bought such an expensive laptop.”

“I’ve always wanted it, but I don’t want it.”

Chen Rongrong saw the laptop bag that Su Mengmeng was carrying and said in surprise.

“Ah, this.”

Su Mengmeng didn’t know what to say for a while, and subconsciously looked at Wang Xiaonian.

“Could it be that your brother bought it for you?”

Chen Rongrong said with a smile.

Wang Xiaonian didn’t know how to explain this.

“He lent me money to buy it.”

Su Mengmeng said calmly.


Chen Rongrong smiled and looked at Wang Xiaonian, then turned to Su Mengmeng’s ear and said, “Is it paid for by meat?” ”

“Not really!”

Su Mengmeng said with a crimson face.

Chen Rongrong is a good friend of Su Mengmeng’s college days, and although the relationship between the two is not as close as that of Fan Qin, it is also quite good.

Soon, the two walked together with their hands in arms and whispered.

Wang Xiaonian and Chen Rongrong’s boyfriends looked at each other, smiled helplessly, and could only walk behind them, carrying the bags of the two girls.

“Mengmeng, you are hiding too tightly.” How long have we been together? ”

Chen Rongrong asked with a smile.

“He’s really not my boyfriend, I’ve said it ten thousand times, he’s my neighbor’s brother.”

Su Mengmeng said with some helplessness.

“Did your brother buy you a computer?”

“Dream, what’s so embarrassing about that?”

Chen Rongrong looked at Su Mengmeng, who was still cunning, and rolled her eyes.

Su Mengmeng was difficult to argue at this time.

Wang Xiaonian bought himself a computer to let himself write a novel for him.

Also, regarding the fact that Wang Xiaonian was his ‘waste wood disciple’, Su Mengmeng was really embarrassed to say it.

“Mengmeng, your boyfriend looks very energetic and full of security.” It seems that the conditions at home are not bad. ”

Chen Rongrong said to herself.

Some tired Su Mengmeng did not continue to argue, OK, you have to think so, I can’t help it.


It was late afternoon.

Chen Rongrong offered to invite Su Mengmeng and Wang Xiaonian to dinner.

Su Mengmeng wanted to refuse.

This has been embarrassing all the way, at this moment, just want to leave quickly.

But Chen Rongrong was too enthusiastic, and he pulled Su Mengmeng to a hot pot restaurant.

“Xiao Nian, you go together.” No way, this Nizi University is like this, Chuanyu is enthusiastic and good citizens. ”

Su Mengmeng said with some tears and laughter.

Soon, the four of them chatted about work.

“I’ve been doing well lately, and I’m currently working as an accountant at a calligraphy training institution.”

Chen Rongrong said with a smile.

Chen Rongrong, who graduated from Sichuan-Chongqing Normal University, did not choose to work as a teacher after graduation, but changed her career to accounting.

Speaking, Chen Rongrong also pointed to her boyfriend and smiled: “My boyfriend Huang Dongyang’, who is also my colleague. ”

After the introduction, Chen Rongrong also playfully said: “Is my boyfriend handsome?” ”


Su Mengmeng said with a cry and a smile.

Like in college, Chen Rongrong’s personality is still so optimistic, and at the same time, she is still a face dog.

Huang Dongyang is a tall, thin, good-looking boy, and compared with the optimistic Chen Rongrong, Huang Dongyang’s personality is more introverted. Seeing his girlfriend say that he was handsome, he actually blushed.

“Cough cough.”

Under the reminder of Chen Rongrong’s coughing, Huang Dongyang shyly greeted several people.

“Oh, you’re in an office affair.”

Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but tease: “Does your boss know?” ”

“you, what is underground?”

“We are just and righteous, and our company is not a special department.”

Chen Rongrong rolled her eyes in disgust.

“Dream, what about you?” Where’s the high up lately. ”

Chen Rongrong asked.

“I’m a little assistant in the project department at a foreign company.”

Su Mengmeng said with a smile.

When he said this, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but glance at Wang Xiaonian.

Just last week, Su Mengmeng’s department manager fed her body and was countered by Wang Xiaonian. Originally, Su Mengmeng planned to change jobs, but under the persuasion of Wang Xiaonian, she had the courage to face this matter directly, reported the matter to the headquarters headquarters and learned about the matter, first fired the department manager, and then broke the rules to let Su Mengmeng turn right in advance.

Letting Su Mengmeng turn right ahead of time is not a compensation for her, but the headquarters leaders appreciate Su Mengmeng’s courage and feel that this person can take on a big responsibility.

“What about this brother, where are you tall?”

Chen Rongrong asked with a smile.

The burly Wang Xiaonian, against the background of the suit, looks very mature, not at all like a high school student.

The face value is super top version of Hanayama Jun.


Just when Wang Xiaonian was about to say something, Su Mengmeng quickly interrupted: “He, he opened a small hotel.” ”

After saying that, Su Mengmeng continued to give Wang Xiaonian a look.

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but feel funny in his heart, he was mistaken for Su Mengmeng’s boyfriend, and he was still the kind of person who firmly believed in it.

Su Mengmeng had no choice but to let Wang Xiaonian cooperate with him and confuse him first.

Otherwise, she knew that Wang Xiaonian was her own disciple of waste wood, and she would have to jump into the Yellow River if she was ashamed.


“It’s the boss.”

Chen Rongrong said in surprise.

“What a boss, it’s just a small restaurant.”

Su Mengmeng smiled.

However, at this moment, Wang Xiaonian took out the business card that Su Mengmeng had printed for herself yesterday and sent it to Chen Rongrong and her boyfriend.

This made Su Mengmeng look at Wang Xiaonian with wide eyes.

The content of the business card, Su Mengmeng is very clear, after all, this is his own doing.

“It Looks Good” founder and chairman CEO – Wang Xiaonian.

After seeing the contents of the business card, Chen Rongrong’s pupils could not help but shrink.

It’s also too big.

“Don’t believe this, this guy likes to be bells and whistles, it’s a small shop.”

Su Mengmeng’s resentful eyes skimmed a glance at Wang Xiaonian, I was thinking of fooling through, you are good, directly report to the door.

After this, it will be difficult to wash it.


Hearing that Su Mengmeng had ‘buried’ her boyfriend so much, Chen Rongrong couldn’t help but be amused.

“If you two have time to go to dinner and take out my business card, I can give you a free order.”

Wang Xiaonian explained disapprovingly.

That’s when it happened.

Su Mengmeng’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

But when I took it out, I just wanted to connect it, and I found that the phone was out of battery.

Su Mengmeng hurriedly rummaged through the bag and looked for a charger.

The call came from Fan Qin.

“What’s wrong, Dream?”

Chen Rongrong asked.

“Xiaoqin called me, but I didn’t bring out the charger.”

Su Mengmeng said.

“It’s all right, hit me!”

Chen Rongrong was about to take out her mobile phone, and Su Mengmeng seemed to think of something when she dialed the phone, her face was miserable, and she hurried to the exit to stop it, but Chen Rongrong also helplessly said at this time: “My mobile phone is also out of power.” ”

When he heard this, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Sister Su, don’t you have a universal charge on you?”

Wang Xiaonian suddenly asked.

“Universal charge?”

“Universal charge?”

“What omnipotent?”

For a moment, the three people present looked at Wang Xiaonian and asked incomprehensibly.

This moment.

Wang Xiaonian was shocked and turned his eyes to shine.

Oh, yes!

3 years, universal charge has not yet appeared.

This universal charge is an electronic product that can make people rich overnight.

Not yet.

And no one in the world knows everything better than me!

I’m going to send it!!!

“Oh, it’s a foreign charger.”

At this time, Wang Xiaonian endured the excitement in his heart and calmly told several people.

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