Chapter 146 I want to open a factory!!!


The crowd was stunned, and they were relieved.

For 3 years, foreign goods give people the feeling that it is magical.

Immediately afterward, Chen Rongrong vaguely asked about Wang Xiaonian’s family background.

Su Mengmeng glanced at Wang Xiaonian as if to say, “You are no longer allowed to play freely, let me speak.” ”

For Wang Xiaonian, Su Mengmeng was a little afraid.

This is a master who has 500 on his body and dares to claim to be a millionaire.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made such a messy business card.

Wang Xiaonian smiled.

At this time, his mind was filled with only one thing – making money.

Who is in the mood to say this.

Universal charge, this is definitely a good project to get rich and rich.

Current mobile phones, if you want to replace, you must replace the charger.

The original charger is lost or damaged and can not find a matching charger, and the imperfection of mobile phone accessories has become one of the most criticized problems of domestic mobile phones.

Universal charging solves this problem perfectly.

In the past life, Wang Xiaonian clearly remembered that after the first batch of “universal charge” was launched, it directly exploded.

But soon, manufacturers large and small in the market also followed suit.

Some of the inferior products in the use will also cause damage to the battery, because the consumer’s brand awareness of the universal charge is not high enough, and based on the profit drive, a large number of inferior products flood the market, making the universal charging products in the minds of consumers has caused a certain negative impact.

In layman’s terms, [universal charge] has to apply for a patent.

Otherwise, with such a little capital of your own, you can only give others a wedding dress.

But regarding patent applications, it is not a simple matter, and the resources in this regard are very few on their own.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaonian thought of a person.

His gym partner, Yi Brother – Old Fan Yongjiro.

The elder Fan Yongjiro is a senior engineer, and in addition to working out with himself, he has also said that he has several patents.

Old Fan is very good at this, and he can ask him for help.

The first step: out of the design plan, drawings, make samples.

Step 2: Apply for a patent.

The first two steps, Wang Xiaonian can be handed over to his partner, old Fan Yong.

The third step: mass production [universal charge].

As for opening a factory, registering a company, this can be put to the front.

But then there are two real problems for myself.

The design scheme of universal charging, I don’t know.

Although the structure of universal charging is simple, his knowledge of electricity is limited to changing light bulbs and model design.

Although I am a blank piece of paper in this regard, I am very talented.

With his own IQ of [15], he also has [Apocalypse Inheritance]

Buy some mechanical design, electricity-related books and go home and think about it.

In a past life, other high school students could make airplanes, and it was difficult to do a universal charge by themselves.

Besides, my righteous brother is a senior engineer, the old Fan Yongjiro.

Technical questions are easy to say.

But funding is a problem.

At present, he still has a cash flow of more than 10,000 yuan, and although the income of “Looking Good” is increasing, at the end of the day, it will die of 2,000 yuan of income.

The female frequency novel “Sophie’s Revenge” is not to mention, this book is not to be returned by others.

If you want to save enough money to open a factory, it is estimated that you will have to wait for a while.

But Wang Xiaonian couldn’t wait.

When others charge the omnipotent, they will not be able to eat meat, and they can only drink some soup.

This is one of the most difficult problems of the moment.

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but furrow his brows.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?” Frowning bitterly. ”

Looking at Wang Xiaonian, who was absent-minded and did not even move his chopsticks, Chen Rongrong asked with a smile.

At this time, Wang Xiaonian, who was still worried about money, was thinking about how to make money, until Su Mengmeng pushed Wang Xiaonian with his hand, which made him react.

“Oh, it’s all right.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Never mind!

Wait until you are full before you have the strength to think.

Wang Xiaonian ate the hot pot.

“I went, brother, I didn’t expect you to be so spicy.”

Chen Rongrong watched Wang Xiaonian eat the food in the super spicy pot and smiled.

In order to take care of her boyfriend who can’t eat spicy, Chen Rongrong ordered the bottom of the Mandarin duck pot, with clear soup on one side and super spicy on the other.

And Chen Rongrong and Su Mengmeng are particularly spicy.

What surprised Chen Rongrong was that she did not expect Wang Xiaonian to be so spicy.

As soon as he mentioned eating spicy, Su Mengmeng was quite bitter in his heart.

The tragic past of the “Spicy King Challenge” is vividly remembered.

After noticing Su Mengmeng’s gloomy eyes, Wang Xiaoqing coughed twice and said with a straight face: “Yes, I also like to eat spicy knives.” ”

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