Chapter 232 Want to get involved in the medical industry

“Brother Chen, you are actually interested in the medical device industry? Why, don’t you want to enter this industry?”

Nanan was stunned when he heard Chen Yi’s words, and said jokingly.

“I’m not interested in getting involved in this industry. Isn’t it good for him to make quick money in the financial industry on the Internet in this era?”

Chen Yi smiled and said: “…I just want to know more about it. Even if you don’t get involved in this industry, it’s always okay to learn more.”

Nan’an nodded and said, “…Yes, young people, it’s useful to learn more.”

With an old-fashioned look, he picked up a pack of Fuchun Mountain Residence’s Liqun from the table and lit a cigarette.

Chen Yi frowned. The smell in this room is already very strange. Yesterday Nanan was doing business in the living room, leaving some strange smells. This smoking was even more terrible.

He shook his head, found the fresh air system of the villa, and turned it on to change the air in the house.

Over there, Nan’an leaned on the sofa and said, “…Medical equipment is probably divided into the low-end market and the high-end market.”

“The low-end market is what DR equipment, CT machines, blood glucose meters, etc., have no technical content, while those in the high-end market, such as dialysis machines, MRI, PET-CT, and the like, are too high-tech.”

“…My family started by making medical devices. Last year, our domestic medical device market totaled 360 billion yuan. Brother Chen, do you know how much this international market has in one year?”

Chen Yi shook his head bluntly. He has not studied the market of medical devices.

“Haha, it’s actually three hundred and sixty billion, but the unit has been changed from soft sister currency to U.S. dollars!”

Nan An said with a smile.

Chen Yi raised his brows and said: “…This market share is not small.”

“Isn’t it? Although it can’t compare to reselling arms, the total market volume is huge, and it’s a real huge profit!”

“…But the high-end market is almost exclusively monopolized by developed countries, and we can only research and develop about 30% domestically, and the remaining high-end instruments still have to rely on imports.”

“My family also has research institutions, but to be honest, I spend a lot of research fees every year, but I don’t know the year of the monkey if I want to have a return. For the sake of the book, the main income of my family’s industry is also the low-end equipment.”

“…This high-end instrument is squeezed by others, and sometimes you can’t help it, you have to be your grandson.”

“And there is one more trouble, that is, if you want to import those high-end instruments, people don’t want soft sister currency, but US dollars. We need to use foreign exchange for various procedures to enter an instrument. That trouble!”

Nanan shook his head for a while and sighed.

It is in such a sophisticated industry that he better understands the situation where the technology is held in the hands of others and makes you lose your temper.

His family’s low-end and low-end instruments, as well as all kinds of medicaments used by the instruments, are produced, and the profits are also very high. Otherwise, the Nan’an family would not have assets of about 30 billion yuan.(Read more @

Sometimes Chen Yi wondered, since this system will give him milk tea formulas, will the level be high, and someday he will be given a set of high-tech R&D drawings or the like.

The lives of the rich are always similar, but the industrial structure controlled by the rich brings different social status and stability.

Chen Yi would rather have only 50 billion in assets but occupy the leading position in the high-tech industry, and he would not have 200 billion in assets, but only in the real estate and entertainment industries.

Those things are too fictitious, and their importance to society and the country is far less than those of real high-end industries.

Although as long as you have money, you can set foot in any industry, but after all, you have a focus. You can’t transform all of your own industries with a market value of hundreds of billions.

It’s just that the threshold for these industries is too high. No matter how much money is given to Chen Yi, if you re-development, it is estimated that there will be no gains for more than ten years.

But Chen Yi has a system, maybe it can save ten years.

This is one of the reasons why Chen Yi will ask Nanan about the medical device industry, because those high-end markets in this industry are also sophisticated industries.

Over there, after Nan’an talked about her own industry, she began to think about sweet things and talk a lot about it.

“Let me tell you, Brother Chen! Don’t look at the large market for the medical device industry, but in fact, we companies selling medical devices have to beg hospitals, and hospitals are the real leaders in this industry!”

“…If the hospital does not purchase your company’s products, then you will have no money!”

“My grandfather was in business back then. He ran across the country, begging grandpa to tell grandma, hoping that the hospital could buy my equipment.”

“…After my grandfather lays the foundation, my dad will continue to run, and finally he ran out of such a property as my family.”

“But now my family doesn’t need to do these things that deal with the hospital, and directly act as an upstream supplier, find a bunch of agents, and let those agents run.”

“…We make money in the uppermost stream, and we are fathers in the terminal hospitals. Everyone is comfortable. The only ones who are exhausted are the agents, haha!”

Chen Yi also smiled.

He thought of Ruan Zhuyi, her family is not an agent of medical equipment, but also an agent of the Nan family.

Her father’s assets are hundreds of millions, but he also deals with the hospital every day, begging grandpa to tell grandma.

No wonder Nan Jiyue didn’t treat Ruan Zhuyi as an opponent at all. It was indeed the Ruan family who ate with the Nan family.

“Brother Nan, what do you think of the privatization of hospitals that have been raging recently?”

At this time, Chen Yi asked what he was most concerned about.

If the system provides enough funds, this is a matter of people’s livelihood industry, and he actually has a lot of ideas to get involved.

If he can do a good job in this industry, then he will truly get the same thing as the death-free gold medal, and no one will easily touch him again.

This has nothing to do with the background.

Nanan glanced at Chen Yi and didn’t think Chen Yi was interested in the reform of hospital privatization, but thought he was just asking casually.

This kind of bragging behavior in their field of expertise, most people have this problem, and the same is true of South Bank.

His family is in the medical device industry, so naturally they know more about this aspect.

“I have this idea above, and I won’t talk about it deeply. It is mainly related to medical insurance. There is too much pressure in this place… I won’t talk about the harm of this kind of privatization. Everyone understands.”

“…But in fact, it is mainly the local government. Some small hospitals put too much pressure on the local finance. Of course, the local government wants to get rid of these burdens.”

“But since it’s a cumbersome thing, then naturally no one wants it. This involves the game between locality and capital. Brother Chen, do you understand this?”

Chen Yi pondered for a moment, then slowly said: “…The capital doesn’t want those who don’t make money, but also post a lot of money, and the locality wants to throw it away.”

“…Capital will definitely ask local governments to package and sell those cumbersome and high-quality medical assets!”

“I will help you solve these money-losing things, but you have to give me certain benefits!”

Chen Yi’s voice fell, and Nan’an clapped his hands fiercely: “…that’s the truth, this is the place for negotiation and game.”

“…If you are interested, you can buy a small hospital and operate it yourself for tens of millions or even millions of dollars.”

“How did the Putian department develop? It’s that the big hospitals are losing too much and outsourcing some of the departments that are not high-tech and unimportant.”

“…Look at what those hospitals are treating? Are they all about infertility, premature ejaculation and impotence? This thing is related to the face of a person, and it is easy for him to cheat money!”

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words, and there was an idea in his mind.

Well, when my system level is high, I can really try to establish an industrial cluster. Of course, we are not as cheating as the Putian system. The big deal is to use money for medical subsidies. This is called Huiguohuimin!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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