Chapter 233 Wealth is power!

For most people, what they think is how to make money, how to make money, and what to do to make themselves rich.

For Chen Yi, who has systematic blessings, what he thinks is dimensionally different from others.

Because even if he doesn’t make money, he is also a rich man.

Since money is just a bunch of simple numbers to him, Chen Yi’s thinking is naturally different from others in terms of level.

For ordinary people, as long as they can make money, it is estimated that no one will think about what industry they should be involved in, but will think about what industry can enable them to achieve the purpose of making money.

But what Chen Yi wants to do is not the case. What he needs more is social influence and power, so which field he should invest in is the top priority.

It’s like real estate making money, but Chen Yi will never get involved. That thing is the rootless ping. One sentence and one policy can make you dead.

Because although it involves people’s livelihood, it is something that the people hate. It is something that the country has already used enough and is no longer needed.

Some fields, such as energy, are monopolized, and even if you want to get involved, you can’t touch them. If you have a license for finance, you can play and make quick money.

But after all, there is no Wall Street in the country, nor is it a capitalist. Financial oligarchs can’t get as much power as they do in the United States.

Even if the financial crisis is coming, the government does not have the necessity and power to save taxpayers’ money.

Because Wall Street is an important institution for the United States to harvest the world’s leeks by financial means, they certainly cannot give up.

But now that the domestic privatization reform of hospitals has opened up, Chen Yi has seen where he can get involved.

The domestic middle class is growing, and their demand for medical care is also increasing.

It’s just that the private hospitals in China feel like small workshops, which are incomparable with the technical level and medical level of large public hospitals.

In particular, the emergence of Putian hospitals has made the reputation of private hospitals extremely poor.

If you use your system’s money to do this industry, you don’t want to make money, you just use the huge energy that this industry brings to you.

As long as your equipment is advanced enough, medical technology is good enough, and the service level is high enough, you can fully meet the needs of those relatively wealthy.

These people go to private hospitals abroad if they can’t get a cure, but there is no hospital in China that can meet their requirements, and Chen Yi can make it bigger and better.

After all, a big hospital is hard to find, and one is hard to find.

Even as long as it develops well, Chen Yi can rationalize the doctor’s “flying knife”.

The so-called ‘flying knife’ means that an awesome doctor crosses the hospital to do the operation for you, but you need to pay an extra fee for hiring a doctor.

To be honest, this is a very reasonable fee. Many people are willing to pay for it, but because it is a doctor in a public hospital, sometimes people will misunderstand this fee as a red envelope.(Read more @

In fact, as long as the hospital’s equipment meets the standards, doctors can make a lot of money, and patients do not have to go to the most powerful general hospitals to grab beds. It is obviously a win-win situation.

To say that whoever wants private hospitals to develop, it may be doctors. After all, the income level of domestic doctors is really low, and they can’t make a lot of money except stable.

The status of domestic doctors is really incomparable with those of foreign doctors.

Thomas Hobbs once said that wealth is power, wealth is the carrier of power, and currency is the symbol of power.

The country with the strongest military has the strongest violent enforcement power and also has the most wealth in the world.

A company that monopolizes a market has market pricing power and must be the easiest company to make money.

For individuals, position is power, title is power, property right is power, choice is power, productivity is power, and influence is power.

Wealth is just a container of power!

Chen Yi has always had a clear mind. Many people are pursuing money, but if you fail to see this, you cannot see that the essence of your pursuit is actually power. In the end, this wealth is only a mirror image.

What the system gives is the money spent in the mirror. How to turn this simple money into wealth and then into power is what Chen Yi as the host wants to accomplish and consider.

The general idea was set by Chen Yi in the conversation with Nan’an.

After three o’clock in the afternoon, the group of second generations got up one after another. They were all young people and not too old. Eight hours of sleep made them all refreshed.

Someone got up and came to the second battle.

But even the second generations, not all of them are idle all day long.

Some people still need to go to school, such as Nan’an and Liang Chengwei, who already have their own careers.

Although it’s not like ordinary people have to work hard, but somehow they have to pay a certain amount of energy.

That night, everyone did not continue to gather for fornication, but went back to each house and looked for each mother.

Those girls who were found by Liang Chengwei were also dismissed by him, and let people know what it means to call and leave.

Of course not all, there are still one or two beautiful girls who were left behind by some second generations to accompany them to continue playing.

This gave the girls who weren’t left a longing for hope.

However, Chen Yi turned a blind eye to the ardent gazes of the young lady from Shen Opera and the young actor who acted in online dramas.

Jokes, I just have to have fun, you guys really want to pester me?

However, Chen Yi was not so unrelenting anyway, at least he left his contact information.

Maybe I’ll get bored some day, so I call them out and take them to a happy life.

After getting Chen Yi’s contact information, the two girls were open and grinning. I guess they thought they were on the line of Chen Yi and met a great second generation.

After all, Chen Yi is also very generous, and he even transferred 20,000 yuan to each of these two girls to buy some cosmetics or something.

Liang Chengwei must also give them something, it may be money, it may be things, which is double happiness.

To be honest, these girls are definitely the goddesses in the eyes of many people because of their looks and figures, and they may not know how many spare tires are chasing them behind.

And what did Chen Yi give? In fact, there are not many, and even many people can afford these things.

But people are all vain. If a bicycle rider gives them a four thousand yuan Hermes silk scarf, it is estimated that they will dislike it.

But if a Ferrari driver gave them a four-thousand-yuan Hermes silk scarf, they would immediately be able to rejoice.

What matters is not the gift, but the person who gave the gift.

Even if someone gave these girls 20,000 yuan, it is estimated that they would not even be allowed to touch them, and they may even feel disgusted and feel insulting themselves.

But if it is a top second-generation gift like Chen Yi, he will immediately send it away with a smile.

The same money, different people will have different effects, which shows the importance of ‘power’, not the importance of money.

“Brother Chen, see you at the Victoria’s Secret Show, it will be even more lively then.”

Before leaving, Nanan greeted Chen Yi.

Chen Yi responded with a smile, but before the show, he gave himself the first pot of gold, and that game should be launched.

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