Chapter 250 The love agreement, the evil face of the capitalist!

The savings dividend insurance introduced by Li Zhe is more like a hybrid insurance, or more clearly, it is actually a wealth management product.

After buying a certain amount every year, how many years later will you get a certain income under compound interest.

“According to Mr. Chen’s request, we will conduct a’gambling agreement’ in this special insurance policy.”

Li Zhe took out the extremely clear and detailed insurance policy written in terms of the insurance policy. It was not so much explaining it to Chen Yi as it was explaining it to Yu Jinyu.

Because this insurance was originally the requirement that Chen Yi put on the AXA Group before, they also customized an insurance according to Chen Yi’s special requirements.

“The content of this’gambling agreement’ is that Mr. Chen will pay the company a full amount of funds as insurance expenses every year for the next ten years.”

“… And within these ten years, this insurance fee is not allowed to be withdrawn. You can understand it as a regular account.”

“And if in the next ten years, Mr. Chen does not pay full insurance premiums for a year, then all the insurance premiums he paid before will belong to our group.”

“…Of course, because of this agreement, our group has taken a big advantage. Naturally, we have to give sufficient discounts on the interest rate of dividends.”

Li Zhe took the insurance policy and explained each and every sentence to Yu Jinyu one by one.

“The beneficiary of this insurance is you, Ms. Yu. You can withdraw this premium after ten years.”

“…According to our company’s actuary calculations, after ten years, you can get a total of 15.62 million yuan in premium and interest income.”

“Of course there will be discrepancies in actual numbers, but the fluctuation will never exceed one million. Please rest assured about this.”

“…Now, as long as you sign your name here, Ms. Yu, you can get this insurance.”

With a smile on his face, Li Zhe pointed his finger at the place where he signed.

Why Yu Jinyu is also a college student, she still understands this point.

After Li Zhe’s voice fell, she couldn’t help raising her head to look at Chen Yi, and Tankou slightly opened her mouth to say something.

But because Li Zhe is here, she has some words that are difficult to say.

It can be seen that Yu Jinyu’s expression is very excited, if there is a pool of water in his eyes, there are dazzling waves, and her white teeth are biting her red lips tightly.

In law, the’lover agreement’ is actually illegal, and it is not protected by law, only morally binding.

Chen Yi used insurance to circumvent it, making the’lover agreement’ legal.(Read more @

This insurance simply means that Yu Jinyu will be Chen Yi’s little lover in the next ten years, and Chen Yi will spend a sum of money on insurance every year.

The term of this lover agreement is ten years, and Yu Jinyu will receive a high insurance premium of more than ten million yuan after ten years.

At that time, Yu Jinyu was also in her early thirties, and she was not old enough to be decayed at this age, and it was the time when she was plump and mature.

But Chen Yi used ten years to give the two a chance to choose again.

If after ten years, Chen Yi no longer likes her, or Yu Jinyu feels that Chen Yi is no longer interested, the relationship between the two can be severed.

Chen Yi can continue to live his life of spending time and wine, and Yu Jinyu received a huge sum of tens of millions, which is enough for her to buy a good house in Shencheng.

Judging from the current real estate price trends, it is no longer possible for housing prices to rise again, and of course the decline will never be large. It is a national policy to make real estate a soft landing, and it cannot be changed.

No one dared to predict the housing prices ten years later, but now that the economic trend is beginning to go down, more than 10 million yuan is more than enough to buy a house in Shanghai.

In the domestic environment, as long as there is a house of his own, it is enough for Yu Jinyu to live and work in peace and contentment for the rest of his life, and lead the life of an ordinary person.

But if the two continue to call, then they can sign the next ten-year agreement. Chen Yi thinks that she will give her more money for the sake of having been with her for so many years.

Moreover, this insurance also limits Chen Yi’s possibility of deceiving Yu Jinyu’s life, because if Chen Yi no longer insures for a certain year, under the ‘gambling agreement’, he would not be able to get any of the money he had previously spent.

According to sunk costs, Chen Yi has been insured for ten years is the greatest possibility.

The only situation that would make Chen Yi even want money is if there is a problem with Yu Jinyu herself, for example, if she cheats, then Chen Yi will naturally make her unable to get a penny when she is angry.

Under this agreement, in order to keep Chen Yi from insuring, Yu Jinyu will only serve him more and take care of him, and pay attention to his own moral behavior, and will not do such things as cheating.

This insurance is a benefit to Yu Jinyu, but also a restraint to her.

No one will have trouble with money, especially a huge sum of more than 10 million yuan. How many people can earn this money in ten years?

Moreover, Chen Yi will give Yu Jinyu 50,000 to 100,000 pockets a month, and together after ten years, it is equivalent to Yu Jinyu’s total of more than 20 million.

This insurance represents Chen Yi’s mature practice, binding people’s hearts with interests and restraining people’s hearts with emotions. While giving Yu Jinyu enough benefits, all of these are under Chen Yi’s control.

He would not let Yu Jinyu be a canary in a cage, but when he was given enough freedom, he still tied her feet with a silk thread, making her inseparable from him.

Yu Jinyu was very touched. For her in reality, this kind of ‘clearly stated regulations’ made her believe and rest assured even more.

She doesn’t have to worry that Chen Yi will not want her any day, let alone that Chen Yi just abandons her for fun.

Of course, the most important thing is that this agreement is a respect for Yu Jinyu.

Although Yu Jinyu is a lover for Chen Yi, the two are completely unequal in status, but people have self-realization needs and have self-esteem, and Chen Yi has given her enough self-esteem.

This made Yu Jinyu more aware of the father of the gold master. A young, handsome, rich and mature man like Chen Yi may never meet again in this life.

As for how the insurance AXA Group makes money, it is actually simple, that is, there is absolutely a difference between the insurance interest rate and their own investment interest rate, and what they make is the difference.

After all, the main business of AXA Group is not insurance, but fund management.

This is the perfect lover agreement that Chen Yi has thought of. It can be guaranteed by law. He has the dominant power. If he is upset, he will lose a few million, so that the other party will get nothing.

And if the other party satisfies themselves, then it should be a certain amount of monetary compensation to these lovers.

Compared with the insulting behavior of giving money directly, this insurance agreement respects people more.

And interest is the chain that connects the two sides. Even for this huge sum of money, his little lovers will definitely serve him with all their heart and please him.

Chen Yi is looking for a lover, not a woman who makes him angry.

Yu Jinyu was the first to sign this agreement. When there are more girls in the future, everyone can sign the same agreement.

According to inflation and investment rate, Chen Yi didn’t spend much at all, because part of the money was investment income, so Chen Yi didn’t have to pay for it himself.

This is the evil face of capitalists! !

Of course, Yu Jinyu didn’t make sense to this agreement, and he was very happy to sign it.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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