Chapter 262 Form a legal advisory team

“Hello, Mr. Chen, I am the lawyer introduced by Mr. Yang Tiantian, my surname is Wang!”

At the Hong Kong Police Station, the lawyer arrived. The 40-year-old lawyer enthusiastically shook hands with Chen Yi, introduced himself there, and handed out a business card at the same time.

Chen Yi saw that the business card said that the lawyer is from Deacons, which is one of the largest law firms in Hong Kong, and the lawyer Wang is also one of the partners of the law firm.

As a firm for some years, this lawyer Wang was able to become a partner, obviously because of his strong business ability.

In order to keep him, Deacons firm made him a partner.

The lawyer Yang Tiantian hired for Chen Yi turned out to be of this level, which shows that he is very serious and is really doing things.

You must know that lawyers of this level will generally not be dispatched for such small cases. It is no longer a question of money, but a relationship between favors.

“Are you from the Mainland?”

Chen Yi didn’t have a lot of accent when he heard the lawyer Wang speak. It can be said to have a rounded accent. It is definitely not something the locals of Xiangjiang can speak, but he asked in doubt.

“Yes, I am from Shandong Province. When I was a teenager, I remarried with my mother and came to Xiangjiang. I am very clear about the laws and regulations of Hong Kong and the mainland. I also have a qualification certificate in both places.”

“…When I was in the Mainland, I also participated in the litigation of some large enterprises, and I also knew some people from the legal profession there. If you have any legal consultation needs in the future, you can call me.”

Lawyer Wang said with a smile on his face. He appeared to be very sincere. He even said that he came to Xiangjiang because of his mother’s remarriage.

He is using this method to gain the trust of Chen Yi.

Although in his opinion this is a trivial matter, even a case is not counted, but to stabilize the confidence of his client is what he should do as a lawyer.

“Which companies have you filed a lawsuit against?”

Chen Yi asked with interest, or that he was interested in this lawyer Wang.

“They are all familiar companies, and you can find them on the Internet.”

Attorney Wang said politely. Just by looking at his self-confidence, he knew that it was impossible to deceive in this respect, and he could also see his pride in the legal profession.

Chen Yi nodded secretly, and suddenly asked: “…Did you join the firm in the Mainland?”

Hearing the question about Chen Yi, the lawyer Wang knew that Chen Yi did not understand some lawyers’ regulations, and smiled:

“…According to laws and regulations, if you don’t join the firm, you are not allowed to engage in lawyer business, but it can also be listed as a part-time job. I am listed under a friend’s firm.”

“When I meet some high-paying commissions in the Mainland, I will go to work in the Mainland. As you know, don’t look at the appearance of our lawyers, but I want to make money to support my family.”

His words made Chen Yi laugh.

Don’t care how good you are in this era. People’s standard for evaluating you is how much money you can make. Now that money worship is prevalent, whoever makes more money is stronger. It has almost become a theorem.

“I take the liberty to ask you, the lawyer industry should have a lot of annual income in Xiangjiang, right?”(Read more @

Chen Yi’s words are indeed a little presumptuous, but these things can actually be easily found if they are checked.

Although Lawyer Wang didn’t know why Chen Yi asked this, he didn’t care, and said with a smile:

“…The income of lawyers of course varies. The average young lawyer who has just joined the industry can earn between 300,000 and 500,000 yuan a year.”

Chen Yi nodded when he heard the words. Don’t look at the high per capita GDP of Xiangjiang, reaching more than 300,000 per capita, but that is per capita GDP, not the median per capita income.

The median income is much lower than this figure.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the top 100 richest people in Hong Kong account for more than 50% of Hong Kong’s wealth.

“What about the income of a top lawyer like you?”

Chen Yi asked many questions in a row, and they were all not related to the law, but Lawyer Wang was not worried, and faced his client calmly.

“I can’t say the specific numbers, but seven figures are very easy. I don’t take a dead salary, but calculate based on the case that I took in the year, so my income fluctuates.”

Lawyer Wang nodded and said.

One million is also a 7-digit number, but Chen Yi estimates that the lawyer’s annual income should be around 3 million Hong Kong dollars after tax.

Is this income very high? Of course it is very high. This is the absolute top middle class, and above it is the bourgeoisie holding the means of production.

The goal of how many people struggle for a lifetime is actually to become such a middle class. This is what ordinary people can see and the possibility of success through hard work.

As for the higher class, most people don’t think about it, because the success rate of climbing to that class is really too low. It can be said that it depends on luck.

Chen Yi clearly saw the longing in the eyes of the two Hong Kong police officers sitting next to Chen Yuyan. For their grassroots, the income of Lawyer Wang is their biggest goal in life.

However, it is almost impossible to have this income to be a police officer, unless it is possible to climb to the constitutional level, but in the entire Xiangjiang police system, there are not many people of that level.

Although Chen Yuyan did not look forward to as the two police officers beside her, she was quite envious.

Her family is not poor. After all, her dad is the deputy chief of the police department. He has a very high income and is absolutely middle-class.

But that’s all. Although her father has real power, it is somewhat inferior to those of the real bourgeoisie.

Chen Yuyan’s family belongs to the type that can be small and rich for a lifetime, but it is difficult to become rich.

You must know that this is Xiangjiang, the system is different, and it is the big capital that can really hold the power.

“You shouldn’t be talking about U.S. dollars, right?”

Chen Yi joked.

“Haha, you laughed Mr. Chen. Of course I said Hong Kong dollars. It can’t be US dollars… If it were US dollars, I would wake up in my dreams at night.”

Lawyer Wang laughed, he seemed very casual, and he was also the kind of person who easily mingle with others.

Chen Yi is not limited to just being a small game company. His goal is ambitious, and when the company becomes large, he will inevitably face various lawsuits.

Instead of looking for a lawyer and cultivating a professional legal adviser team at that time, it is better to prepare in advance.

With such thoughts, Chen Yi looked at the lawyer Wang and said: “…Then would you like to have another job every year?”

“…I can give you an annual salary of this number.”

Chen Yi drew a ‘seven’ number, which meant obviously, it was a seven-digit annual salary.

As soon as he said this, the two basic-level police officers took a sigh of relief. They looked like the big boss, and they even offered a seven-figure annual salary in one go.

I thought that Chen Yi was just a rich second-generation, but now it seems that the company written on his business card is not just for fun, but is really profitable?

To know that a rich second generation does not spend millions of dollars to hire a lawyer every year, then he has to do so with many cases.

Of course, Lawyer Wang was also very excited. After all, no one would have trouble with money. He tentatively asked: “…The company’s legal counsel?”

“It’s just one aspect. The most important thing is that I hope to use your contacts to help me form a comprehensive legal advisory team.”

Just hire a legal counsel? That’s a small mess, and the rich have to form an advisory group.

Now Chen Yi’s business is only in China. When his business goes abroad, he will have to form a local lawyers advisory group abroad.

“Ahem…what are you talking about when it’s over, this is the police department, not the place where you talk about business!”

Chen Yuyan coughed twice and gave Chen Yi a stare.

Chen Yi also knows that this is not a place to discuss matters, but smiled and said to Lawyer Wang: “…Wait for us to talk later, first ask Lawyer Wang to help me resolve this small dispute.”

Lawyer Wang immediately became more enthusiastic.

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