Chapter 263 Sir Chen, give me a contact method!

This is really just a trivial matter. If it weren’t for Yang Tiantian to call him in person and invite him over, Lawyer Wang wouldn’t have been involved in such a trivial matter.

In his opinion, this civil dispute can be easily resolved by sending a lawyer, as long as it is not too stupid.

Attorney Wang knew the Yang family only because he had received a big order from Yang Tiantian and his family. There were a lot of lawsuits in the auction industry.

In order to retain such a big customer, he rushed over immediately after Yang Tiantian called.

However, judging from the current situation, he felt that he might have come to visit in person. He didn’t expect to know Chen Yi as a potential big customer in the future.

For Chen Yi, the well-informed Lawyer Wang had a full trust when he first saw him. Chen Yi’s aura is too strong, coupled with his own peculiar stability, there is no young man. Of escape.

Therefore, it is easy for him to gain the trust of others when he speaks. Even the experienced lawyer will subconsciously believe in Chen Yi’s words.

With the help of the lawyer, Chen Yi’s every answer can be said to be foolproof, leaving the other party unable to find any place to attack.

“You mean, it was the other party who pushed your girlfriend first, and then you did it?”

Officer Chen followed the procedure and asked Chen Yi.

Without waiting for Chen Yi’s answer, the lawyer Wang said: “…Chen Sir, what you said is ambiguous. It was not that my client had a hand and foot dispute with his girlfriend after they were pushed.”

“…But after my client’s girlfriend was pushed to the ground, the other party wanted to do something with my client. In order to protect his personal safety, my client had to have a dispute with them. ”

“Sir Chen, please be clear about this, my client is just defending, not beating people!”

“…And there were many eyewitnesses present at the time, which is irrefutable.”

Chen Yuyan felt a headache when she heard the righteous and aggressive words of the lawyer Wang.

Who are they most afraid of meeting these police officers who follow European and American laws? It’s just to meet these lawyers, these lawyers can use their eloquence to completely piss them off, police officers.

But in law, it is the other party’s power to hire a lawyer, and police officers can only do nothing.

Chen Yi was smiling there, as long as the lawyer didn’t let him talk, he would not say, just listening to the lawyer and the police officer working in vain there.

See how decent people use their words. If a fight or beating is called a dispute between hands and feet, if it is not because it is inconsistent with the facts, it is estimated that the lawyer can be called a dispute.

Lawyers are never just. They will defend anyone, even if it is an almost conclusive murderer.

If a lawyer can acquit a murderer, then he is truly famous.

Let a lawyer defend justice, and there is no need for this industry to exist.

“Then you beat them all alone?”(Read more @

Chen Yuyan looked at Chen Yi with some complicated eyes, and then there was a strange eagerness to try Chen Yi.

Even those two police officers’ small attendants, looking at Chen Yi’s gaze changed a little.

Although those junk youths didn’t look particularly strong in appearance, Chen Yi, a rich second-generation generation, could beat ten one by one, and he was unharmed. This fighting skill is evident.

Seeing the excitement in Chen Yuyan’s eyes, Chen Yi was shocked first, and then suddenly.

I remember Yang Tiantian said that this police officer Chen Yuyan Chen seemed to like fighting and fighting, so it was rumored in their circles that this woman was too terrifying. If a little white face dared to pursue her, she could be beaten out by her.

Chen Yi’s expression remained unchanged and said: “…Who would have thought that the other party would take the initiative to beat me, but the combat effectiveness is so poor, Chen Sir, I have reason to suspect that the other party is touching porcelain.”

“…They must have come to find fault and beat me deliberately, and then they were beaten by me deliberately, just to ruin my medical expenses, Chen Sir, you have to be the master for me!”

Chen Yuyan rolled her eyes when she heard Chen Yi’s lazy and laughing words.

“This is how things happened. There was evidence. Sir Chen, you can just ask other people to restore the scene at that time. Oh, yes, those trashers were posting announcements at the time. This is the cause of the incident. .”

Chen Yi casually confided the contents of the announcements posted by the junk youths, and also said that Yang Tiantian had torn up the announcements in the past.

After all, Xiangjiang is not the mainland, and there are some things you can say casually.

When Chen Yuyan heard Chen Yi’s words, she just frowned and said in disgust: “…These things have really increased recently.”

If you ask her whether she supports it or not, of course she doesn’t support it. Chen Yuyan’s father is connected to the upper echelons of the interior, and of course she is disgusted by the splitting behavior of those wasteful youths.

It’s just that the things the junk youths are doing right now are not illegal, and the police officers can only helpless when they see it.

Although Chen Yuyan couldn’t do anything to those trash youths, she suddenly stood on Chen Yi’s side emotionally and felt that they were doing the right thing.

Of course, as an inspector, these words cannot be said, as long as you know it in your heart.

Before, she thought Chen Yi was just a rich second generation with a hippie smiley face, but now it seems that the other party is a bloody young man.

And at that time, he didn’t see the scene of ten fights at the scene, which made Chen Yuyan a little regretful.

From the confessions of other people, she also roughly restored the scene, and from the few words of other witnesses, it can be seen that Chen Yi is definitely a master.

“Okay, you can wait a while, the processing result will come out soon.”

After finishing her work, Chen Yuyan just ‘please’ Chen Yi out.

Before leaving, Chen Yi said to Chen Yuyan: “…Chen Sir, I know you people in Xiangjiang use Whats more, but do you use WeChat? It’s WeChat, and there should be a lot of them!”

Chen Yi raised his brows and looked at Chen Yuyan with a smile.

“What do you want my Wechat to do? Want to come to the police station often in the future?”

Officer Chen’s expression remained unchanged, still the look of an unsmiling inspector.

“If you come to the police station to see Officer Chen, I would be quite willing to come.”

Chen Yi has a very thick skin, completely as if you don’t give me a WeChat ID and I will not leave.

“Your girlfriend is waiting for you outside.”

Chen Yuyan didn’t have a good air.

“No, I asked Officer Chen for a Wechat account. What does it have to do with my girlfriend? I just heard Yang Tiantian say that you seem to have won any fighting championships at the police academy that year?”

“…I’m also very interested in this aspect. This is a joy to see Lie, and I want to discuss it with Officer Chen!”

Chen Yi found an excuse that was completely irrefutable.

Chen Yuyan was silent for a while, took out her mobile phone and said, “…You can sweep me.”

This scene stunned Chen Yuyan’s two little attendants, and their expressions when they looked at Chen Yi changed.

Couldn’t it be that you are here to touch porcelain, deliberately fighting people into the police station, just to have a relationship with our police station’s most beautiful Sir Chen! !

Sir Chen, don’t be fooled by him, these are all routines! !

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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