Chapter 300 Supreme Military Council

Chen Yi’s heart shuddered when he heard what the grandpa said, and subconsciously sat up straight.

This is exactly what he wants to know the most, that is, what happened in the past that caused the relationship between the two to almost disappear.

One is in a high position, and the other is an ordinary person.

Chen Yi’s grandfather did not speak directly. He stood up and walked to the table, picked up a pipe from above, and took out a bag full of tobacco leaves, and stuffed the tobacco leaves into the pipe.

While stuffing the tobacco leaves, the grandfather smiled and said: “…These tobacco leaves are specially made by tobacco companies. The shredded tobacco is carefully roasted, and he said that it will not have too much effect on the body.”

Saying this, the grandfather smiled and shook his head again: “…how can smoking have no effect on the body? I have been for so many years and I can’t quit smoking. Xiaoyi, you are still young. You can still stop smoking without smoking. smoke.”

The old man’s tone was so soft that he didn’t mean to force Chen Yi, it was more like the old man’s concern for his grandchildren.

Chen Yi smiled after hearing this: “…except for special occasions that require socializing, I usually don’t smoke.”

In fact, even when socializing, Chen Yi blows out the smoke to burn it out, so as not to smoke as much as possible.

“Well, it’s better not to smoke, it’s better not to smoke.”

The old man laughed and said, he lit his pipe and began to vomit.

“Do you know where I am now?”

Grandpa asked suddenly at this moment.

This kind of question is not difficult to answer. After Chen Yi knows who his grandfather is, his location can be easily found.

“It’s the deputy executive officer of the equipment logistics department.”

Chen Yi answered cautiously.

Just like in ancient times, the responsibilities of leading generals and dispatching troops are completely separated, so there are such things as tiger charms. Otherwise, if the local generals still have the authority to dispatch troops, then there will be immediate chaos.

Comparing with the ancient system, local troops are equivalent to leading generals. Chen Yi’s grandfather is located in the center of the military department.

However, due to the more detailed division of responsibilities in modern times, this war department is subdivided into four parts, and there are four war department books in total.

The Supreme Military Council is responsible for coordinating the entire Ministry of War. Every Member of the Ministry of War is a member of this council. As the name suggests, it is the highest military command body.

As in ancient times, there were also two deputy commanders of the Ministry of War, namely Zuo Shi Lang and Right Shi Lang. Since the Han Dynasty, my country has respected the Left, and the position of Zuo Shi Lang is naturally greater than that of Right Shi Lang.(Read more @

And Chen Yi’s grandfather is equivalent to the position of Zuo Shi Lang of the Ministry of War.

The Shang Shu, one of the four Departments of War where Chen Yi’s grandfather is now, is already old, and he is likely to retire next year.

As Zuo Shilang’s grandfather, he would naturally take over the position of one of the four masters of the Ministry of War. At the same time, he would automatically enter the highest military council to become a member. It can be said that Chen Yi’s grandfather was one of the highest decision-makers in military institutions at that time.

The Senate Council is in charge of politics, and the Supreme Military Council is in charge of the army. Each council has seven members, thus separating the military from government.

This is almost the culmination of the power that a person can reach.

Therefore, Chen Yi’s grandfather’s energy is not low, and in some specific areas, it is extremely powerful.

It can be said that through this relationship, Chen Yi may not be able to compare to the children of the wealthy and nobles who have worked hard for many years and the relationship is more complicated, but he is already one of the top noble children.

You know that there are not many rich and nobles with a network of connections all over the country.

The old man nodded. Regarding his current position, he was quite calm. He took a mouthful of smoke and exhaled smoke, and said regretfully:

“…Your grandfather and I are brothers. We have been close to each other since we were young. When we grow up, we joined the army, promoted together, and entered the logistics department together, but your grandpa left early.”

At this point, the old man’s body trembled, his tone choked a little, and the words were all true, and his back was full of firmness and almost burst into tears.


Seeing this, Chen Yi quickly moved forward. The old man waved his hand and wiped the corner of his eye. He calmed down and said: “…I’m fine, just thinking of your grandfather, I feel grateful and grateful. Guilt.”

Grandpa took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and then said: “…I know you are very curious about what happened that year. You have also asked your parents when you want to come, but your grandpa didn’t tell your parents the details of the situation, and he was afraid of them. Worry.”

“…It’s actually quite simple to say, do you know the military business in those days?”

Hearing what the grandfather said, Chen Yi secretly said so. He had some guesses about it at the beginning, so he nodded and said: “…I don’t know much about it.”

“It’s enough to know a little bit. It’s all the old events that happened 30 years ago. At that time, financial difficulties were in order to maintain the high military expenditures. This proposal was made.”

“… At that time, many people strongly opposed it. In fact, most of them could see the problem, but it was really difficult at that time. With a fluke mentality, I did it anyway.”

The old man fell into remembrance, as if returning to the age when everything was changing and changing 30 years ago.

“At the time, everyone thought that even if there were problems with this proposal, it could be improved slowly, but who would have thought that within a few years of effort, various problems would be exposed, and the exposed problems were extremely serious, and they would all rot if they were not changed. .”

“…So in less than six years, this problem has been corrected. In just six years, many things have been intertwined. It is like a mess of threads. It is difficult to straighten it out.”

“Many people’s interests are in it, even if they want to struggle to crawl out, they can’t do it anymore. Who would have thought that a decision that was made at the beginning would eventually take a full 13 years to be fully resolved.”

At this point, the old man was even more embarrassed.

“Your grandfather and I were in their early thirties at the time. It was when we were young and powerful and wanted to do a big business. The whole army’s food and drink are all under the control of our department. Naturally, there is plenty of oil and water.”

“…Compared to other departments, our department naturally occupies a huge advantage, taking the biggest advantage in this decision, but at the same time it is buried the deepest, and it is the most difficult to escape from that pit.”

“Where can we do business? If we had the ability, we would have been on the rich list for a long time.”

Chen Yi’s grandfather said mockingly.

“So, in those few years, we were all deceived and deceived, and we didn’t understand the twists and turns of business. A lot of money didn’t go to any place in the end, but to outsiders, those who couldn’t find it Our money was taken away by ourselves.”

“…It’s just that it was too chaotic at the time, everyone was like this, and no one would say anything, but as this decision was stopped and the most severe blow was carried out, this farce finally came to a halt.”

“But there is always someone responsible for this matter. After a long period of liquidation, your grandfather and I have also had a big problem here. A lot of the money is still unclear. What do you say to those who monitor it?”

When Chen Yi heard this, he also roughly knew the final result.

“We are brothers. If we are all finished, then the whole family will be finished. In the end, your grandfather took the responsibility alone and took me out.”

Having said this, the corners of the old man’s mouth twitched, wondering if he was regretting the decision made by everyone back then.

As for how to take responsibility for it, Chen Yi has even guessed the method used, which is to report, that is, to commit crimes and meritorious service!

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