Chapter 301 This is the background!

To use the method of reporting to commit crimes and meritorious service, as long as Chen Yi’s grandfather insisted that his grandfather was ignorant during the interrogation.

In that environment at the time, everyone knew what was going on, and it was easy to expose it.

Of course, there are always people who have to pay, and the one who pays is naturally Chen Yi’s grandfather.

Naturally, Chen Yi also understands what his parents said about the situation where the family was almost destroyed.

And do you want to say that Chen Yi’s grandfather broke the law? In fact, it was not illegal. Under the trend of the time, Chen Yi’s grandfather responded to the call to keep up with the trend.

It’s just that I don’t have the ability to do business, and those funds whose destinations are not clear are not greedy, but there is indeed something wrong.

“Your grandfather made this choice for me and for the sake of this big family. How can I see that something really happened to him.”

The old man took a sip of the pipe in his hand. This sturdy, unrelenting old man looked like he was many years old at this time, and he looked very tired and guilty.

“At that time, I looked around for a relationship that I could find. Fortunately, your grandpa and I did not make any mistakes and were not corrupt, so this matter was finally considered dead, but your grandpa’s future was ruined and it was impossible to work in the logistics department. ”

“…But I am still in my position, and I am not a person taking tea and cold tea. Your grandfather went to the railway department and became an ordinary worker.”

Chen Yi listened quietly to the grandfather’s words, and finally came up with the situation at home.

In Chen Yi’s memory, his grandfather was indeed a soldier. The photo of his family is wearing a military uniform, but Chen Yi also remembers that his grandfather was a worker of the Ministry of Railways. He thought he was the Ministry of Railways after demobilization. what about work.

“If I operate myself, your grandfather will still be able to come back, but he was stubborn and he was scared at that time. I won’t say much about what happened at that time. Don’t say it was him, even I was scared back then. Can not do it.”

The old people are sighing. The environment 20 or 30 years ago was not as stable as it is now. Some methods are really possible.

“He has a stubborn temper, and feels that if he comes back, he might affect my career. He has also suffered from a heart attack, and he doesn’t want to have any contact with these institutions.”

“…I even asked your parents to become ordinary workers in the future, don’t run into the office, if something happens here, it may cause the whole family to suffer.”

Chen Yi just listened silently. Indeed, as the grandfather said, if something goes wrong in the political struggle and stands on the wrong team, it is true that the whole family may be ruined.

This is the real turbulent battlefield. It seems that you are in control, but if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

The heart disease is the most difficult to cure, just like the wife of Xianglin in Lu Xun’s works. It can’t be cured if the root of the disease is left behind.

Chen Yi didn’t know what his grandfather had gone through in those days, so he was so afraid of keeping his family away from politics, but it must be something that people can recall.

Maybe it was because I felt that I almost made the whole family tired, so I felt scared.

It is precisely because of the heart disease that Chen Yi’s grandfather passed away early. It is important to know that the grandfather in front of him is only in his sixties.

The old man went through too many storms in his life, and his emotions soon calmed down. He smiled and said: “…You have never heard of my grandfather since you were a child. It is also because of your grandfather’s request that you don’t want to have another with me. Anything to do.”

“But he is my own brother, and he made sacrifices for me back then. How can I really pretend that nothing happened?”

“…If you want to come, you also know that because of the layoffs caused by the economic transformation 20 years ago, your parents were working in a company, and that company had no income for a long time. It was just because it was an iron rice bowl that it supported a bunch of people. .”(Read more @

“But during the economic transformation, the company really closed down, and your parents lost their jobs. I just arranged a little bit and found them the relatively easy job now.”

The old man didn’t say too much, but Chen Yi can probably understand that the welfare house of the family’s home of the logistics department where his family lives now should have been arranged by the grandfather.

After all, his grandfather had already left the logistics department at that time, no matter how he looked at it, he would not be allocated a house.

Chen Yi still remembers that when he was a child, there were guards at the gate of the family yard, but in the end, because of reforms, the family yard was not allowed to stand guard.

To some extent, Chen Yi’s family life is actually very comfortable now. Both parents work in public institutions. Although they are at the grassroots level, they have an iron rice bowl. The combined salary of the two is almost 20,000.

And even if you are retired, there are various welfare insurances, and your monthly pension is 8,000, and you have your own house in the emperor, which can be said to be a very comfortable life.

Just like what Dad Ma said, earning 30,000 or 40,000 a month, when the work is not very busy, that is the most comfortable day.

And even if you are sitting on hundreds of billions of assets, sometimes you are already trapped and you have no choice but to move on. If you can’t retreat from the rapids, that day is no longer yours.

After all, there are so many employees who are always responsible for them.

“Then grandpa why are you?”

Chen Yi asked cautiously at this time.

Since the two families have no apparent relationship, and because of his grandfather’s heart disease, he told his family not to participate in politics-related matters anymore.

Even this grandfather would at most help behind the scenes, let Chen Yi’s family be an ordinary person and live a happy life.

Whether he is the last power to reach the sky or the fall of his family, it has nothing to do with Chen Yi’s home, but why he walked to the front desk from behind the scenes at this time? This is not in line with the original idea.

The old man smiled and said: “…It’s not because you, a stinky boy, suddenly made such a noise, making your grandfather, I can’t think of standing up.”

“…Don’t think you are going smoothly now, but if you let yourself go on like this, you will definitely encounter situations where you are clearly right, but you can’t do anything…”

“If you are unlucky and encounter some bad wind and evil, then it is more likely that your life’s hard work will be in vain and make someone else’s wedding dress.”

Chen Yi sat up straight after hearing the words. He knew what the grandfather said to him at this time, that is the so-called ‘background’!

Seeing Chen Yi’s serious expression, the old man nodded in satisfaction. He knew Chen Yi had listened to and understood his words.

It is already very difficult to see through this at this age.

The old man was also a lot more serious. He knocked his pipe and said word by word: “…Xiao Yi, I will tell you something, you must remember it.”

“Grandpa, you said, I’ll listen carefully.”

Chen Yi lowered his head and said.

“You have to remember that mountains are used to climb, not to rely on. This is a road to the sky. Others have no way to climb to the sky, but there is a road under your feet. Follow this road to make you go up. Not making mistakes is the greatest advantage over others.”

“…As for where you can climb to, it is a matter of your personal ability. Even if this mountain reaches Jinque directly, if you don’t have the ability, you won’t be able to climb to the top.”

Chen Yi heard the words and gave an initiation.

What is the “mountain” in Grandpa’s mouth? That is the so-called background.

Just as Grandpa said, where you can go to, it depends on your personal ability, because the background is such a thing that Jack Ma cannot be made.

How many problems did Papa Ma encounter when he struggled? He can only say that he is the right time, the right place and the right people. He has passed so many hurdles and finally succeeded.

But if Chen Yi can have the ability of Papa Ma, he doesn’t need to care about the bumps on the road at all, he goes straight all the way, and climbs to the sky.

Because Chen Yi has more of this mountain than others, that is, the background. Of course, Chen Yi also has a system that allows him to gain abilities far beyond ordinary people.

With a background and a system, this has almost forged a road to success.

Many people don’t understand this path. Some people always think that the background is to make you a crab and walk sideways.

But let’s not say that in this society under the rule of law, even in ancient times, it is impossible to really be a crab. Being a crab is just an excuse for political opponents to attack you, and as evidence for the final liquidation.

Smarter people will think that your background is a higher starting point than others.

In fact, the so-called background is that when you are straight up, you will not be blown away by the evil wind that suddenly blows up, so that the fruits of your victory will not be taken away by other means.

More people started from scratch, but how many people stopped when they walked, and disappeared when they walked because they didn’t have the mountain to climb.

The real strong should use the background to climb up!

The mountain is used to climb, not to rely on. Chen Yi thinks it is the essence!

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