Chapter 309 The reporter who was teased

The interview is still going on, but under Han Bingbing’s smile and that brisk tone, the whole interview is more like a chat show, without the seriousness of Zhongshi.

“Under the circumstances at the time, although I felt that as a person, I should lend a helping hand, but I still don’t recommend that everyone really do like me.”

“… After all, gangsters have knives. It would be bad if you don’t save people and put yourself in. The best way is to quickly find some long weapons on the scene, even a stick, so that you can face those who have murder weapons. It’s safer when you’re a gangster.”

Although the whole program is actually to show Chen Yi’s excellence and pave his way for the future, Chen Yi kindly persuaded him in front of the screen.

“Hey, if you say that, has Chen Yi practiced martial arts or something?”

Han Bingbing answered the conversation in a timely manner, and made a punching movement in a decent way, which looked very funny and cute.

Chen Yi just laughed and waved his hand: “…those who haven’t practiced, but I exercise regularly, and I will take a period of time to exercise every day.”

“It’s a good habit to keep exercising every day.”

Han Bingbing followed with a smile.

“Well, I like to learn some new things, and I also like to stick to some things, such as there…”

Chen Yi pointed his finger at something near his bed and said, “…I am also very interested in traditional piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. When I am fine, I will play the guqin, go, or draw Chinese painting, and practice calligraphy. some type of.”

“…In addition to these, I’m good at guitars, pianos, etc., right?”

In front of a woman, as a man, you must show your own excellence, otherwise, with the interesting soul, if you want a woman to dig out your own excellence, you may not be able to wait for a lifetime.

There are many works that he practiced beside Chen Yi’s bed, such as some landscape paintings, couplets of the brush calligraphy that he practiced, etc. Just by looking at it, people know that Chen Yi is not bragging, but is telling the truth.

After seeing those things, Han Bingbing exclaimed, “…These are all your works?”

“Well, I stayed during my usual practice.”

Chen Yi pretended to nod implicitly.

Immediately, Han Bingbing looked at Chen Yi’s eyes with admiration and even admiration.

He is handsome, rich, has a sense of justice, and has so many hobbies and works hard for it. Han Bingbing, who has watched the videos of station b, also knows that Chen Yi is also very good at racing.

To be honest, Chen Yi’s all these things are added together, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a superman, it is simply a male god who can make countless women feel embarrassed.

“I heard that Chen Yi started his own business at the university level?”

Han Bingbing picked up the tape and asked again, an interview has gradually become a chat interview.

“Although I don’t know where you heard about it, but it’s true. By the way, can I make an advertisement here? CTV’s advertising fee is very expensive. Normally I can’t afford it. I have a chance. I don’t want to give up.”(Read more @

Chen Yi shrugged at the camera and asked embarrassedly.

“Hahaha!! Yes, you can, of course, Chen Yi, you can advertise, but I don’t know if it will be cut off.”

Han Bingbing was amused and laughed, his eyes narrowed into crescents, and the whole person was bent down, thinking Chen Yi was very interesting.

Chen Yi can’t afford to advertise in Zhongshi? She doesn’t believe it!

“My friend and I founded a game company and produced a mobile game called “Tomorrow’s Ark”. It has just been launched soon. I hope more people can play it.”

Chen Yi’s words weren’t serious, and he said like a joke.

“In CTV advertising the game, Chen Yi, you can be considered the first one…The time is almost there. At the end of the show, does Chen Yi have anything to say?”

Han Bingbing picked up the recorder again and asked.

“I have something to say to Miss reporter, can you please?”

“Yes, what do you want to tell me?”

Han Bingbing blinked a pair of big black and white eyes, looking at Chen Yi with some doubts.

“Just the reporter sister, you are very beautiful, can I confess to you?”

Chen Yi pretended to be an innocent teenager, as if he were serious and joking, and said embarrassingly.

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

Han Bingbing smiled again and leaned forward and back together, but she was smiling and somehow, her white round face was blushing in confusion.

“This is a very serious interview. It is forbidden to say these things.”

Han Bingbing stopped smiling, coughed twice and compared a fork with two plain white hands in front of him.

After Chen Yi finished teasing Han Bingbing, his face was serious, as if he hadn’t said anything before, and then said: “…The doctor-patient relationship is a big problem now, and there are more and more medical troubles. I I think the country should find a way to manage the current situation.”

In the end, the ending of the program ended with a more serious topic. The whole program lacked the serious taste and increased the publicity of young people, which is in line with Chen Yi’s current student status.

“This interview is coming to an end. We thank Chen Yi again for being able to accept our interview.”

Han Bingbing smiled sweetly, looked at the camera and made the last speech.

After her voice fell, she immediately gestured to the photographer to signal the end of the interview.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the dormitory became much more relaxed. Han Bingbing stood up and wrinkled his nose and stretched his waist. He whispered and complained to Chen Yi, “…ah, it’s finally over. ! I didn’t expect to be so tired.”

Han Bingbing is of that kind of petite body shape. The whole person looks very slender. In the early winter, the clothes she wears now are a bit thick. Even if she stretches her waist, it is difficult to see her exquisite body.

But Chen Yi believes that a very thin girl like Han Bingbing, even if a certain place is not particularly big, the overall figure must be very well-proportioned.

Just the slender legs displayed by her close-fitting pants and the snow-white skin like lotus root arms are enough to make people imagine the beauty of her wearing a skirt.

At this time, Chen Yi didn’t care if there were others around, he directly invited: “… Sister Bingbing is going to stay in Shencheng for a few days? Although I am not from Shencheng, I have to do my best as a landlord. Do you want to go out together? , Let me treat you to dinner.”

“I also want to play with you when I arrive, but I still have a job in Shanghai… I have to dare to post the draft when I go back, and I have to go to the auto show for interviews in two days, so I don’t have to play, but it’s okay to have a meal. .”

When Han Bingbing heard Chen Yi’s invitation, her eyes lit up first, followed by a frustrated way.

The expression showed that she was very moved, not looking for excuses to reject Chen Yi.

“Auto show? Sister Bingbing, do you still want to do this kind of show?”

Chen Yi asked in surprise.

“I’m just a little reporter, I can run wherever I need it, and I have to do what the leader asks me to do.”

Han Bingbing pursed her mouth, complaining, she looked playful and cute, like a girl next door, she seemed to be innocent of first love, and made people want to pinch her bulging round face.

“Then the relationship is good, just so I am going to the auto show to see and buy a car, then I will go to the auto show to find you sister Bingbing.”

Chen Yi said with enthusiasm and initiative.

As a man, you must take the initiative, even if you are a male god, you can’t wait for a girl to take the initiative to tease yourself! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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