Chapter 310 Bingbing

After the interview, it happened to be lunch time, and Chen Yi also had the final say, and really asked Han Bingbing to have a meal in the school cafeteria.

“Big boss, you just invite us to eat this, it’s too stingy!”

In the teacher canteen of Shenyu University, in addition to Chen Yi and the reporter team of China Television, the head of the English department also came to accompany him personally, sitting at the table and hanging around.

In any case, this is also a reporter from China Television, and the students of our school are interviewed. The school is also proud of it, and the leaders of the school will naturally come.

Seeing Chen Yi invited the reporter team of China Television to the school cafeteria for dinner, the dean felt that Chen Yi did this very well. After all, this is the school and Chen Yi is also a student. He really went outside and had a big meal instead of- Proper.

How can these reporters be guarded?

Maybe if you invite them to a big meal, these reporters can backhand you a report on the extravagant and extravagant life of the school leader. If you do this under the circumstances where thrift is required nowadays, it would be like handing someone a knife. I don’t want it. NS.

Although China Television is more serious and serious than those local TV stations and some unscrupulous media, reporters are reporters and dare to do anything for the news. You must know that within China Television, these reporters are also competitive.

Of course, they are also reporters of China Television. The dean of the department specifically ordered that the cooks in the cafeteria cook alone instead of the big pots. This will give people the impression that the food in the cafeteria of our school is delicious.

Listening to Han Bingbing’s grinning complaints, Chen Yi saw this reporter’s sister happily eating chicken legs, her eyes squinted into crescents from time to time, and she smiled while covering her lips with her hands. Chen Yi is not really to blame.

“Sister Bingbing, please be content. I was going to invite you to eat steamed buns and pickles. This chicken leg is good enough.”

Chen Yi sat next to Han Bingbing, smiling at her ladylike meal. Occasionally, Han Bingbing raised his head and looked at Chen Yi. There was always a faint charm and smile in those bright and bright eyes.

“Hey, Sister Bingbing, eat slowly, and didn’t grab it with you. You can see that your face is covered with chicken drumstick oil.”

Chen Yi supported his chin with one hand, and smiled as he looked at the gluttonous gluttonousness of the reporter’s sister beside him.

When Han Bingbing was really convinced, he quickly put down the chicken thigh that was clamped by the chopsticks, and hurriedly asked, “…Where is the oil on my face?”

With that said, she also took out a lady’s handbag, and wanted to look through the mirror from the inside.

Chen Yi glanced at her bag. It was not a luxury brand like Dior or Hermes. Chen Yi couldn’t recognize the specific brand. It was probably something that cost thousands of dollars.

However, the color and appearance of the bag match Han Bingbing very well, which shows that her fashion sense is very strong.

“Haha, I am teasing you, sister Bingbing, you don’t have oil on your face, but the corners of your mouth are a bit oily.”

Said Chen Yi took out a handkerchief from his pocket, leaned in tenderly, and wiped the corner of Han Bingbing’s mouth with the handkerchief.

Seeing Chen Yi’s face suddenly approached, Han Bingbing was shocked, his body was a little stiff and allowed him to wipe the corners of his mouth with the handkerchief in his hand. Unknowingly, the cute round face was exposed. Shame.(Read more @

Although he is twenty-four years old this year, except for his father, Han Bingbing has not been so intimately contacted by other men. In particular, Chen Yi’s various qualities can hardly be described as excellent. It can be described as a male god among male gods.

Even Han Bingbing, who has been pursued repeatedly since the beginning of university, feels ashamed in front of Chen Yi.

“Go, what are you doing, little brother, don’t do anything to my sister.”

Han Bingbing slapped Chen Yi in disgust, but his voice was more like a baby, because he couldn’t control his voice because of his shyness.

Chen Yi smiled without saying a word, just looked at her.

“Your handkerchief is pretty. It’s not easy to wash if it gets oily.”

When Han Bingbing saw Chen Yi’s expression, he felt that he was more panicked than when he went to CTV for an interview. He just had nothing to say.

The whole handkerchief is light-toned, with beautiful and artistic graphics embroidered on it, which looks very delicate.

It’s just that at this time, that beautiful handkerchief was stuck with a little oil stain on the corner of Han Bingbing’s mouth.

“Sister Bingbing, did you help me wash it?”

Chen Yi grinned and passed the handkerchief over.

Han Bingbing actually took it for some reason. She unconsciously spread the handkerchief, and when she saw the English letters’hermes’ on it, she was startled and hesitated: “…This handkerchief is quite expensive. Bar?”

She still knows the sign of ‘Hermes’.

Although not a particularly wealthy Bai Fumi, her family situation and her own work make Han Bingbing not living in a tight life. It is a compulsory course for women to learn about brands such as cosmetics and clothes.

·· ········ Ask for flowers···········

This is known as the top ‘Hermes’ brand among luxury goods, and it’s impossible for her to know it.

“Hey, it’s okay, it’s more than four thousand yuan.”

Chen Yi waved his hand and said.

More than 4,000 yuan for a handkerchief? Everyone who heard it at the dinner table smacked secretly.

“I can’t guarantee that it can be cleaned.”

Han Bingbing touched the fabric of that handkerchief. There are more than 4,000 handkerchiefs. Although there is a brand premium, this fabric is definitely the top-notch.

But this type of fabric is more delicate, just like the online paragraphs say, some high-luxury brand clothes people never thought that someone would wash it.

“It’s okay, you can throw away sister Bingbing if you can’t clean it. It’s not a valuable thing.”

.. .. …

Chen Yi said indifferently.

As soon as the voice came out, the table suddenly became a little dull, especially Chen Yi’s expression was completely unsatisfactory. It can be seen that he really did not regard four thousand yuan as money. This is completely different from the concept of value and money.

Even the dean of Shen Yu’s department bowed his head to eat without saying a word. This kind of real top rich second-generation life is not what they can imagine.

Han Bingbing knows that Chen Yi is particularly rich, but because Chen Yi is very down-to-earth, he hasn’t shown it before. Now such a small thing makes people aware that he is different from others.

Han Bingbing quietly put away the handkerchief. Perhaps Chen Yi might not care, but the handkerchief is indeed dirty. She still has to wash it when it is time to wash it.

But Han Bingbing soon realized that Chen Yi took a handkerchief to wipe the oil on the corners of her mouth without her consent. Why did she have to wash it?

For a while, Han Bingbing felt that he was given a routine by Chen Yi.

The head of the department was also the person at the table. Just when Han Bingbing was upset, he quickly mobilized the atmosphere again, and there was laughter at the table. Although it was just a simple cafeteria meal, it was also a joy for the guests and the host.

The reporters of CTV who are interviewing abroad are all provided with food supplements. This is a free meal that tastes good, and the food supplements can still be in their own hands. Of course, the reporter team is delighted.

Anyway, the driver and the photographer are very happy in their hearts. This is the real life of the workers. Even if there is only one meal left, it is also very happy. Death.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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