Chapter 323 The basic operation of the second generation

“Where do I dare to get drunk, Sister Bingbing, you just want you to taste the wine I brought, the Champagne from the Cook Winery produced in 2004, Sister Bingbing, just drink two sips. If you can’t drink it, stop.”

Chen Yi stretched out his hand, and immediately there was a waiter holding a soft cloth on the champagne bottle with his left hand, and came to Chen Yi and Han Bingbing, opened the champagne with a very skillful technique, and poured a glass for both of them.

In fact, the more high-end restaurants do not have so many rules. The rules are only in the way of eating. It is like going to a high-end western restaurant. You just don’t like knives and forks and have to use chopsticks, and no one can say anything about you.

As long as you are not acting like a nouveau riche, other qualified guests will not laugh at it.

This is the same for this top Japanese food store. There is no problem with bringing your own wine, as long as you pay a fee, because these top shops also know that the wine they bring may really be something they can’t get.

“This wine is expensive?”

Han Bingbing asked in a low voice after seeing the light green bottle in the waiter’s hand.

She doesn’t know much about wine, or that most people don’t know much about wine, especially those wines that are often tens of thousands of times are not affordable for ordinary people.

Han Bingbing’s first thought was that given Chen Yi’s wealth and social status, this bottle of wine might be very expensive.

Of course she knew that some wines were ridiculously expensive, even hundreds of thousands or millions, but she had never seen it.

“The sparkling wine in a specific production area is called champagne. The production area is so large and the winery is limited. And sparkling wine is not expensive anymore. I know what you are thinking about Bingbing, but This bottle of wine is only a few thousand yuan.”

“… Champagne I like the flower of Paris best, but sometimes other wines will be tasted.”

Chen Yi sat on the chair, holding the wine glass in his right hand, shaking slightly, with a cool posture and elegant temperament. He turned his head to face Han Bingbing and smiled gently.

Han Bingbing was completely fascinated by Chen Yi’s elegant posture of shaking the wine glass. For a while, she was hypnotized, staring straight at the golden liquid in the wine glass. After a long time, she recovered.

“If Sister Bingbing wants to taste those rare wines, I will get you a bottle next time. That kind of wine will be more troublesome. Apart from going to the auction house to shoot, only trustees can get it from some dealers. ` ` ”

Once upon a time, Chen Yi couldn’t find a way to get a good bottle of wine, but now Chen Yi has many relationships and a wide range of outlets. As long as there is a price, he can find a way to get it.

“No need, just drink this champagne. I don’t know anything about wine. No matter how expensive the wine you give me, it looks like a ox-peony. I don’t understand it at all.”

The reporter hurriedly refused. She was really afraid that Chen Yi would get a bottle of wine that was too expensive. This would only make her panic. She would feel that she owed Chen Yi something. Not everyone likes to take advantage of others.

Han Bingbing subconsciously picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Immediately, mist was brewing in her big sweet and charming eyes, blurred and charming.(Read more @

Chen Yi smiled when he saw this. He said that so much was to make Han Bingbing drink, he didn’t necessarily have to get Han Bingbing drunk and then what happened to her.

But after a person drank alcohol, many things that he didn’t dare to say and didn’t dared to do were all the guts and courage to drink.

It didn’t take long for this bar with ten people to sit down again. Although there were thousands of meals per person, ordinary people couldn’t afford it, so the people who came to eat here might not be particularly rich. People.

Chen Yi scanned it roughly, and found that almost all the people who came to eat were young people, either girlfriends or couples.

Looking at their clothes, jewelry, and the bags they are holding, they are not the kind of particularly wealthy people, but more like coming over to pull out the weeds in extravagance.

However, this shop also has private rooms. Maybe those who are particularly rich go to the private rooms to eat. Unlike Chen Yi, who likes this kind of bar, it’s more lively to eat.

Just when Chen Yi regained his gaze and prepared to continue teasing Han Bingbing, another man and woman came into this store. Chen Yi looked like a real acquaintance. It was Chen Yi who went to a nightclub for a drink that day, and finally fell asleep while playing in the purple garden. Binzi one night.

Without waiting for Chen Yi to say hello, Binzi also saw him, and immediately brightened his eyes, and hurried over, and said in surprise: “…Brother Chen, destined, you are here for dinner too!”

Chen Yi is very familiar with Nan’an, Liang Chengwei, and others. He is already well-known in the second-generation circle of Shencheng. After that incident, even in the circle of the imperial capital, he also knew a bunch of fox friends.

After that incident, Chen Yi faintly had a high status in the circle of Shencheng and the imperial capital. Even if it was a thorn like Cai Mao, he would call Chen Ge when he saw him.

Of course, Shencheng is okay. The circle in the Imperial Capital is very large and deep, and the circle is even more complicated. Chen Yi also has prestige in a certain circle, but this is enough.

Today’s Chen Yi is no longer a water without roots. Grandpa’s future minister Shangshu and a member of the Supreme Military Council make Chen Yi no longer in the complex circle of the imperial capital.

Moreover, the background is the background, the real prestige still needs its own outstanding bring.

“It’s been a long time, Binzi, who is this?”

Chen Yi smiled and greeted Binzi, and then looked at the girl following him.

The girl looked pretty after dressing up and had a good figure. She should look like a college student. She was very fashionable in her dress, which is definitely the kind that many boys chase in school.

“Yuanyuan, come and call Brother Chen.”

Upon hearing Binzi’s arrogantly instructing tone, Chen Yi knew that this girl was not his girlfriend, she was probably a female college student who had been soaking in.

Driving a sports car and taking the girl for a drive, going to a luxury store to buy something casually, and then eating in a restaurant with an average of thousands of people per capita, let the girl feel the real luxury and the vanity that countless people watched.

After that, I was just looking for a luxury hotel to take it over, and something happy happened.

This is the basic operation of these second generations. They are called girlfriends. After a period of time, they are tired and crooked and replaced. If they can be solved with money, they may still maintain a long-term relationship.

Of course, there is no contempt for men and women who take what they need. Maybe the girl’s methods are so superb that the second generation really falls in love with him, and that is also a golden tortoise.

“¨〃Brother Chen!”

The girl has a very cheerful personality, and she called Chen Yi a little bit, but after the experience of a bitch, Chen Yi has long been immune to this kind of babble.

Seeing this girl, it seems that she wants to sit next to Chen Yi and eat with him. Chen Yi is slanderous when she sees this. Do you want to pick me up?

Well, this girl is a pretty good-looking girl, and she won’t lose money if she’s just for fun, but I really don’t want to give Binzi a hot pot.

And Chen Yi also has Han Bingbing next to him. He came for Han Bingbing today. Seeing this girl’s enthusiasm and initiative, Chen Yi frowned.

Fortunately, Binzi is more discerning. He glanced at Chen Yi, and then at Han Bingbing. He smiled ambiguously and glared at the girl before dragging her away, “…go away, Yuanyuan! Chen! Brother is busy, don’t disturb others.”

The girl named Yuanyuan reluctantly went to the other side of the bar with Binzi.

From Binzi’s little brother-like tone, she knows that Chen Yi is definitely a stronger second generation than Binzi. Although it is not easy to catch Binzi, but after seeing Chen Yi today, this girl is immediately With other thoughts.

No way, Chen Yi is really too handsome, and Binzi is not at the same level at all. This Yuanyuan will follow Binzi as a matter of course, it is Binzi’s second-generation status and his money.

But if it’s a handsome guy like Chen Yi, Yuanyuan says that he is willing to post it privately!

Although young girls are greedy for money, girls at this age care more about the looks of men.

This episode was soon over, Chen Yi once again focused on Han Bingbing. .

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