Chapter 324 Get a woman’s heart

Beef is the soul of teppanyaki. Cold fresh platinum wagyu beef from Australia exudes a unique fragrance under the grilling of the teppanyaki, which tempts people’s appetites.

“This is platinum wagyu beef. It is the top Japanese beef raised in Australia by the most famous Matsusaka beef, Kobe beef and Omi beef in the island country.”

The waiter stood behind Chen Yi and Han Bingbing, quietly explaining to them the source and excellence of the ingredients.

The chef from the island country does not speak Chinese. He put the grilled Wagyu beef on the plate in front of Chen Yi and Han Bingbing, and bowed with a smile.

Han Bingbing was already very hungry, smelling the scent of platinum and beef, moving his index finger, using chopsticks to pick up the beef and put it in his mouth, his eyes widened, his slender fingers covered his lips and said in Chen Yi’s ear. :

“…Well, good ci!”

Seeing her slurred speech while chewing beef in her mouth, Chen Yi laughed dumbfounded. He also picked up the chopsticks and clamped the beef into his mouth, tasting the melt-in-mouth delicacy.

To be honest, after eating too many delicacies of mountains and seas, Chen Yi has nothing special to surprise him, especially foods like wagyu that rely solely on ingredients to produce delicious foods. The difference is actually the same. Big.

The only 653 who can surprise Chen Yi is the true master chef who uses different materials to mix together to make creative dishes, so that the taste is divided into layers and fermented in the mouth.

French-style foie gras is placed on the iron plate, and the aroma overflows. The foie gras is very greasy to eat, but with the top black truffle wine sauce seasoned by this Japanese food shop, the greasiness of the foie gras is also neutralized Past.

Another sip of champagne is even more memorable.

It seems that there are not many foods, but if you eat too much, you will feel the belly bloated. The food is finally finished under the garlic fried rice.

Chen Yi and Han Bingbing almost drank a whole bottle of Champagne clean. Of course, this is not a big deal with Chen Yi’s volume, but Han Bingbing was already a little dizzy at this time.

There were two blushes on her cheeks, and the drunkenness filled her bright eyes. If there was enchanting, that sweet smile turned into a seductive charm, and the whole person exuded amazing charm.

After the meal, Chen Yi and Han Bingbing chatted for a while, and when it was almost, Chen Yi checked out and was ready to leave.

Because the wine was brought by himself, plus the service fee and the aperitif fee, the total cost of this feast was more than 6,000 yuan. For Chen Yi, this amount of money is almost impossible to even look at. Looked.

“How about sister Bingbing, can she still walk?”(Read more @

Chen Yi helped Han Bingbing stand up, and gently put on the jacket that the waiter had handed her, and asked with a smile when she looked at her flatteringly.

“I’m not completely drunk, I can still walk.”

Han Bingbing’s eyebrows bend, and he bit her lips and cast a glance at Chen Yi. The expression in his eyes deeply explained what is called winking, and there seemed to be anger.

Han Bingbing’s words were not so drunk, Chen Yi could see that she was not completely drunk, but her slightly coquettish appearance made her red lips dotted under Qiong’s nose even more attractive.

Chen Yi resisted the urge to eat her, still holding Han Bingbing’s arm, and after saying hello to Binzi, he left the restaurant.

The driver, Xiao Zhang, had eaten a long time ago and waited at the parking place in advance. There was also a Lamborghini in the parking place, which must be Binzi’s car.

He helped Han Bingbing onto the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, letting her back on the back of the chair, and Han Bingbing’s head tilted accordingly and leaned on Chen Yi’s shoulder.

Chen Yi stretched out his hand calmly and hugged Han Bingbing’s slender waist. It’s a pity that it’s winter, and the clothes she wears are a bit thick, otherwise she can feel the softness of her waist.

“Sister Bingbing, where do you live now? I’ll take you back.”

Chen Yi leaned his head against Han Bingbing’s jade-like ears, and asked softly.

Han Bingbing’s ears trembled, and the whole body softened, and he gently read the name of a hotel.

Without Chen Yi’s reminder, the driver Xiao Zhang just started the car, turned on the navigation and drove to the destination.

On the way, Chen Yi and Han Bingbing didn’t speak, they just hugged each other, as if warming each other, only the sound of navigation in the car came.

Although the CTV reporter stayed in a five-star hotel on a business trip, it was not bad. It was not too far from the Bund, and the destination was about 20 minutes later.

After arriving downstairs in the hotel, the car fell silent.

Chen Yi asked tentatively: “…Sister Bingbing, I will send you upstairs?”

Han Bingbing was not drunk at all, and as she walked along the road, she became more sober. Her misty eyes flickered, as if thinking. After a while, she gathered her hair, sweet. Smiled and said: “…good!”

With Han Bingbing’s consent, Chen Yi opened the door and walked out of the car, placing one gentleman’s hand on the roof of the car, and one hand extending out like a housekeeper, placing Han Bingbing’s jade hand on his palm.

At this time, Han Bingbing’s heart beats extremely fast, her heart is both disturbed and entangled. She actually wants to refuse, but she is afraid that the refusal will cause Chen Yi’s unhappiness. The stimulation of alcohol has mixed her with bursts of excitement, and the whole person has changed. Very contradictory.

Chen Yi took Han Bingbing’s hand and walked to the hotel elevator. Although it was only a handle, it was already the closest contact between the two.

Chen Yi kept looking ahead, but in fact all his attention was on Han Bingbing’s body. After noticing the entanglement on her face, Chen Yi nodded secretly, knowing what he should do.

He and Han Bingbing have only met so many times. Although feelings come from the ground up, love at first sight also exists. The length of time of acquaintance does not determine the depth of the feelings.

But it can be seen from Han Bingbing’s cleanliness that she is actually not a casual person.

If something was done forcibly this time, it might be successful under the stimulation of alcohol, but it would definitely leave a thorn in her heart.

Based on Chen Yi’s understanding of Han Bingbing, she is actually a very strong and persistent girl. If she does make a certain decision, she will probably stick to it.

Although Chen Yi considers himself excellent, he has not yet reached the point where all women are not married to him.

So this time you can go one step closer, but you can’t go too far. If you want to get the heart of a woman, especially such an excellent woman, you still have to have perseverance.

In the elevator, Han Bingbing took out the room card from his wallet, swiped it in the elevator, and pressed the button on the 10th floor.

Soon the elevator reached the floor. Chen Yi and Han Bingbing walked into the corridor. After turning a bend, they came to the house where Han Bingbing lived.

Without waiting for Han Bingbing to swipe his card to open the door of the house, Chen Yi suddenly held her shoulder, pressed her against the wall of the corridor, lowered his head and kissed it. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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