Chapter 325 The most extravagant thing is affection

In the hotel corridor, Han Bingbing leaned against the wall of the hotel corridor, his cheeks flushed, and his big charming eyes were blurred.

Han Bingbing opened his sandalwood mouth slightly, exhaling like blue, with a slightly drunken fragrance.

Han Bingbing put a hand on Chen Yi’s heart, biting his lip in a little panic and entanglement: “…First, go to the house!”

There were cameras in the corridors of the hotel, and she didn’t want to be photographed.

Slightly pushed Chen Yi away, Han Bingbing hurriedly took out a room card from the lady’s bag he was carrying, and swiped the door open after a beep.

As the door of the hotel was opened, Han Bingbing panicked in confusion, wondering if he was doing it right.

In this way, she walked into the room in a muddle-headed manner. It was only when she recovered that something was wrong. It turned out that Chen Yi didn’t follow her into the room at all.

Han Bingbing looked back in amazement, and saw Chen Yi was leaning on the door with one hand against the door, with a smile on his face, but his brows raised and said: “…Sister Bingbing, what are you going to do? , Won’t you want me to stay overnight?”

“…Hey, let me tell you sister Bingbing, I’m not a random person.”

Han Bingbing stared at Chen Yi, who was leaning on the door frame and playing handsome, wondering if his ears were broken, so he had misheard what he said.

It wasn’t until the door of the hotel was not closed for a long time that Han Bingbing reacted to the sound of ‘Didi’.

The confused mood and the slight drunkenness immediately disappeared. She was embarrassed and looked at Chen Yi, almost crying.

Seeing Han Bingbing’s expression, Chen Yi knew that he could not go too far, and immediately said gently: “…Don’t think too much, sister Bingbing, I just don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“…I can see that you are actually quite entangled now, and you are not particularly willing, but also, the time we have known each other is still too short. Although our relationship seems a little closer in the past two days, I can’t agree. I don’t want to be one.night.”

“And men like things they can’t get. If they get it too easily, they won’t cherish it.”

Chen Yi shrugged and smiled softly at Han Bingbing and continued: “…Sister Bingbing, take a good rest today, and don’t be too tired at work. Then, while you calm down, think about it, don’t be scumbed by me. The man was cheated casually.”

“The driver is still waiting for me downstairs, I won’t stay here for long.”

“…Sister Bingbing, please call me or vx to find me if you have anything to do. I will contact you as soon as I receive it. By the way, I will definitely think of you as soon as there is any news material in the future.”

Chen Yi didn’t wait for Han Bingbing to reply, so he closed the door gently.

After Chen Yi left, Han Bingbing was still in the mist, his head couldn’t turn around.

He just left? Obviously he had a chance, but just left in such a cool manner?(Read more @

Is he not beautiful enough to attract him? Or did he suddenly lose interest in himself?

Obviously his active appearance before, seemed to be pursuing himself.

Han Bingbing took off his jacket and sat beside the bed in a daze, with Chen Yi in his mind, and for a while, the whole person was suffering from gains and losses.

Just now, she was still wondering and hesitating about what happened to Chen Yi in this way, but now she regrets it a little, and she can’t wait for Chen Yi to come back directly and stay here for one night.

Thinking of this, Han Bingbing’s face turned red again, feeling that she was a girl who had never had a boyfriend, and the scenes she was thinking about were a bit inappropriate for children.

As soon as she thinks of her boyfriend, she finds out what is the relationship between herself and Chen Yi? Is it a boyfriend? It’s even more exaggerated…

For a woman with a good family background, a high degree of education, and a woman who is not particularly greedy for money, Han Bingbing still values ​​such things as status.

She lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze. Although today’s things were a bit unexpected, she was certain that Chen Yi was not just planning to play with her, but serious and emotional. .

Otherwise, if it was just for fun, Chen Yi could not leave at all just now and say some sweet words to coax her, instead of telling her so many puzzling principles.

Just when Han Bingbing was thinking about it, her mobile phone vibrated. She picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was a vx sent by Chen Yi. Her heart beat faster, and she unlocked it quickly.

“Sister Bingbing, you also drank a lot of wine today. Later, I will ask the chef of the five-star hotel to send you some nutritious soup. You will return to the capital tomorrow, right? Take a good bath tonight and have a good night’s sleep. The plane is very tiring.”

“…When I return to the imperial capital, I will find you, come, sister Bingbing kiss~~[picture.jpg].”

Looking at the cute smiling face that Chen Yi sent last in vx, Han Bingbing unconsciously tick the corner of his mouth, revealing a sweet smile.

Chen Yi’s kind of warm-hearted care really hits the girl’s heart too much. Although she is twenty-four years old, she is still a girl who loves fantasy.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

Especially Chen Yi even wanted to let people bring her food. If he didn’t care about her, how could he be so careful.

Of course, this also shows that Chen Yi is rich. Even if the average man is careful, he can’t make the soup in a five-star hotel at night and send it to other hotels.

In the hotel elevator, Chen Yi smiled when he looked at the disgusting picture sent by Han Bingbing in vx.

If he was a little tougher just now, he could indeed get what he wanted, but Han Bingbing was not the kind of woman who could do it entirely with money.

His father is a middle-to-high-level member of CTV, and he has a small social status. Han Bingbing is a reporter of CTV at his young age, and he is not bad in appearance, education, or ability.

…… ….. …

A woman of this level can’t break through her heart purely by material, unless she is particularly greedy for money.

But although a group of people on the Internet are always spiritual capitalists, when it comes to reality, there are not so many women who really worship money.

Wanting to enter the heart of a good woman is not something money can do. What you need is the same reciprocal feelings, and feelings are the most extravagant things.

Presumably this happened by himself, and now he must have left an indelible impression in Han Bingbing’s heart.

If Chen Yi believes that Han Bingbing will not marry her in this life, he will definitely stay here just now.

But Chen Yi is not willing to give up the whole forest for the sake of a tree. He is willing to divide his heart into several pieces to pay his affection, but he does not want to give the whole heart to it.

After all, it is not ancient times. Women can only marry you after losing their virginity. Not only men are ruthless, but there are also many women.

If something happened between Chen Yizhen and Han Bingbing just now, and Chen Yi couldn’t give her a real name, with Han Bingbing’s character, it might be possible to break contact with him.

One-day affection and daily affection, Chen Yi still distinguishes which is important.

Chen Yi is not in a hurry, he has already had close contact with Han Bingbing just now, and he will be more familiar with what he will do afterwards.

Now that I can walk into her heart, there will be more opportunities to consolidate in the future, and it will not be too late to eat her up next time we meet.

This is called wanting to catch it, and it is full of routines, anyway, she will never escape from her palms. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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