Chapter 326 “Tomorrow’s Ark” Moon Flowing

Chen Yi walked out of the hotel entrance and saw the parking lot in front of the hotel. The driver Xiao Zhang and the Mercedes Benz he drove were still parked there.

Seeing this, Chen Yi is already very satisfied with the driver Xiao Zhang. He is not self-righteous, thinking that Chen Yi will stay overnight in this hotel tonight so he leaves.

But before getting Chen Yi’s order, he has been waiting at the door.

For Chen Yi, the position of driver is too assertive but not good, and such an obedient driver is not easy to find. Since the other party satisfies him, Chen Yi is not stingy in giving him a piece of wealth.

“Mr. Chen, where are we going next?”

After Chen Yi got in the car, the driver asked. He didn’t ask him why Chen Yi didn’t stay overnight at the hotel. He knew what he should say and what he should not say.

After thinking for a while, Chen Yi said, “…Send me to the Ritz-Carlton, which is very close to the company. I will have a meeting with the company tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, President Chen!”

The driver responded and started the vehicle.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Chen Yi turned his head to look at the night view of Shencheng through the window, lost in thought.

For him now, there is one more thing to do, and that is to buy a house in Shencheng.

Tens of millions of houses are everywhere in Shencheng, and there are not many houses in Shencheng with a total price of more than 100 million yuan. The reason why Chen Yi didn’t buy a house in the past was because of his tight funds.

In the past, most of Chen Yi’s money was used for game development and publicity, and there was simply not enough money for him to buy a house.

You want to say that it is easy to buy a house of several million, but for Chen Yi, you have to buy the best one. All you need is to get it in one step. If the price is not more than 100 million, he doesn’t bother to look at it.

But even when Chen Yi was the richest, his cash was only 80 million, which could not break 100 million at all.

And at that time, Chen Yi did not have any valuable collateral at all. His company was just established, and there was no income. No matter how much he invested in the initial capital, such a company would not be able to use it as a mortgage.

After all, Chen Yi is not Dad Ma. He dared to anger the bank supervision and was finally called for an interview. Without sufficient collateral, Chen Yi could not lend too much money from the bank.

But now Chen Yi is different. Not to mention that he already has many luxury cars under his name, and these luxury cars can be used as collateral. His company has also been on the right track and his income is amazing.

With these things as an endorsement, Chen Yi has been able to easily lend a large amount of money from the bank.

As for buying a house with full cash, only fools would do it. Buying things with their own money is not easy to buy with money from the bank. The real rich people always depend on how much money they owe the bank.

Use your own property as collateral, use leverage to lend more money from the bank, and then use the money for reinvestment, as long as the profit exceeds the bank’s interest rate, that is a big profit.(Read more @

If you simply rely on the cash in your hand to run the company, the company will not be able to expand at all, and it will not be possible to get rich in a short period of time.

Although Papa Ma was already floating and wanted to play asset securitization and was not afraid of the financial crisis, some things he said were quite correct.

If you owe the bank 100,000, you are afraid of the bank; if you owe the bank 10 million, you and the bank are panicked; but if you owe the bank 1 billion, then the bank is afraid of you.

Back then, Wang owed a few billions and almost died. In order to prevent him from going bankrupt, Citibank even gave him millions of money every month as pocket money. What I was afraid was that after Wang went bankrupt, there would be a lot of bad bank debts. Don’t even return any money.

Therefore, the rich must learn how to use the money in the bank.

While Chen Yi was thinking about it, Mercedes-Benz reached the door of the Ritz-Carlton, and the doorman immediately stepped forward and opened the door for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi is already a frequent visitor to Ritz-Carlton, and the staff here know him. As soon as he saw Chen Yi, the doorman immediately put a smile on his face and said respectfully: “…Hello, Mr. Chen!”

Chen Yi nodded to the doorman, and said to the driver Xiao Zhang: “…If you don’t use it to pick me up tomorrow morning, just go to the company yourself.”

“…This is very close to the company. I will walk by myself tomorrow and I will exercise.”

When the driver heard the words, he nodded and said: “…I know Mr. Chen, then I will go first. You have a good rest in the evening. If you need to use the car in any urgent matter, please call me and let me know.”

After that, after Chen Yi entered the hotel, the driver drove away.

Chen Yi walked onto the special elevator to the presidential suite under the warm greetings of many staff at the front desk of the Ritz-Carlton.

For Chen Yi now, the price of 70,000 a night is really nothing. Even if he lives here for a year, it is only more than 20 million. For Chen Yi, who has an annual net income of 960 million, this Some money is drizzle.

After arriving in the presidential suite, he informed the butler Leo to prepare some pastries and snacks for himself. Chen Yi just leaned on the sofa and chatted with a bunch of girls with his mobile phone.

If you want to let the feelings ferment, then you must spend a certain amount of time in contact with the girls.

There was no words for a night. Early the next morning, Chen Yi went to the hotel gym to exercise for half an hour. After coming back to freshen up, he spent half an hour practicing calligraphy and painting.

Even if he has system blessings, he still needs to spend some time practicing those skills every day. Only in this way can he accumulate little and make more, and make the skills reach the highest level on a certain day…

The system only increased Chen Yi’s efficiency in doing things several times, rather than letting him do nothing for nothing.

“Chen, this is the monthly record of the first month of “Tomorrow’s Ark”.”

At the top of the Citibank Building, Chen Yi sat in the main seat of the conference room, listening to the report made by the company’s management.

The managers of each department did a ppt like a student, and used the projector to show the work achievements of their department and the problems they found in the past month in the meeting, and how to correct the problem next.

The most annoying thing about Chen Yi as a worker in the past was that the company had meetings, which would take up a lot of his time and would have to work overtime to complete the work if he couldn’t finish it.

But now as the boss, Chen Yi likes meetings very much, because in the process of the meeting, he can fully use his power and enjoy the thrill of being in control of power.

Everyone is revolving around you. Here you are the center of everything. Everyone must carefully pay attention to your emotions, pay attention to your expressions, and consider their next sentences. This feeling is fascinating.

“Mr. Chen, our first month of monthly sales for the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” has… eight hundred and twenty million!”

The department manager suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, swallowed, and said the number almost tremblingly.

Immediately, there was a burst of cheers in the entire conference room. The company’s management clapped vigorously, all of them looked at Chen Yi sitting at the top of the conference table. 0.0

This data is no longer a simple proof that the game is successful, it is a complete proof that this game has become a phenomenon!

In the development and operation of this game, everyone present has worked hard. Everyone who looks at its success is like You Rongyan, just like watching their children grow up.

In addition to this self-fulfillment satisfaction, such data also means that they will have bonuses beyond imagination!

The data of “Tomorrow’s Ark” is reasonable, but it is also unexpected.

It can be said that this game is due to the right time and place, and all kinds of coincidences will have such an ending, which exceeds the data of more than 600 million turnover in the first month of “Tomorrow’s Ark” before Chen Yi’s rebirth.

Because this month Chen Yi suddenly became popular, “Tomorrow’s Ark” almost borrowed Chen Yi’s reputation to achieve such an exaggerated flow.

No wonder there are so many traffic niches in this era, because traffic can really be realized! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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