Chapter 327 Exaggerated profit margin

The monthly turnover of 820 million seems to be a lot, but it is just a turnover. If you really want to count the final profit, you will find that the money earned is not really exaggerated.

And this month’s running water, some of the money spent will make you feel very depressed.

For example, mobile games can be divided into two parts: ios and Android. Approximately 40% of the total number of people recharged on ios.

Apple has a very disgusting, but all merchants have to pinch their noses to recognize the regulations.

That is, 30% of any money spent on Apple’s ios mobile phone will go to Apple.

This is why many people recommend using web pages instead of Apple phones for behaviors such as rewarding and recharging on some websites.

Because whether you are recharging or rewarding, as long as you pass through Apple’s port, then 30% of the money will go to Apple.

Apple’s market value is so high, and its annual net profit is tens of billions of dollars. That money is not made by simply selling hardware. The income from this kind of software is also a large part.

Just like Chen Yi, the game “Tomorrow’s Ark” produced by his company has a monthly income of 820 million in the first month. According to the ios agreement, it is equivalent to 12% of the monthly turnover to Apple.

That is to say, there was about 100 million yuan of money25, and Chen Yi was taken away by Apple without seeing it.

This is the ios side, and among the 60% paying users on the Android side, the popularity of station b also accounts for at least 20%.

And this kind of platform is more cheating than Apple, almost half and half, which means that these platforms also eat 10% of the total turnover.

Suddenly 22% of the flow just disappeared, and 820 million became 620 million.

Then add in the 6% business tax, and about 50 million is gone, and the money becomes 570 million.

The publicity and distribution of mobile games like this cannot be stopped. Huge amounts of money are spent on advertising and promotion every month. Only in this way can the popularity not stop.

Not to mention, the monthly announcement cost of 50 million yuan is the basic cost, and now the game has just been launched for one month, the announcement in the first few months is even more important.

Especially since the monthly turnover in the first month is so high, if you want to continue to make money while the game is hot, then the announcement in the second month must be intensified.

Coupled with various operating costs such as employee salaries and the company’s lease of servers, Chen Yi will spend about 120 million yuan, not to mention.

This cost will decrease every month, but the basic cost of tens of millions per month is still indispensable.(Read more @

In an instant, the monthly turnover of 820 million is now only 450 million, thinking that this is the final profit?

Wrong, the next step is to pay corporate income tax, and 25% of the profit will be turned over to the country. Probably the final real net profit is 350 million.

According to the original agreement, because Ding Junfeng’s share is 10%, and Chen Yi agreed to give all management a 5% dividend, Chen Yi actually earned 300 million in the end.

The change from 800 million to 300 million seems to be less than half, but in fact, this profit rate has been extremely exaggerated.

This is just because the initial publicity cost investment is too high, this part of the cost will be reduced over time, after the cost is controlled, the profit margin will become higher.

It is no wonder that so many people want to enter the mobile game industry and feel that this industry is a golden mountain. Such profit margins are simply exaggerated.

You must know that if it is a traditional industry, if the monthly income is 800 million, the net profit may not even be tens of millions.

“It’s hard to make money!”

Chen Yi looked at the report in his hand, he flicked the paper with his hand and sighed.

The management who were cheering in the meeting room heard that if Chen Yi weren’t for the boss, they would have cursed.

It took only two months for the entire game to go on sale from the establishment of the project, and then the profit in the first month after the game went on sale exploded by more than 300 million.

Let alone the income of ordinary people, even for some company bosses, that is, those so-called billionaires, it may take them five years and ten years to make a profit of 300 million yuan, but Chen Yi only took one month to make it. finished.

If this matter is spread, the title of outstanding young entrepreneurs will definitely be buckled on Chen Yi’s head. I don’t know how many people will be envious and jealous to death, but at the same time, they will also express their sincere admiration for Chen Yi.

Even if it is Xiao Wang, don’t look at his current prosperity. Rumor has it that his assets are six billion, but those are his investments. These six billion are also the valuations of the companies he invested in.

Most of those companies are now in the money-burning stage and have no profit output at all.

If it is really calculated by profit, Xiao Wang would not be able to earn 300 million in a year.

The management of the company are all slandering in their hearts. Chen Yi can say that it only took more than three months to prove himself, and the report in his hand is the best answer.

When Chen Yi goes out in the future, no one will dare to underestimate him, his so-called background and rich second-generation identity, people will pay more attention to his success and achievements.

Four months ago, if Chen Yi wanted to start a business to attract investment, he would be no different from those who were seeking investment in roadshows. He would perform like a clown, begging grandpa to tell grandma, and those who bowed down might not be able to get the money.

But now Chen Yi prepares to set up a new project to seek investment. He does not need to ask for help. As long as his project is not the kind of unreliable project that bombs the Himalayas, many investors and investment institutions will immediately come to him and give it to him. money.

Investors are always people, not so-called projects, because projects like projects can be imagined by daydreaming, but whether they have the ability to really turn fantasy into reality is what investors value most.

And now Chen Yi has used a satisfactory answer sheet to tell others that he is a talented and capable person worthy of anyone’s trust.

Seeing that Chen Yi was not at all happy with such a profit of 657, he complained that it was ‘difficult to make money’, and the management in the meeting room was not happy to cheer.

They all looked at Chen Yi with admiring eyes, and each one was flattering there.

What Mr. Chen has done in his youth, such a profit is simply insignificant.

Why this game company is too small to accommodate the great Buddha of President Chen, the future President Chen must be the kind of entrepreneur who has tens of billions of assets and huge enterprises.

Anyway, these managements took all the flattery they could shoot. Seeing Chen Yi’s smile and very satisfied look, they flattered more often.

No way, Mr. Chen gave too much.

After the dividends are distributed, each of them and the management can get about 2 million. They are just a group of part-time workers, and 2 million is not a small amount.

Although they almost died at work in the first two months, they now only have one idea, that is ‘value’!

If they can get 2 million per month, then Chen Yi will let them go to the high-intensity work of 007, and they will definitely have no complaints.

Hitting workers, working souls, hitting workers are all human beings!

Of course, both Chen Yi and the management know that starting from the second month, the monthly turnover will inevitably drop. If it can keep half of it, it means that the performance is excellent.

After all, a mobile game is a fast food. There are various mobile games on the market every month, and its income is not stable. .

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