Chapter 345 Is this someone coming to die?

It’s best to do business for students and women. It’s like contracting a school cafeteria. If the school sets up some regulations, such as not allowing takeaways, then the school cafeteria must be a place to make money.

Naturally, universities cannot be managed in this way, but the surrounding area of ​​the university is a good place to do business, especially near the university town where several universities are together. The rent is definitely expensive.

After all, the daily consumption of college students is the best consumption.

Chen Yi’s first “Yicha” shop was opened in the commercial street near Shenyu University, which is also within the scope of the university town, plus there are seven universities in the vicinity of Shenyu.

And because the campus here is near the outskirts of Shanghai, it is impossible for students to go to the city for meals. Naturally, this commercial street has become the first choice for nearby college students.

A few days ago, this commercial street opened a new store, which is not uncommon for the commercial street near the university.

Because there are many shops here and the competition is fierce, naturally there are more and more people in the delicious places, and no one cares about the unpleasant places.

Every once in a while, shop owners find that their business has not improved and they can’t stand the high rents and leave, so new businesses will naturally settle in.

This newly opened shop is a milk tea shop. The whole shop covers a very large area, with a shop of nearly 200 square meters. It is almost one of the largest shops in this commercial street.

After all, it’s the places where students are the main flow of tourists. There are mostly small restaurants of this kind. Such big shops are rare, not to mention that ordinary milk tea shops are small stalls covering a few square meters.

This shop is not one of those milk tea shops that have long been well-known in China. The college students here have never heard of the brand of “Eat Tea”. It is probably a new brand.

However, the opening of this milk tea shop is the same as most shops. Generally, the opening bargain is half price, which has also caused many nearby students to come here to buy drinks.

But even if it’s half price, this “Eat Tea” drink is not cheap. The full price is often more than 20 to 30 yuan, almost catching up with Starbucks’ consumption.

Normally, this kind of high-consumption beverage is not suitable to be opened near the university, because although the total consumption power of college students is strong, the sub-consumption power is not as good as those of white-collar workers.

But this store is still very popular, it is true that most of the various drinks here are really delicious, which is very amazing.

Especially the decoration of this shop looks very high-end. Many students will use this place as a place to pass the time. They will sit there when they buy a drink. It feels like sitting in a Starbucks.

So in just a few days, it was well received by students from nearby East China University, School of Foreign Trade, University of Engineering and Technology, University of Political Science and Law.

The only thing that makes people feel a little annoying is that there seems to be too many people here. Every time you buy a drink, you have to wait for half an hour.

But it is precisely this reason for the need to line up, but this shop has a trend of online celebrity shops, especially those girls who like to drink drinks, like to come here.(Read more @

If it is a boyfriend giving a girlfriend or asking a classmate to drink a drink and the milk tea here, the satisfaction will rise sharply, which makes people feel very face-conscious.

To put it bluntly, Chen Yi’s use of hunger marketing methods, high-end decoration and prices, coupled with surprising flavors, is making this store a symbol of B-style.

He is not joking about getting the Hermes in a milk tea. Even in Chen Yi’s idea, the long-term goal is to open his store into a petty bourgeoisie like Starbucks.

Even though Starbucks is actually very low-end, but it is well publicized, that is, it is sought after by people.

As the manager of this store, Zhang Hongchao is very busy every day. He not only manages other students who work part-time, but also goes to the front or back office to help.

The popularity of the shop was unexpected, but it also made Zhang Hongchao ecstatic. Although he was tired from work every day, the boss Chen Yi said it.

Whether it is the store manager or other service staff, they will be commissioned according to the sales, so naturally the more popular the store, the happier their employees are.

Even Zhang Hongchao has new ideas in his mind. The decoration here is very luxurious. Many students even like to sit and rub wifi here when they are not in class.

These seats are just a waste of drinks. He thinks he should go to sell some desserts and cakes. This can make the store’s sales higher. You must know that those desserts and cakes are extremely profitable.

Just as Zhang Hongchao was thinking of sending some advice to Chen Yi, the boss, several people suddenly came to the door of the milk tea shop.

Seeing these people wearing the clothes of public officials, Zhang Hongchao’s heart jumped. Sure enough, with the arrival of these people, the whole shop couldn’t be opened anymore.

Although many students who were queuing complained, they could only quietly walk out of the store and watch them slowly start to inquire about work, because they have a serious excuse, fire inspection!

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“You mean they have been here for several days?”

In the high-end clubhouse, Chen Yi received a call from Zhang Hongchao, frowning and asking.

“Yes, boss! They come here almost every day, but our store has no fire problems at all. I think they are just looking for something.”

“…But they used this kind of formal excuse, and we have nothing to do. No one cares about complaints.”

Zhang Hongchao’s tone is full of melancholy. This is the so-called people who don’t fight with officials. If you are really targeted by some little devil, as an ordinary person, it’s really called every day.

But is Chen Yi an ordinary person? Of course he is not. If he is really an ordinary small merchant, he can only endure this situation, and even reluctantly move out of here.

…… …… …

After all, there are various inspections every day, and business simply can’t go on.

Chen Yi probably guessed the reason from Zhang Hongchao in just a few words. It seems that he broke someone’s financial path, so he started to use this method to disgust people.

Not to mention, this method is reasonable and legal. As long as you don’t know people behind your back, there is really no way at all.

Chen Yi sneered and said to Zhang Hongchao: “…you go find the landlord of this shop and ask him what’s going on. The landlord definitely knows the tricks.”

“…As for the others, don’t worry about it. I will solve it. A group of little ghosts dare to make trouble for me. Then I have to let the other party not eat.”

Chen Yi’s tone is calm, and he doesn’t care about such trivial matters.

If he was in the past, even if he had a net worth of hundreds of millions due to systemic reasons, he would not be able to deal with this kind of thing.

Unless he sends money to solve it, but if the other party does not accept it, backhanding you are a bribe, but it will make you unable to eat.

But now, if this kind of person dares to appear in front of him, it is simply seeking death.

“Good boss, I’m going to find the landlord of this shop.”

Zhang Hongchao said quickly.

It’s no wonder that such a big shop can be rented so easily, and there is not even a competitor. It turns out that it is so tricky.

Chen Yi laughed and squinted slightly, thinking about how to get this done easily. zero.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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