Chapter 351 I’m a bitch!

Ruan Zhuyi, who was standing at the door of the unit, was shocked when he saw the Porsche 718.

Although Ruan Zhuyi doesn’t know cars, she doesn’t know what Ferrari and Lamborghini are. At least she knows car logos such as Mercedes-Benz and Porsche.

This 718 looks very petite from the outside, it can’t be regarded as a supercar, but it’s okay to say it’s a sports car.

In Ruan Zhuyi’s thoughts, since it is a Porsche, does this car have to be around one million?

But whether this car is millions or hundreds of thousands, Ruan Zhuyi can be sure that it is based on the family situation of Yu Jinyu’s family, and this car is definitely something she can’t afford.

Is this car rented or borrowed?

Just when Ruan Zhuyi was puzzled, the Porsche 718 in front of him once again honked, and Yu Jinyu impatiently pulled down the car window, revealing her little head and shouting to Ruan Zhuyi:

“…What are you doing, Xiao Gongju! Get in the car quickly!”

Ruan Zhuyi came back to her senses at this time. She drew on the hem of her clothes, then took the bag in her hand, trot a few steps to the side of the car, opened the door and sat in.

The air conditioner in the car was on, which was much warmer than the cold outside. Ruan Zhuyi even felt a little hot, so she took off her jacket immediately.

The space for supercars is very small, and the space for the 718 model is even smaller. Taking off the winter coat, Ruan Zhuyi feels that there is no place to put it, so he can only hug it in his arms.

At this moment, Yu Jinyu stretched out her hand and touched the malachite-green Hermes bag on Ruan Zhuyi’s knee, and said in her mouth: “…a bag of more than 300,000 yuan, let me touch it more!”

There was no envy or jealousy in her tone at all, it was more like ridicule and the complacency that Ruan Zhuyi could not easily detect.

Seeing Yu Jinyu admiring with her bag, Ruan Zhuyi didn’t mind, and even felt a little happy in her heart. This bag was given to her by Chen Yi, and it was also the most precious gift Chen Yi gave her.

It’s not that Chen Yi is reluctant to spend money on her, but Ruan Zhuyi doesn’t want Chen Yi to spend so much money. She clearly knows that the more money Chen Yi spends on her, the relationship between the two will definitely deteriorate.

She is not a child of a poor family, let alone cheating Chen Yi’s money. If she really has such an idea, it is estimated that Chen Yi will break up after playing enough.

It is precisely because he knows what Ruan Zhuyi paid is his sincerity that Chen Yi actually hesitated.

Although he is scumbag and scumbag, he is not a real scumbag who has no feelings at all. On the contrary, Chen Yi still values ​​feelings very seriously.

“Jinyu…who owns your car? Did you rent or borrow it?”

Ruan Zhuyi asked curiously.

She didn’t mean anything to look down on Yu Jinyu, but Yu Jinyu suddenly drove such a car that could be millions or hundreds of thousands, which really surprised her.

Not to mention that Ruan Zhuyi didn’t have a driver’s license. Even if she had a driver’s license, her father estimated that she would not buy this kind of car for her because of her family background. At most, he would buy a bba of two or three million yuan.

Maybe after Ruan Zhuyi graduated, her father would buy her a better car.(Read more @

“What do you mean by renting or borrowing? This car is mine!”

Yu Jinyu said frankly.

Well, in fact, this car cannot be regarded as hers. The legal owner of this car is Chen Yi, but as long as the bitch does not make a mistake, the car naturally belongs to her, and she is the actual user.

The bitch is not greedy about Chen Yi giving her anything precious. Apart from Chen Yi still giving her one hundred thousand pocket money every month, she knows that her real big head is with the insurance company in Xiangjiang.

If this kind of RV gifted to a lover can be returned in a legal way after the breakup, then the insurance company’s money will never be returned.

As long as she stays with Chen Yi for ten years and does not make the mistakes of derailment, she will get more than ten million yuan in ten years, which is enough to buy a very good house in Shencheng.

And this ten years will not restrict her freedom. In these ten years, even if the things used do not belong to her, there are still luxury houses and luxury cars, and there are 1.2 million pocket money every year.

Her only job is to be there on call and stay with Chen Yi. Well, of course, she has to learn how to serve men comfortably, but besides these, Yu Jinyu doesn’t need to pay anything.

All together, they have an income of 20 million in ten years, and they can also enjoy all kinds of high society things. This is probably a huge amount of property that ordinary people will not get in a lifetime.

Is it a loss? Yu Jinyu didn’t feel a loss at all, and even felt that she was making a lot of money. She just sold her freedom to Chen Yi and became his personal pet. Such a good thing, I don’t know how many women are rushing to do it.

Because Chen Yi is young and handsome enough, women can easily like him.

And Yu Jinyu also knew that the only emotion she could not show was being jealous and jealous. The thing she could not do was to manage Chen Yi’s private life.

Because she is just a lover.

Yu Jinyu said that the car belongs to him. Ruan Zhuyi didn’t believe it a little bit, but when he saw Yu Jinyu he would start the car and asked quickly: “…Wait, do you have a driver’s license?”

Yu Jinyu rolled his eyes, digging out the wallet from the small bag that he threw behind the chair, and then revealed the driver’s license inside and said, “…Look, what is this!”

When Ruan Zhuyi saw that the driver’s license was fine, she finally let go of her mind. Fortunately, she didn’t dare to be an unlicensed driver’s car!

Seeing Ruan Zhuyi’s expression, the bitch joked: “…I’m scared to see you, don’t worry, I am an old driver now, let you see my driving skills!”

“Don’t, you’d better drive slowly!”

Ruan Zhuyi shook her head again and again. Although she was also a woman, she was also a little scared about the female driver…

The vehicle started and drove away from the community. On the road, Ruan Zhuyi asked the question she was curious about again: “…Jinyu, whose car is your car?”

“Oh, I said it was my own!”

Yu Jinyu first said something impatiently, and then said lightly: “…The gold master’s father bought it for me…”

Ruan Zhuyi was taken aback, and whispered: “…Father of the gold master?”

“Don’t think about it, because it’s what you think.”

Yu Jinyu’s beautiful eyes that looked so pure suddenly became charming and colorful, and she giggled there, as if she didn’t care about such things at all.

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t know what to say for a while. She opened her mouth and stopped talking, but in the end she didn’t say a word.

This is Yu Jinyu’s own choice. She has no right to say anything. Moreover, she also understands Yu Jinyu’s family situation. If some words are said, their relationship will become alienated.

Ruan Zhuyi could only say ambiguously 0.0: “…you can figure it out by yourself, don’t be fooled.”

After a pause, she said half-jokingly: “…So it’s true that you are called a bitch.”

After saying this, Ruan Zhuyi actually regretted it, wondering if it would stimulate Yu Jinyu’s self-esteem.

But who knows that bitch is not angry at all, she just looked at Ruan Zhuyi with a faint smile, and said in a erratic voice: “…Yes, I am a bitch.”

“… Knowing someone like me, Xiao Gongjue you are unlucky enough.”

After speaking, Yu Jinyu changed the subject again: “…The address you gave me seems to be a private art gallery? I remember that many people’s art exhibitions are held here. Chen Yi is asking you to go to the art gallery for a date? ”

“Who knows, hey, drive well and talk less!”

Sitting in Yu Jinyu’s car, Ruan Zhuyi was still a little panicked.

It didn’t take long before the two arrived at their destination. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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