Chapter 352 You are too good at teasing!

Private art museums, as the name suggests, are art museums that belong to individuals alone, exhibiting masterpieces of a certain painter’s life.

However, in the profession of painter, if you want to be famous, you usually have to wait after you die. There are very few painters who have a huge reputation while alive and whose works are sought after by countless people.

Yu Jinyu drove the Porsche 718 that Chen Yi gave her, and took Ruan Zhuyi to a stop in front of an artistic building.

After parking the car in the parking lot, the two people got out of the car and walked to the building.

“Xiaogongju, there is an art exhibition today. You always came to participate in this kind of exhibition before. I don’t seem to know how you look like this time?”

As he walked to the door of the building, the bitch looked at Ruan Zhuyi, who was a head taller than himself, and smiled.

The cold wind at the end of December blew Ruan Zhuyi’s long black hair, which made a few strands of hair look a little messy. She was wearing a rather fashionable winter coat and looked slender.

The slender legs moved forward, the jade feet wrapped in flesh-colored socks stepped on the high heels, the stilettos collided with the stone road, and there was a sound of ‘da da’.

The already glamorous face became more beautiful in the cold wind. Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi walked together, making the pedestrians around them unconsciously look at them.

Ruan Zhuyi turned a blind eye to these 25 sights. After pursing her lips, she whispered: “…Today is Christmas Eve, who cares about the exhibition.”

When Yu Jinyu heard it, it seemed like this. If she was going to date her father, it wouldn’t matter what exhibition she was interested in that day.

In other words, even if you have something you are interested in, you have to take the gold master’s father with you. This is romantic.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinyu suddenly knew why Chen Yi put the date here.

Of course Ruan Zhuyi also thought of this. Seeing Chen Yi so attached to dating, she was naturally happy in her heart.

It’s just that something is wrong, why is the bitch with me? Isn’t this my date with my boyfriend, what are you girlfriend doing here!

Looking at Yu Jinyu who was with him next to him, Ruan Zhuyi stopped talking, thinking that he was talking to her parents on the pretext of going out with Yu Jinyu. It seemed that it would not be good to just blast her away now.

Thinking of this, she could only tacitly let the bitch follow her.

Ruan Zhuyi was originally studying art. Generally, when there are painting exhibitions, she would make time to see. As her best friend, Yu Jinyu, although she doesn’t know much about painting, would accompany Ruan Zhuyi to have a look.

This building has been used as a venue for many exhibitions, and it is not the first time they have come.

This does not belong to a certain painter, but to a company. Even if it is a well-known painter who is alive, maybe one of his paintings can sell for millions or even tens of millions, but not all paintings can have that price. of.

Some painters may sign a contract with a company to rent these buildings for the exhibition for a few days, and then sell tickets for people to view their paintings.(Read more @

Painters can use this to increase their influence, and they can make a fortune if the tickets are sold well. The company collects rent and service fees for helping the other party to organize exhibitions. This is the business.

Ruan Zhuyi knows these things very well. She took Yu Jinyu to an introduction notice board before the exhibition, wanting to see who the theme and protagonist of today’s exhibition are.

Except for those world-famous painters who have been dead for hundreds of years, in this modern circle of painters who are still alive, except for those who like painting, few outsiders know which painters are particularly famous now.

Ruan Zhuyi originally studied painting. Although he can’t say that he knows all the famous contemporary painters and all the genres, he knows a lot more than ordinary people.

It’s just that when she and Yu Jinyu came to the announcement, both of them were stunned.

This introduction section is very well done. At first glance, it is also designed by a professional company. It is not a fool.

But today’s painting exhibition is not a personal exhibition of a famous contemporary painter, but a charity exhibition.

Many art school students majoring in painting, some of their good paintings may be sold collectively.

Of course, this is not how valuable the paintings of these students are, but a kindly auction, some hundreds of dollars per piece, especially exaggerated may be tens of thousands, but this is also the limit.

After selling the paintings of these art students, all the money they get will be donated to charities.

This will not only give those art students affirmation of their self-worth, but also help those in need.

People who buy paintings may not really know how to paint, nor may they really like painting. After all, these paintings are drawn by these students, and they rarely have great value.

They just did charity in this way and finally achieved a win-win situation.

You must know that Ruan Zhuyi also sold her own finished paintings before. Those paintings were handed over to schools or special organizers to sell them collectively. She didn’t get a cent. After all, this was for charity.

And this time, all of the exhibitions are all these charity works.

An unknown wealthy person bought many of these college students’ paintings in one go. Of course, it didn’t cost much because the paintings of these students were not valuable.

But the unknown rich man then picked out his favorite among these paintings, held this exhibition, and offered it to any tourist for free.

The cost of renting a venue for painting exhibitions is not small, how can it cost hundreds of thousands, especially when there are the authors of the paintings and the school where they are currently located under the paintings on display.

This is to help the students improve their reputation, and to do charity, it is simply a charity!

The artistic value of the paintings exhibited this time may not be very high, because the organizers choose what they like, and they are all the creations of ordinary art students.

But this still attracts many people to visit, in addition to giving some lovers a place to date on Christmas Eve, it is also because the gimmick of this kind of painting exhibition is very good.

Most ordinary people don’t understand the artistic value, anyway they are paintings!

Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu looked at each other and seemed to have guessed something vaguely.

At this moment, someone knocked on the glass in the glass wall of the building in front of them. The two looked up and were surprised to see Chen Yi 670 smiling at them through the glass of the building.

Ruan Zhuyi was planning to read this introduction first before calling Chen Yi to ask him where he was. He didn’t expect Chen Yi to be right in front of them.

Chen Yi, who was painting the interior of the exhibition hall, pointed his finger at the door of the exhibition hall and motioned for the two to pass.

Whether it was Yu Jinyu or Ruan Zhuyi, they all walked to the gate cleverly. Because it was a free exhibition, there was no need for tickets, and there was no amazing work inside, and there was only one security guard.

As soon as I stepped into the progress hall, I felt a warm breeze. Not waiting for what Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu could say, Chen Yi just walked over with a smile and took Ruan Zhuyi’s hand:

“…Come on, hold it up, Xiao Gong!”

Holding the girl’s cold hand and smelling the sweet fragrance on the girl’s body, Chen Yi dragged Ruan Zhuyi to walk a few steps quickly. When he came to the exhibition, he could see it as soon as he entered, which is the c position of the exhibition.

Although Ruan Zhuyi had already guessed something, when she came to the wall, she covered her mouth with excitement and almost cried, because those paintings were the ones she sold!

Yu Jinyu followed by the two of them, but at this time she was silent, slandering in her heart, Jinzhu’s father, you are too good at teasing girls.

Girls are all sentimental animals, and pure matter does not necessarily move them, but this hand is simply magical.

Yu Jinyu felt that even if Xiao Gongju and Chen Yi hadn’t had any relationship before, he probably wanted to dedicate his life quickly after seeing this scene! .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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