Chapter 363 Chen Yi: Make yourself stronger

When Chen Yi came back, he saw Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu ignoring each other, doing their own things.

But what makes Chen Yi rest assured is that the two girls are in the living room, not one on the first floor and the other on the second floor. This means that although the relationship between them is still at odds, it will not be particularly turbulent. open.

The bitch doesn’t seem to be in a good mood. After seeing Chen Yi coming back, she was sitting on the sofa and playing with her mobile phone and she glanced at Chen Yi and smiled reluctantly.

After all, she is also an individual. She has been educated for compulsory education since she was a child, and will be taught the principles of life and moral concepts by teachers in school.

She is not the kind of murderer who can be cruel and bring harm to the society, that kind of person is no longer worthy to be called a person.

And since she is still a person, she will inevitably feel guilty and blame herself, but because of what she has experienced, she can do nothing.


Chen Yi sighed.

I also blame him for being too greedy, having to play some difficult, reality is not a fairy tale, it is impossible for a good girl to practice herself easily and share love with others.

If Chen Yi would never let his lover meet each other, then there would not be so many things. Even if he knew that he might be messy outside, as long as he could not see him, people would pretend not to believe and pretend not to happen.

But Chen Yi insisted on a difficult operation, so that it became such a situation.

This is the same as taking an ex-girlfriend to find a current girlfriend. To some extent, it is an act of death. Chen Yi also played a flower on his own excellence.

“You haven’t eaten yet? I asked the chef of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel to prepare the meal and bring it over. Let’s eat first.”

Chen Yi’s voice fell, and several Ritz-Carlton hotel staff came in. They brought up the ‘takeaway’ made by the chefs of the five-star hotel and placed them on the dining table with professional dishes.

During the whole process, they didn’t say a word except for introducing the dishes softly.

After the food was set, the leading staff member bowed slightly: “…Then let’s go back first, Mr. Chen! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.”

For Chen Yi, a Ritz-Carlton cobalt member, the staff naturally knew him, and they didn’t dare to neglect at all. They even knew that Chen Yi had a good relationship with their general manager.

That is the immediate boss who holds the power of life and death, and they dare not neglect.

“Well, thank you for coming over.”

Chen Yi nodded easily and watched the staff leave.

Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu still didn’t speak, they just sat at the dining table and silently finished the meal.

After eating a full meal, Chen Yi did not continue to put pressure on, but said: “…Or I will send you back.”

“it is good……”

Both Yu Jinyu and Ruan Zhuyi responded in a muffled voice.

The three people left the mansion and drove the Aston Martin in the underground parking lot. Chen Yi drove Yu Jinyu back to the school. As for her car, let her pick it up by herself tomorrow.

Then Ruan Zhuyi was also sent back to her school.

Along the way, apart from Chen Yi occasionally saying a few words, the two girls just responded to him, and did not take the initiative to look for topics. Chen Yi also found stand-up comedy a bit boring, so he had to be silent.

When I drove downstairs to Ruan Zhuyi’s dormitory, Chen Yi was familiar with the road. Seeing the girl unfastened her seat belt and wanted to get out of the car without saying a word, Chen Yi suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Ruan Zhuyi turned her head to look at Chen Yi, her eyes a little puzzled, but she also let go of the hand holding the door handle.

“It’s not too late, are you in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, just chat here. I have something to say to you.”

Ruan Zhuyi suddenly felt anxious. She bit her lower lip lightly, tears brewing in her eyes, and her heart was beating ‘bump bang’, and a panic surged from the deepest part of her heart.

She is not stupid, except for being a little naive sometimes, but Ruan Zhuyi is not stupid at all.

I gave her a day to think about it. In fact, she has discovered some clues, that is, Chen Yi and Yu Jinyu may have been related for a long time. They were not like this on the first day.(Read more @

It’s just that she didn’t want to believe it before.

Now that she thinks about it this way, she feels that many things are suddenly clear.

Why did Yu Jinyu suddenly become extravagant in terms of food and clothing? Although it is not a big spend, but at least the things that she could not touch have now become her daily necessities.

There is also that car. In fact, she has already told her some answers. It is very likely that the “Gold Master Dad” that Yu Jinyu said is Chen Yi.

My boyfriend and my girlfriend got together. Well, to be precise, they should be nurturing. Ruan Zhuyi didn’t expect that the plots in these TV series would happen to him.

She didn’t know what to do for a while, did she have a big fight and then broke up, or pretended not to know anything and continued to be muddled?

No, I can’t do it now, because she knows everything. Even last night, in that bedroom, in her confusion, she did a very slutty thing.

“What do you… want to tell me, do you want to break up with me?”

Tears unknowingly slipped from the corner of his eyes along the white face, Ruan Zhuyi wiped it with his sleeve, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yi said: “…I won’t take the initiative to break up with you. Of course, if you take the initiative, I will agree.”

Ruan Zhuyi was startled, suddenly lost her voice, even a little hysterical, “…Chen Yi, why are you so cruel, even let women take the initiative in this kind of thing?”

Chen Yi’s words are simply scumbags to the extreme, letting the girls say that they broke up is undoubtedly putting themselves in the position of victims.

Chen Yi was taken aback, knowing that she had misunderstood, so she shook her head and smiled: “…Don’t be like this, Xiao Gongjue you misunderstood what I meant.”

“…I’m not forcing you to break up, I just want to tell you that if you don’t take the initiative to say it, then I won’t say this to you.”

“This kind of relationship between boy and girl friends is only mutual recognition of both parties. It is not at all like a husband and wife relationship. There is a marriage certificate and a legal basis.”

“…If you feel that my scumbag is incurable and makes you sick, you can ask to leave. I will never stop you or disturb your life again.”

“But as long as you don’t say that sentence, then I will still treat you as a girlfriend, I will continue to treat you with my girlfriend, I will continue to care about you, I will visit you often, and when I have free time , Find you to hang out with.”

“…You are a good girl, I just don’t want to lie to you again.”

Ruan Zhuyi sobbed her nose, grinned open the corners of her mouth, and said in a crying voice: “…I would rather you continue to lie to me.”

“…Have you ever liked me?”

Chen Yi said without hesitation: “…Of course I like it, don’t use the word ‘pass’, I also like you very much now.”

“Then what do you like me?”

Tears rinsed down, Ruan Zhuyi sobbed her nose, her voice hoarse.

“Stupid girl, love is blind, to like is to like, love is to love, how can you know what you like in the end, such a sensible love, then it is not love.”

“…It’s because you don’t know where you like the other person, that’s what you really like.”

Chen Yi’s answer was almost impeccable.

Suddenly, he looked a little dazed. These words were what his ex-girlfriend said when he was in love before he was reborn.

It’s just that the gender of the person who asked this question and said it was reversed.

When he was in agony, he asked what you like about me. At that time, he suspected that this love was fake. Now Ruan Zhuyi thinks like this too.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Yi said again: “¨ 〃…Although there is a meaning that I am evading, but it was indeed Yu Jinyu who took the initiative, not the one I took the initiative to look for.”

Chen Yi’s words didn’t mean anything to deceive, because it was the case.

Ruan Zhuyi nodded, and said: “…I guessed it, she is that kind of person.”

“Don’t hate her too much. She is a bit paranoid. Her family environment has turned her into this. Even if it is really to blame, her father and her mother should be blamed.”

Family is the most critical factor that affects the growth of children.

How could Chen Yi not know that there is a big problem with Yu Jinyu’s character, but he is a vested interest, so he will accept it silently.

But in the eyes of other people, many of Yu Jinyu’s behaviors are ‘betrayal’, that is, they are not ethical, and the whole person is already a bit devilish and even disgusting.

“Stupid girl, love is not the whole life, parents, family, relatives, friends, they also occupy an important part of your life.”

“…And you have to have ideals and make yourself stronger. Only when you become stronger can you have confidence in what you say, and you can support your family and life. This has nothing to do with men and women.”

This is Chen Yi’s concept of life. Before he was reborn, he lived with this idea, although because of his own talent and lack of family background, he could not climb too high.

However, he also changed a class and became the middle class among the middle class. His annual income is higher than that of most people, and his parents who have worked hard for a lifetime can not worry about him in his old age. He can also give back to his parents.

Chen Yi has always been a very filial person.

And now, whether it is his talent or background, he is already one world at a time compared to the past. He will naturally make himself stronger, so that not only is himself, he can support the family and life of more people.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world!

“There are still some creative parks missing here in Shencheng. You can go to the Imperial Capital for development in the future. I will give you a studio in the 798 District. You can use it as your own small art gallery.”

Chen Yi said quietly.

Ruan Zhuyi shook her head, bit her lip and whimpered: “…I don’t want your things.”

“Silly girl, I’m not going to use money to buy you off, it’s an insult to you, I’m just paying for your dreams, nothing more!”

Chen Yi unfastened his seat belt. He leaned over to Ruan Zhuyi, smelling the fragrance of the girl’s body, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of the girl’s eyes with his hand. Ruan Zhuyi did not hide, but listened to his gentle words:

“…I dare not give you a guarantee of the future, because no one knows what will happen in the future, but what I can guarantee is that when we were boy and girl friends, I would try my best to give you an unforgettable first love. .”

“Just like a prince and a princess, isn’t Xiao Gongju a princess.”

Ruan Zhuyi cried even more loudly, “…you, you always talk sweetly and say nice things.”.

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