Chapter 364 Basic operation

Aston Martin’s co-pilot, Ruan Zhuyi, was sobbing in a low voice, but her crying made it difficult to distinguish whether she was sad or joyful.

A variety of emotions are mixed together, and it is complex and unspeakable, even Chen Yi can hardly see her thoughts at this time.

‘Does this count as one who would rather cry on a Ferrari than laugh on a BMW? ’

Such strange thoughts appeared in his mind inexplicably, and Chen Yi also felt a little funny.

Although the car underneath is not a Ferrari, Aston Martin is not much different.

Groping for a paper towel from his pocket, Chen Yi gently moved to Ruan Zhuyi’s side, and gently wiped the corners of her eyes and tears with the paper towel.

After a while, Ruan Zhuyi still had red eyes, panting, and his nose was stirring, but at last there were no tears that continued to fall.

Chen Yi stroked her soft hair with his hand, playing with her hair with two fingers. After seeing her calm down, Chen Yi took a deep breath and said softly:

“…Silly girl, don’t think too much, go back to the dormitory and take a good rest. I’ve been a little busy these days. When I’m done with these things, will I come to you again?”


After hesitating, Ruan Zhuyi still nodded gently.

Seeing this, Chen Yi also completely let go of his heart.

Although it is not perfect from the results, at least Ruan Zhuyi is not like it was written in the novel. He immediately fell into his arms when he shook his body, and was willing to serve him with his girlfriends, even not caring about his status.

But at any rate, Ruan Zhuyi is not as fierce as before. As long as she hesitates and struggles, then one day she will get used to the current relationship.

“After going back to the dormitory, you should wash and rub some oil on your face. You just shed tears. If the cold wind blows, the skin on your face will become dry.

Chen Yi was talking there like an old mother. Although there were a lot of words, his tone was all concerned and worried about Ruan Zhuyi.

This made Ruan Zhuyi, who was in shock, inexplicably wanted to get more sweetness.

“You don’t have to say so much, I’m not stupid, I know what to do.”

Ruan Zhuyi said stubbornly.

Chen Yi shook his head when he heard this. Are you still stupid? She’s just a silly girl…

“Well, then I won’t say that much, don’t forget to send me good night before going to bed at night, you know?”

Chen Yi said with a straight face.


Ruan Zhuyi snorted, and then whispered softly: “…Then I’ll go back to the dormitory first.”

“Wait a moment!”(Read more @

Chen Yi grabbed her wrist again, Ruan Zhuyi turned around again in doubt, not knowing what Chen Yi had to say.

Then she saw Chen Yi approaching her whole body, pressing one hand on the back of her head, holding her fragrant shoulder with the other, and pulling her head towards herself.

In a flash, Ruan Zhuyi seemed to have found a way to vent all his grievances, and resisted the tears that would shed again, kissed Chen Yi together, and responded enthusiastically.

Ruan Zhuyi didn’t know how she got out of the car in a daze and went back to the dormitory.

The three roommates in the dormitory were chatting lively at this time. They all looked towards the door of the dormitory when they heard the door ringing. After seeing the traces of tears on Ruan Zhuyi’s face, the slightly fat girl was surprised. road:

“…Zhu Yi, what’s the matter, why are you crying? Did you quarrel with your family, or… quarrel with your boyfriend?”

Seeing Ruan Zhuyi crying unexpectedly, the other three people in the dormitory also hurriedly gathered around to ask for warmth.

“It’s okay, you don’t care about me.”

Although her heart is very warm, Ruan Zhuyi doesn’t want to say something, especially when it comes to her relationship problems.

If she really broke up, or hated her, then she would be very bitter and speak out all her anger.

With the help of the three people in the dormitory, Chen Yi’s scumbag behavior was scolded, so that he would feel better.

But now she can’t do it. She’s afraid that after she tells the story, three roommates will help her scold her. She may in turn make excuses for Chen Yi, and even hate her roommates for this, thinking they have said it. Bad things about Chen Yi.

So the best way is not to say a word.

The three people in Ruan Zhuyi’s dormitory all have good personalities.

When I saw her, I didn’t want to say any more. The other people didn’t persecute anymore. They just told her to have a good rest, where everyone would go to have a good meal tomorrow and be happy and happy.

Ruan Zhuyi nodded gratefully before going to the bathroom to wash up.

On the path in front of the female dormitory building of the Shencheng Academy of Fine Arts, Chen Yi watched Ruan Zhuyi disappear into the corridor. He was sitting in the cab and did not drive away directly.

Girls are really emotional and will be dragged down by feelings, but it is precisely because of this that girls will look so cute.

“The hardest thing in life is to choose. Choosing is painful, and the pursuit of happiness is unavoidable to touch pain. And I am immersed in pain now.”

“…I guess I can’t fall asleep today, and I don’t want to sleep anymore. Let’s find some work. I hope that the busy work can make me forget the pain for a while.”

After editing the information, click on the part below to see that you can find Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu’s avatars in the address book, tick the front, and check that there is no mistake, then click to complete and click to publish.

In this way, this vx circle of friends is designated to be sent to two people, and other people will not be able to see it. Otherwise, if someone else sees it, a group of people will come and ask him what happened.

With the delicate emotions of girls, some people may even notice that Chen Yi’s circle of friends is related to emotions.

If you let other girls think that you have a deep and loving girlfriend, then many people who are interested in him will retreat and become indifferent to his relationship without knowing it.

Basic operation!

Chen Yi does not worry that Ruan Zhuyi and Yu Jinyu will not see that men and women in deep love will keep an eye on every circle of friends and Weibo posted by their boyfriend.

If the other party posts some pictures of food, saying that it is delicious, then you can find something similar and delicious to eat together next time.

If the other party sends any words that are interested in something, give it to her on the next holiday birthday, as a surprise.

If the other person says this color is really good-looking, remember the color she likes and make fewer mistakes when sending things.

If the other party suddenly utters this kind of unclear words, it will definitely make the other party see the person into entanglement, so as to think and doubt whether this is related to herself, and whether she does not love herself.

Men still struggle, let alone sensitive girls.

It doesn’t matter if the other party understands what you mean.

Anyway, as soon as this kind of statement comes out, the other party will be anxious, and will wonder if he has done something wrong, and disguise himself as a tragic male protagonist and a female protagonist, which has always been the favorite thing for men and women to do.

Chen Yi is very familiar with these, because some women have used him this way, so that he who is deeply in love is exhausted, thinking hard.

However, this trick works best when used once. Don’t use too much, otherwise it will make the other party feel that he is too hypocritical and this person is too annoying.

And the premise of everything is that the other party really loves himself, if he doesn’t love him, then such sad words will only make people sick.

“So, what people like to hurt most is the one who loves you forever.”

Chen Yi sighed. He understood these principles, but people would do it subconsciously.

After starting the car, Chen Yi left the Shencheng Academy of Fine Arts. He did not lie to Ruan Zhuyi. He did have a lot to do next. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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