Chapter 365 Chen Shao who wants to be a shark

New Year’s Day is less than a week after Christmas. For some young couples, such continuous festivals naturally make them happy.

But as far as Chen Yi is concerned, he is a bit busy this New Year’s Day.

Except for agreeing to play games with her for a day at Nantah University, Chen Yi spent the rest of the time at work. Even those friends, friends and friends who asked him to go out to play, he temporarily refused.

Very important news came from the southern side of Henan. Now the team is collecting the final information. Chen Yi is also very concerned about this matter, so most of the time he pays attention to the situation in southern Henan.

Chen Yi is no longer for the so-called ‘retaliation’ at all, and Hao Yuanning has not even been regarded as an opponent by him a long time ago.

If it was just to retaliate against him, Chen Yi would not have such a big fanfare. His vision would have been more broadened long ago, and his real purpose was actually for money and for more start-up capital.

Now the system gives him 80 million yuan a month. If the game revenue is included, although the monthly flow of the game starts to decrease from the second month, Chen Yi still has close to 200 million yuan in net cash income every month.

Yicha’s chain stores have already received loans from the People’s Bank of China, so you don’t need to worry about them for the time being. As long as they develop smoothly in the future, they can grow up with bank loans.

At the most, all the income of the Yicha brand in the early period is to repay the bank loan and interest, but as long as the interest is paid off, the rest is Chen Yi’s net income.

This is the way to expand and develop the enterprise. A fool can use his own money. Using bank money is the kingly way, and his own money can do big things.

As long as Chen Yi’s company is profitable and does not suffer large-scale losses, the bank will continue to send him money to expand the industry.

In January, the system’s 80 million cash was received again. After adding the game’s second month earnings and the remaining money, Chen Yi could fully mobilize about 300 million cash.

300 million soft sister coins, to be honest, as long as you save a little money, it will take a lifetime, which has exceeded the money most people can make in this life.

But for Chen Yi, these 300 million soft sister coins are only a small flame that can be ignited for the time being.

The short video is pretty good, but if you want to build an e-commerce platform now, the 300 million is not enough time to burn.

Although Chen Yi can use the 300 million yuan to build a foundation first, then look for investment, and use the investor’s money to continue to expand the scale.

But the higher Chen Yi’s upfront investment cost, the higher his valuation when seeking investment.

Perhaps one percentage point of the shareholding ratio is not worth much now, but two years later, maybe that percentage point will be worth two billion U.S. dollars.

For Chen Yi, taking one more percentage point is an extra two billion dollars. He is not stupid, and he will naturally do his best to maximize his share of shares.(Read more @

If it can account for 30% of the shares, it is estimated that there will be more than 50 billion US dollars in the future, and it will be directly on the Forbes list.

Many people always feel that establishing a company cannot allow them to own a higher proportion of shares, such as 78%.

However, it is simply impossible. If all the money burned is paid by oneself, it can indeed make one’s own share ratio so high, or even 100%.

But in that case, it is difficult for a company to develop. The development of any company requires a lot of resources. For a start-up company, they lack resources most.

If you get ali investment, you can get the resources of the ali line, if you get invested by the goose factory, you can get the resources of the goose factory.

It is precisely relying on the resources of these big capitals that a company can develop rapidly, increase its market value in just two or three years, and create wealth myths.

And while accepting these big capital investments, it is equivalent to standing in the same boat with them, and everyone is a comrade-in-arms.

At the same time, it also broadens their social circle, achieves a certain level of equality with them, and truly increases the energy behind them.

After the company takes shape, it becomes one of the capitals and joins the club.

Of course, these big capitals are evil spirits who cannibalize people without spitting out bones, and they must be careful when accepting their investment, otherwise it is very likely that if one is not careful, they will be eaten without bones, and they will be wedding clothes for others.

To balance the struggle against capital and at the same time borrow their resources to develop oneself is what an entrepreneur must learn to rise.

Of course Chen Yi has a background, so don’t worry too much about this.

As long as Chen Yi is capable enough, he will have a backing to escort him, and even the big capitals will weigh in. Therefore, most likely, they and Chen Yi will only choose to cooperate instead of strangling.

The founders of ofo did not let these big capitals take away their power.

However, his excessive greed prevented him from making use of these capital resources, and did not know what decentralization was. The imbalance between the two eventually made him fall short, and the myth of tens of billions of dollars disappeared before it even started.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

In order for Chen Yi to have a greater advantage in the negotiation and give himself more power, what he needs now is a large sum of cash, which belongs to his own cash rather than the bank or an investment institution.

Given him a year, relying on the current income and system salary is enough, but Chen Yi can’t wait for a year. What he needs now is short-term income, not long-term investment.

For the situation in southern Henan, if Chen Yi initially paid attention to the situation with revenge, then now he has paid attention to the situation of getting rich.

The market value of Hao Yuanning’s company was about 30 billion soft sister coins when it peaked two years ago. Although it is not so high now, it is also about 27 billion.

…… ……. …

And if the operation is good, Chen Yi can take a bite out of the 27 billion and get the flesh and blood he wants.

The current Chen Yi is like a shark that smells blood, grinding his teeth, looking for the weakness of the prey, and preparing to kill it with one blow, while getting the fattest piece of meat.

After New Year’s Day, major colleges and universities have also begun an intense review phase at the end of the semester, and the same is true for Shen Yu.

Even the students of 211 colleges and universities are more relaxed in college than in high school.

At the end of this semester, many people who usually didn’t study well were nervous, and the library was full every night, full of hard-studying students.

Some people grind their guns on the fly, and some are easy to do.

But in any case, the atmosphere of learning has permeated the campus. Even the three animals in Chen Yi’s dormitory have recently reduced their time playing games and have begun to study hard.

Because of the system, it is very easy for Chen Yi to pass the college entrance examination, and as long as he spends more time reading books, it is not too difficult to get a high score.

Nanda has been caught in the worries before the exam for some time, but Chen Yi is still at ease and life is as usual.

Aside from being called for a run in the morning and reading books with her in the library at night, Chen Yi’s life has not changed much.

On this day, in the office space rented by Chen Yi on the top floor of Citibank, several key members of the team who had gone to southern Henan to conduct investigations were having a meeting with Chen Yi in the conference room. zero.

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