Chapter 384 Knight Service Control

Chen Yi followed the waiter to the changing room and directly bought a pikeur professional equestrian suit.

Equestrianism is a sport with a very full sense of ritual, which is more solemn than the so-called aristocratic sport such as golf.

Among them, there are strict requirements on clothing, such as equestrian pants must be white, which is a requirement for men, and for women, there are two color options.

This is the same as wearing a suit and tie. It is a rule that has been circulating for many years. According to Confucianism, it is ‘li’. Being maverick will not make people feel handsome, but will only make people feel ignorant.

When Chen Yi finished changing his clothes, Officer Chen also changed his clothes. Seeing Chen Yuyan wearing a formal equestrian uniform, Chen Yi’s eyes immediately brightened and he wanted to come directly to Ma Zhen.

The dark black knight suit looks like a tight-fitting casual suit, which evolved from hunting suits. Whether it is worn by men or women, it looks like a British gentleman.

White breeches, riding boots that will reach the knee, Yu wears a pair of black leather gloves on his hands, and carries a fashionable helmet and horse whip on his hands.

Just to that stop, the heroic breath was rushing towards his face, and his sharp eyes fluttered at random. In Chen Yuyan’s body, Chen Yi deeply realized what is meant by a girl’s ‘sa’.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yi calmed himself down, and finally realized that so many people are uniformly controlled for 687. In the past, Chen Yi felt that the clothes of flight attendants and nurses were very charming.

But now Chen Yi has discovered that the equestrian uniform is really handsome, it is simply the perfect combination of gentleman and knight.

When Chen Yi looked at Chen Yuyan, Superintendent Chen was also looking at him. The facial features and figure that were already handsome enough were matched with the temperament that was different from ordinary people, and almost wanted to express itself as a real temperament, which made Chen Yuyan’s heart also slightly missed a beat. .

When Chen Yi came to Xiangjiang, he always wore casual clothes. He never wore formal attire. Suddenly he saw Chen Yi put on a knight suit for equestrianism. A breath of British aristocracy came to his face.

Calming her mind, Chen Yuyan beckoned to Chen Yi, and an instructor led a horse.

It was a beautiful Dutch warm-blooded horse, about 1.7 meters high, with alertness and composure in his big friendly eyes. When he was led to Chen Yuyan, he snorted and stood quietly. That.

As a kind of livestock that has been extremely important to humans since ancient times, the relationship between humans and horses is the same as that of cats and dogs, but modern people rarely have the opportunity to contact horses, let alone raise horses.

Looking at this transparent horse, Chen Yi came to Chen Yuyan and touched it with her hand, and praised: “…Chen Sir, your horse is so beautiful.”

“Yes, lina is a very docile and beautiful mare.”

Seeing Chen Yi complimenting her horse, Chen Yuyan immediately opened her eyes and smiled, as if a cat slave was praised for her cuteness.

“I will tell you some precautions first… First of all, be sure not to be afraid. Horses are very sensitive animals. If you are afraid of it, it will feel it. Then it will think that you are bullied and will not listen to you. ”

“…Although lina is very docile, it’s the same, but I’m standing next to you, so don’t worry about it.”

“Secondly, don’t stand behind and on the right side of the horse. It’s timid, and it’s easy to kick people when frightened. Don’t yell after riding the horse. Again, the horse is very sensitive and timid.”(Read more @

“…Riding is very tiring. It involves the small muscles of the back. It is usually difficult to exercise, but you are so good in fighting skills. You must exercise regularly. Pay attention to the technique and control the intensity.”

Chen Yuyan explained the novice teaching to Chen Yi in every detail.

Although Chen Yi knew this for a long time, and in fact he was not bad at equestrianism, but looking at Officer Chen’s vigorous and serious expression in his equestrian uniform, he just listened with a smile and nodded from time to time.

It’s just that most of Chen Yi’s attention is on her well-defined, three-dimensional pretty face and tall figure. In fact, Chen Yi didn’t listen carefully to what she said.

“Why are you always staring at me? Did I hear what I just said clearly? Although this is not a wild ride, it is safer, but riding a horse is inherently risky, and carelessness is life-threatening. It is for your safety. , You have to listen to me carefully, and remember it carefully!”

Chen Yuyan saw Chen Yi always looking at her figure. Her body was slightly taut and a little embarrassed, so she tensed her face and reprimanded her as if she was scolding her subordinates.

As soon as the stern expression came out, Chen Yi finally realized what is called the power of inspection.

“Well, I’m listening, it’s just that Sir Chen, you are so beautiful in this dress, and I’m so heartbroken right now.”

Chen Yi couldn’t help but praised.

Although the girls I know are very beautiful, there is really no one who is more suitable for wearing this equestrian uniform than Chen Yuyan.

Yu Jinyu is too short, Ruan Zhuyi and Nan Jiyue are big enough, but their temperament is not good, and they don’t match this equestrian uniform, but Chen Yuyan perfectly matches the heroic posture of such a heroic female knight.

“It’s up to me that you are so heartbroken, well, according to what I taught you just now, you can get on the horse now!”

Even though she was praised by a good and handsome man, Chen Yuyan’s heart was trembling, but there was no smile on her face. She sternly stared at Chen Yi to urge him to get on the horse.

“Sir Chen, give me a hand, I’ll get a handsome ride!”

Of course, Chen Yi does not need help, but since he can take advantage, how can he give up.

Chen Yuyan didn’t notice his careful thoughts, she moved her body to get close to Chen Yi, so that he could have a place to lean against, but said in her mouth: “…Don’t be handsome, pay attention to safety!”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that Chen Yi was already stepping on the stirrups, and he immediately jumped immediately.

Chen Yuyan chirped her mouth, okay, this is pretty handsome.

Seeing Chen Yi sitting on the horse, she chattered again:

“…Hold the rein in your right hand, sit upright on the upper body, and clamp your thighs. This is an English riding position. Put your forefoot on the stirrup. Don’t go all in, otherwise it will be very dangerous.”

“…I’ll take you for two laps slowly. You are just as good as riding in a car. After a while, you can trot a little bit. It’s similar to a zama step. Fart x slightly leaves the horse’s back, but the thigh muscles cannot relax. You must Clamp.”

“The most important thing is to sit firmly. Don’t be dismounted. Don’t be afraid if you fall. It’s all soft sand and it doesn’t hurt.”

Although compared to those professional coaches, Chen Yuyan is not necessarily good at teaching, but she is very serious and responsible, focusing on Chen Yi’s safety in every detail.

Chen Yi smiled at Superintendent Chen’s long-winded expression, admiring her seriousness more and more.

“Okay, don’t talk about Bajie, let’s take it as a teacher!”

Chen Yi was full of spirits, raising the whip in his hand to point forward.

Chen Yuyan was directly smiled by Chen Yi, “…you are the Bajie!”

With that said, Chen Yuyan also led the horse and walked forward slowly.

“I’m a prince charming. It’s a pity that your horse is not white. Do you want to dye it?”

Chen Yi turned the horse whip in his hand and laughed.

At this time, Chen Yuyan noticed the riding whip in Chen Yi’s hand, and she panicked and said, “…Don’t use the riding whip, for a novice like you, don’t use it.”

With that said, Chen Yuyan wanted to take the whip from Chen Yi’s hand.

Seeing Chen Yuyan let go of the horse’s hand, Chen Yi blinked at her. With a sudden whip twitch, the horse under the crotch ate pain, and directly smashed the horse.


Chen Yuyan was frightened, thinking that the horse was out of control, her face suddenly turned pale, even she subconsciously screamed a woman.

In an instant, the eyes of a group of people in the racecourse looked over. .

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