Chapter 385 British gentleman Dashao Chen

The racecourse is not big and there are not many people, but Chen Yuyan’s screams still attracted everyone’s attention.

Seeing that a horse was going crazy, the staff immediately present were panicked. The guests who were practicing riding here were also nervous and stared closely at Chen Yi, who was riding a horse galloping.

“Grasp the reins, bend down, clamp your legs firmly, and be careful not to fall off!”

The coach present shouted nervously, for fear that Chen Yi would fall off the horse.

Although there is soft sand under your feet, you will not get hurt when you fall, but a ‘crazy’ horse is likely to be trampled on, which is very easy to kill.

This is the clubhouse of the Xiangjiang Jockey Club. People who can come here to practice equestrianism and horseback riding are either rich or expensive. They are also well-known figures in the society. If something happens here, it will definitely be big news.

Chen Yuyan’s tears were about to fall, but she only knew how to ride a horse, not a master, so she didn’t know what to do at this time.

As an inspector, she is always able to handle cases calmly, but in this unexpected situation, she realizes that, just like an ordinary girl, she will panic, her heartbeat will speed up, and she will panic.

Some professionals have already prepared for rescue and stopped this ‘crazy’ horse, but soon the equestrian coaches around around just gave up.

Because they found that where the horse went crazy, it was the rider who made it run.

Although the horse hasn’t been rigorously trained, it can’t complete some obstacles, but it can still be seen that the rider’s riding skills are excellent.

His body undulates with the running movements of the horses, forming a specific rhythm, with a graceful posture, and firmly controlling the horses under him. There is an artistic conception of ‘the unity of man and horse’.

Immediately, a pair of eyes looked at Chen Yuyan, their eyes were subtle.

I thought it was the horse going crazy, but this is clearly a master galloping on the horse. Why did your girl suddenly scream and almost didn’t scare us.

Just don’t ride a horse like this, otherwise the horse might be crazy if you make a call on the horse.

Chen Yuyan also discovered Chen Yi’s equestrian skills that far surpassed her. Chen Yuyan opened her mouth slightly, and she couldn’t believe it. When she saw a bunch of people, she stared at herself unhappily. Chen Yuyan was ashamed and wanted to dig a hole directly. Get in.

This was a shame, but fortunately, no one knew him nearby, or it would not be a social death.

At the same time, she was also furious, knowing that he was being tricked by Chen Yi. He said that he had only ridden a horse a few times. How could this be possible? It depends on the strength of his horses now, no matter how you look at him, he is a master rider.

Chen Yuyan raised her eyebrows and gritted her teeth, wishing to call Chen Yi over to bite off a piece of meat, but she was also relieved, she was really scared to death just now, and her soul was almost scared out.(Read more @

Feeling the thumping and powerful beating of the heart, and watching Chen Yi’s heroic posture on horseback, Chen Yuyan was in a daze for a while, not knowing whether her heartbeat was afraid of fear or some kind of strange heartbeat.

At this moment, Chen Yuyan heard a very angry voice from behind, “…Yuyan, is that your friend?”

Chen Yuyan was shocked, and quickly turned her head, and saw that standing behind her was a vigorous man in her forties with a small flat head and a thin face. She hurriedly stood upright and said: “…Teacher , Why are you here?”

“Recently, I happened to go to Hong Kong to do business. Why am I also a member of this jockey club, so I just come and have a look.”

The man smiled heartily and looked at Chen Yi, who was struggling with the horse. He had a heartfelt joy in his eyes, and asked again: “…Is that your friend? This technique is already very good among amateur players. How old is this year?”

After hesitating for a while, Chen Yuyan just said: “…It’s my friend, this year seems to be nineteen years old.”

Chen Yuyan’s words were a bit quick, as if she didn’t want to talk more about this topic, for fear that someone would mention the scandal just now.

The man looked at Chen Yuyan, then at Chen Yi, and suddenly he said, “… Meiyan, you are an old cow eating tender grass!”

Chen Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted quickly. She almost blurted out the curse. Fortunately, she realized that this was her elder, and she abruptly held back what she was going to curse.

Over there, Chen Yi saw that Chen Yuyan seemed to be chatting with some acquaintance. He pulled the rein to stop the horse. This changed from extremely moving to extremely quiet, causing the front legs of the horse under the hip to be kicked into the air.

But even if the horse made such an exaggerated posture, Chen Yi sitting on its back was still immovable, as if he were integrated with the horse, not only reflecting his superb technique, but also showing his own mastery of muscle strength.

With the whip and lightly patted, let the horse called lina trot towards Chen Yuyan, while Chen Yi was upright with his upper body upright and his butt slightly raised, sitting on the horse in a standard British rider’s posture.

A few meters in front of Chen Yuyan, Chen Yi rolled over and got off the horse neatly. He took a carrot from a basket on the side and fed it to the horse.

Seeing Chen Yi caressing the face of her beloved horse, and seeing lina touching Chen Yi affectionately with the horse’s face, Chen Yuyan was a little jealous for a while, so this horse abandoned her master?

·· ·····Find flowers 0 0

“Sir Chen, who is this?”

After stabilizing lina, Chen Yi took off his hat with his right hand wearing black leather gloves, holding the horse with his left hand, and holding the hat and whip with his right hand, and came to Chen Yuyan.

Seeing Chen Yi’s sunny smiling face, upright posture and the British gentleman feeling of standing with a horse, Chen Yuyan’s face blushed inexplicably, she quickly took a deep breath and introduced Chen Yi:

“…This is my equestrian teacher Shan Zengcheng, a Tibetan, now the vice president of the National Equestrian Association, and has participated in several Olympic Games in the past.”

Hearing Chen Yuyan’s introduction, Chen Yi also whispered in his heart. She deserves to be the daughter of the deputy chief of the Xiangjiang Police Department. This teacher has such a big background.

…… ……… 0

Chen Yi handed the reins to Chen Yuyan, changed the hat and riding whip to her left hand, took off her right glove, and shook hands with the man who looked almost fifty years old in front of him, and said respectfully: “…Teacher you it is good!”

Chen Yi didn’t know what to call the other person, so he called the teacher along with Chen Yuyan.

And the other party can afford to call himself.

There are a lot of Tibetans in the Olympic equestrian team. It may be that the people there can get in touch with horses from an early age, so they have a basic advantage over people in other places.

“Young man, good horsemanship, how many years have you learned it?”

Shan Zengcuo also shook hands with Chen Yi enthusiastically and asked with appreciation.

For people who have been dealing with horses for a lifetime, he also appreciates the younger generations who like horses and have good equestrian skills.

Chen Yi was embarrassed for a while, fearing to scare the other person, but he told the truth: “…probably less than a month.”

Hearing Chen Yi’s words, Shan added Cuo frowned and looked rather dissatisfied, thinking why Chen Yi lied in this regard.

Seeing the other person’s look, Chen Yi could also guess what the equestrian master thought. He added, “…I know you don’t believe it, but I really didn’t lie to you. The first time I rode a horse was a month ago. ”

“…At that time, I thought horse riding was very interesting, so I went to practice whenever I had time, so the total time of riding was not short.”

Seeing Chen Yi like this, he didn’t seem to be a lie. For a while, whether it was Shan Tengcuo or Chen Yuyan, he fell silent.

Chen Yuyan looked at Chen Yi with a complicated expression. She had been riding horses for many years, but she couldn’t reach Chen Yi’s realm. If you say this, doesn’t it seem that I am incompetent! zero.

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