Chapter 392 Natural beauty is hard to give up

Chen Yi was a little weird when she heard that my sister called her grandfather father.

The grandfather is obviously more than 60 years old, but his children are only more than 20 years old. This kind of generational difference brought about by late marriage and late childbearing makes Chen Yi a little uncomfortable.

From the outside, Chen Jin can be regarded as his sister at best, and she is still a few years old.

But thinking that my mother is in her early forties, they should be sisters in relationship. For the only child living in the modern city, this feeling is really indescribable.

There is no difference in age, but generations are separated. In rural areas or in ancient times, it is more common. However, after modern family planning has become an only child, this situation is very rare.

Chen Jin looked sideways at Chen Yi, but she was actually a little lamented.

The Chen family is relatively sparsely populated, with few close bloodlines, and most of them are distant relatives separated by three generations.

When she was a child, she heard her father say that when her father was young, because of the Chen family’s disaster, many of her relatives from far away had lost contact with each other.

When her father was in a high position again, the relatives who had been hiding from the plague god all jumped out again.

Everyone began to recall the old things, talking about the parents’ shortcomings, and the old past events such as 25 when you were a child I hugged you have also been turned out.

But her father is not the kind of soft-eared person. If you are kind to me, then I will repay you, but since you are unkind, don’t blame me for being unrighteous.

Therefore, in the face of those who climbed relatives, Chen Jin knew that his father was completely indifferent and refused. At the beginning, some people said that he had a position to deny his relatives and spoke ill of them secretly.

But as time went by, the relationship between the two parties became weaker and weaker, and such distant relatives never appeared again.

Chen Jin had no siblings since she was a child, not only relatives, but also those cousins ​​and cousins. It can be said that in the process of growing up, she has no peers at all.

In addition, her parents were late in marriage and childbearing. Living in the military compound, she was actually in a poor position when facing friends of the same age.

Moreover, her parents came late and were very fond of her. Chen Jin didn’t make any major mistakes since she was a child. It can only be said that it was due to her character.

Otherwise, with the doting in the family, she estimated that she would have been spoiled by others in the process of growing up.

Just like a certain surnamed Li, because his parents were also late in childbearing, the excessive indulgence eventually made him commit a crime of strong x and was sentenced to ten years.

It wasn’t until recently that Chen Jin, who was in England, received a call from his father, knowing that there was still such a relative in his family, and even more so, knowing the ins and outs of those things through his father’s advice.

At that time, her father and Chen Yi’s grandfather were brothers, and they had this kind of affection. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are both pro and pro.

Chen Jin also developed a keen interest in her big nephew who suddenly appeared. She had read many domestic reports when she was in England, and she knew very well about Chen Yi’s resume, and she was even amazed.(Read more @

Now I finally returned to China and saw my handsome-looking nephew with my own eyes.

The reason why Chen Jin had no siblings since she was a child made Chen Jin feel more joyful of having a younger brother when she faced Chen Yi, as well as the faint maintenance in her heart without saying anything.

Because she was thinking about something, Chen Jin walked by and kept staring at Chen Yi’s profile. Of course he noticed it with Chen Yi’s sensitivity. He turned his head in a puzzle, facing her, staring at her clearly. ‘S eyes, strangely said:

“…Look at what I’m doing, sister-in-law?”

Chen Jin was startled. When the two looked at each other, she was flustered in her own heart. She quickly turned her head and looked forward, pretending to be calm in her mouth:

“…It’s okay, I think your skin is pretty good, did you use any cosmetics? Tell me about it, Sister-in-law.”

She had no words to look for, for fear that Chen Yi would find out that she had a slight heartbeat when she looked at his profile for a moment.

Although she has never had a boyfriend, as a woman, a woman with a normal sexual orientation, Chen Jin is naturally interested in those handsome guys, but she just disdains the so-called handsome guys.

She and Chen Yi are eight or nine years old, and they are both young people in the twenties. They may also be blood-connected rhythms, or the expectation that came when they knew Chen Yi.

This made Chen Jin have a strong affection for Chen Yi, and after meeting, she found that Chen Yi was as good as she had imagined, or even worse.

CTV reports and those videos on the Internet can’t show the handsomeness of his nephew at all.

Well, yes, he is his big nephew, Chen Jin, don’t think about it!

Chen Yi didn’t know that his sister-in-law thought so much at that moment. He touched his face. It may be because of the system that the skin is good, but he couldn’t say this, so he had to say:

“…What kind of cosmetics do I use for a man, at most, facial cleanser and moisturizer are gone. Maybe I can’t give up because of my natural beauty!”

Listening to Chen Yi’s ridiculous remarks, Chen Jin just gave him a blank look, “…Smelly beautiful, you are really narcissistic, and you are naturally beautiful and hard to abandon yourself. Do you have to add another sentence of “A Dynasty” Choose the king’s side’?”

“It’s not impossible, but the king has to be Wu Zetian, or sister, you are so beautiful, I also recognize it.”

Chen Yi raised his brows, just laughing.

“Go go, you still take advantage of your sister-in-law.”

Chen Jin waved her hand pretending to be disgusted, a pair of big black and white eyes flashed angrily, not the charm of a woman’s temptation, instead there was a fairy air that seemed like she was gradually moving away, which made people feel embarrassed.

Chen Yi’s eyes flashed astonishment, thinking that the girl Nan Jiyue shouldn’t be called the little fairy, this name should be 690 for sister-in-law!

“Why don’t you call me sister-in-law, you are young and beautiful? I really can’t think of you as a sister-in-law. I am a sister at all, and also a sister!”

Chen Yi continued to boast cheeky.

“Spontaneous words, how can you say that? You are too poor!”

Chen Jin feels that she is really worried about her elder nephew’s emotional life. He can talk and coax girls only to deceive little girls.

Moreover, he was rich, handsome, and sweet, so he could only silently mourn the girls around him.

“I heard my dad say that you have something to do in Xiangjiang?”

Being praised by Chen Yi that she was young and beautiful, Chen Jin was very happy, but she did not dare to talk more about this topic, and immediately changed to a new topic.

“Well, some things at work are troublesome to talk about specifically.”

Chen Yi was ambiguous and didn’t say too clearly. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust my sister-in-law, but that some things were a little complicated, and he was too lazy to explain.

Chen Jin didn’t care, just said: “…then go, go to dinner with my sister-in-law in the evening, I will introduce someone to you.”

“…If you encounter something in Xiangjiang, you can talk to her. Although I dare not say that it can be solved for you, it is always good for your career to know more individuals.”

Chen Yi’s heart moved when she heard what my sister-in-law said.

It seems that I have to expand my social circle again. .

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